
Essay about Cholera Project

Satisfactory Essays

1. Models are analogies that allow us to clarify hypotheses—proposed explanation of relationships between. What roles do models play in testing hypotheses?

Models provide the physical testing and proof of a hypothesis by exploring the extent to which the two factors relate within the given hypothesis. It puts a theory into action, to see if the theory is corrected causes and effects.

2. What did the humoral model of disease propose as the cause for cholea?

The humoral model of disease said that disease was caused by an imbalance in one or more of four "humors" or fluids in the body: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Physicians would decide on a treatment based on what they thought was the cause of the …show more content…

2. Why weren’t Snows ideas about cholera accepted at this early date? 3. Explain why cholera outbreaks are more consistent with contamination of water than air. 4. Given that cholera outbreaks are more consistent with contamination of water that air, why did the miasma model persist? 5. How did Snow’s experimental research on anesthesia help him design a new model for the cause of cholera? 6. Why would evidence of cholera in people living side by side, differing only in water supply, provide critical evidence? 7. When was the germ theory of disease proposed, and on what basis?

Part three:

1. Why was it useful to be able to verify the source of the water? 2. Why would a neighborhood served by two different water companies be more useful for testing Snow’s hypothesis than two neighborhoods each with their own source? 3. Epidemiologists often draw causal webs to illustrate the interrelationships among biological, social, and environmental variables that contribute to disease outbreak. Based on what you have learned so far, what variables should be included in a causal web for cholera? 4. Snow considered his conclusions about cholera to be inferences from observations whereas the reviewer from the medical journal considered these to be conjectures. What is the difference between inference and conjecture?

Part four:

1. The basic questions of epidemiology focus on the

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