
Choosing A Career

Decent Essays

With the demands of a constantly evolving market and career field, companies and employers have began to seek more and more college degreed employees. Which has lead to universities being the foundation in creating these degreed specialties, but what critical role do universities play in developing robust employees? Universities are the building blocks in creating knowledgeable employees in which can develop, adapt, and evolve to varies situation. The perfect balance of vocation and liberal art skills has grown vital for universities in developing undergraduates into valued employees. By educating undergraduates on a variety of skills like; communication, problem solving, and collaboration skills, provides them the necessary resources to a …show more content…

With the very foundation of choosing their careers beginning with college. Our very lives depends on what steps we choose to take during our early year of a college education. "Market pressures that student exert through their power to choose which institution to attend" (Bok 344). With such a vital task laid upon universities , it's up to the universities to provide the proper resource and tools to develop robust learners and open mind thinkers. "Much of what undergraduates need to prepare for these callings takes the form of practical skills rather than the kinds of knowledge that are the intellectual's stock in trade." (Bok 337). Universities are beginning to educate and instruct more upon these principles, with more practical skills like communications and problem solving , in order to build the foundation of lifelong learning. By providing these skills to college graduates, allows the ease of educating and evaluating within the work field. Allowing college graduates to think on the fly, and easily communicate as a team to resolve the …show more content…

"A capacity to collaborate with others and work with a diverse population, a sensitivity to ethical problems, a strong self-discipline ...are all important aims of a liberal education.." (Bok 342) With universities liberal programs focusing on team building exercise and cooperative communication skills, provides undergraduates the resource to solve more complex conflicts within a team. Allowing the sharing of information with fellow colleagues and expanding their knowledge within the work field to multiple areas. With these cooperative communication skills, undergraduates and employees will find themselves gaining far more experience and knowledge upon their area with addition to more critical learning. In addition universities incorporations of liberal art classes, allows the generalization of multiple career fields and knowledge to expand within those areas, especially for undergraduates who are still undecided in which field to pursue. "Many undergraduates who plan to move directly to a job and know what sort of job they want still seek a liberal art degree." (Bok 342). By allowing students to participate in liberal art class, allows a generalization study to later be condensed into a specific area, creates a wide array of knowledge at the undergraduates disposal. With the ability to have skills within multiple areas, create a spectrum of

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