
Essay about Choosing an IFR Alternate

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Choosing an IFR Alternate
During our usual flight, we need to obey the rules that published by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), there are two flight rules that we use to fly every day, according to the weather conditions such as the ceiling and the visibility outside, one flight rule is VFR (visual flight rules) and the other one is IFR (instrument flight rules), every rule has its own limitations and requirements for their own daily use. Like the visual flight rules, we usually use it because it is convenient, it does not require too much knowledge, when the weather is good and the pilot has the certificate, we can go fly. But what about the instrument flight rules, when …show more content…

Class A, it is from 18000 feet MSL up to FL600 (including 60000 feet), including the airspace of the waters within 12NM of the coast over the 48 contiguous states and Alaska. During the normal time, all operations in Class A airspace is done under IFR. The next is the class B airspace of the United States, all the Class B airspace are around the busiest airport in the US. We can describe a class B airspace as a handstand cake to help us understand Class B better. To measure for the center with the airport and airspace core area average radius can be up to from 5 to 15 miles, according to the different situation of airports, the airspace of the radius of the top may extend to 20 or 30 miles or more. The top of the class B airspace height is not all the same, but such the height of airspace can be up to 8000 feet. It is easy to identify the airspace in the aviation map. During the flight in controlled airspace, we should have corresponding airborne equipment, such as secondary radar transponder, in order to control department can determine your height and location on radar, must have the corresponding radio equipment, in order to maintain a continuous two-way communication. Into the airspace permission beforehand. Next is the class C airspace, class C airspace involves 120 not too busy airport, the airport has enough ability and means to all air traffic in wireless communication and radar control. Class C airspace includes two layers, the

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