
Choosing the Science Career of a Dietitian Essays

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The science related career that I chose was a dietitian. The main parts of this job are to help and tell people about healthy eating and living. Some of the other tasks of a dietitian are, giving people advice about healthy eating, making presentations, doing reports, making sure that people can accept their illnesses, explain health nutrition to the public, helping people with dietary changes and knowing all the key health needs. Dietitians are trained health care professionals. They have to know how to help people change their eating habits to help people with sometimes life threatening illnesses. A dietitian researches new ways to improve health care and can prepare future dietitians for their jobs.

Dietitians sometimes own their own …show more content…

Dietitians spend their days with people, talking to them, explaining and helping them. To be a dietitian, you need to have amazing people skills. You need to know how to make small talk, calm people down and explain to them what is happening. They need to be accepting and appreciative of diverse people and be able to listen to people’s problems and concerns. They also need to be quite organised, they need to safely manage all the client’s information and keep records of everything. Another key quality of being a dietitian is being a problem solver. Their job is to help others solve their problems and to do that they need to be quick thinkers and know many problem solving techniques. Finally, to be a dietitian you need to be able to clearly communicate your thoughts in writing. They must also need to clearly explain medical terms to people who may not understand as easily.

I am interested in being a dietitian because it seems like an interesting job. I love working with people and teaching them or showing them what to do. I also am an organised person, I like everything to be very orderly or else I can’t function. In North American, the obesity is growing and I think that it is important that everyone tries or at least know what to do to help them get out of or avoid that. I love food and I love giving people advice. How the body works is fascinating and I would love to learn

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