When an individual overcome difficulties and undertaking hardship in order to gain happiness. Thus, their life became more meaningful as well a sense of accomplishment. Yet, the suffering and agony bring them toward not performing the same blunder repeatedly. Two people that struggled in life to gain happiness were Chris Gardner a real-life character from the movie Pursuit of Happiness and me as a student to have a better future.
Directed by Gabriele Muccino, the movie pursuit of happiness was very popular in 2006. It involved a non- fiction character named Chris Gardner whose efforts to keep his family from sinking into poverty which evolved into a life struggle. Also, his financial instability made his wife moved away from him which left
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That night he and his son have to live in a public toilet that could lead them to become beggars but still, Christ Gardner didn’t give up. He said to his son, “you got a dream. You got to protect it. People can’t do something’ themselves, they want to tell you-you can’t do it. If you want something. Go get it.” This established a stronger relationship with his son. They both found a shelter to live but every day he ran from work to secure a place in line at the local shelter. He held firm his dignity, resolve, faith, love, and independence during his struggles. At the beginning of the movie, he solved a puzzle for one of the managers in the taxi. Also, he bought coffee for his supervisor. One day, the senior boss asked for money to pay for a cab, he quickly opened his wallet and pulled a five dollar bill. Those actions were compelling because this might be the reason for him to get hired. After experiencing hardship and homelessness, he finally got the job. His immediate reaction was running to his son and told him about it. This scene was marvelous because it was his son too that kept him not to give up in life. Basically, he wanted his son to have a better future. Today, Chris Gardner is a millionaire and a very famous people. His perseverance has paid …show more content…
Moving to Canada was the toughest days of my life. People in my country believe that my education would be increased and I became a better person. On the contrary, not everything happened in an instance. I have to undergo in a lot of difficulties to achieve my goals. I kept saying to myself that I might change my mind to give up on school and become an alcoholic or a drug addicts. But, my conscience told me to follow my dream. Difficulties I faced in Canada were orienting me to this new place. However, the toughest one of all was the language barrier. In my country, it’s mandatory to learn English and French considering the past of colonization in my country. If I don’t study those languages in school, the government could sue my parents. Likewise Creole was my native language which consisted of French and African words. To contrast, the English taught in my country was insignificant compared to Canada. It put a lot of stress on me as well as my parents. But after two years, I managed to get out of this weight. My main sourced was reading many books that were an advised by a teacher. This definitely changed my life and overcome this shyness. After all, the fear of failure from not having a better future and no reputation made me kept on in
Chris’s goals are highlighted throughout the film,his main long term goal is to be there for his son, Christopher and his wife Linda, this is represented in the beginning of the film,”I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. And I made up my mind as a young kid that when I had children,my children were gonna know who their father was”. Chris’s past experiences have made him have this goal and the drive to pursue it. The goals that Chris has set can be achieved through the way he manages his resources and the use of
Happiness. Chris was getting into position to work full time that he dreams. Try hold tears, Chris ran to his son's daycare, hugging Christopher. The ending said that Chris has become a successful and established company’s stockbroker many millions of dollars for
The first behavior is that he is a good father. Mr. Gardner was a great father in the way he handled things. Even though through all the troubles he still maintains to keep his son happy. For example, when they got kicked out of the motel and had to find somewhere to stay, Chris saw that his son was in a depressed state of mind and began convincing him about how the scanner is a time machine. He then pursued to pretend that they were in prehistoric times and they had to hide from the dinosaurs. To hide from the so called dinosaurs Chris took his son into the bathroom calling it a cave.
Chris makes sure his son gets sleep and gets to eat. When he eats at the restaurants, his son is the only one eating. He wants to keep him happy, so he took him to a football game and got him a basketball. This shows that Chris cares for his son and he wants to keep him happy. This also shows that Chris wants to keep his son safe. Chris was able to take care of his son and to make him happy. Chris wanted him to have a better experience in life. Through perseverance, Chris achieves his goals by taking care of his son.
Throughout the film, Gardner portrays hope to keep going in order to show his son that anything is possible. According to Belinda Elliott from CBN in her review, she states “the movie is not a feel-good picture that will leave you with the warm fuzziest” because according to her “we never get to see much of the joy that comes from Gardner’s
The story of the movie The Pursuit of Happyness directed by Gabriele Muccino portrays a family who struggles with finding enough money to pay taxes and afford living expenses. The movie takes a place in San Francisco during the 80s. The two main characters are the father Chris Gardner and his son Christopher, Will Smith and Jaden Smith respectively. Gardner tries to support his family. But every time he attempts to make things better, they always end up worse. Gardner in the story wonders on "how to be happy?" He earns his money by selling the bone density
Throughout our class this semester we learned about all different views of free will and happiness by several different philosophers. In this paper I will be speaking of the relations between a film and two sections we read. The film is the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and excerpts are from The Good Life by Charles Guignon including Rousseau’s theories on happiness, and Sarte’s theories of free will that all inter relate. In The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind a very meek Joel and the crazy Clementine start a relationship on a train across New York.
In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness [sic], Will Smith talks about how Thomas Jefferson used the word "pursuit" in the Declaration of Independence. He goes on to explain “that it is there because a person can pursue happiness, but can never obtain it.” A level of happiness may be experienced as a result of hard work and dedication. Most people have problems and setbacks striving to reach happiness; even ideas of what constitutes happiness vary from person to person. People cope and overcome extremely complex problems in order to reach an acceptable level of happiness.
I recently watched The Pursuit of Happyness. It was a feel good movie about a man who had nothing and how even his nothing declined to just himself and his son. His apartment got taken away, his wife left him, and even after he started to live in a motel, it got taken away also, all because of a lack of money. He worked hard selling useless pieces of equipment that a very small population of buyers would want. He walked countless miles to each buyer each day at a potential shot at buying his merchandise. He made bare minimum and sometimes couldn't give enough food to his son. But through all the change, one thing stayed constant, the pursuit of happiness. He strove learning and soon got a job at an extremely and severe
Chris Gardner faces many moments of failure, however each failure moves him closer to his success, and makes him realize that all of the failure he endures is well worth it. He initially encounters failure, which starts him on the correct path leading to success. He experiences failure throughout his journey as an intern which makes him work harder as a father and an intern, thus making him a more successful parent and worker. Chris eventually gets the job, which is his ultimate moment of success lead from his failures along the way. An individual that experiences failure and undergoes frustration and emotional distress because of it, eventually reaches a moment of triumph as that failure leads them in the right direction towards their ultimate point of well deserved
This person who has achieved true happiness does not necessarily have to be successful monetarily, athletically, or in any other way societies today define success; he/she that possesses true happiness solely is content with everything that goes on around him/her. In this way, these people make the best of any situation, whether it be a good one or a bad one, based
Not even me!” in an attempt to make his son believe he can become whatever he wants. The scene captures the intensity of emotions within Chris.
The movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness” is a film based on a true story of Chris Gardner, where Will Smith shines a tale of rags-to-riches filled with love, family, and outcome of the American dream. Chris Gardner is an American businessman, investor, stockbroker, motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist. Based on this real-life story of Chris Gardner, Will Smith takes the role of Christopher Gardner, who was a salesman struggling to satisfy the needs of his wife, Thandie Newton, and their son, Jaden Christopher Syre Smith. With the financial problems, his wife gives up the struggles, abandoning him and their son. Things get worse as Gardner and his son are evicted from their residence leaving them with no option but to try surviving on the streets of San Francisco. They are forced to move from one place to another in the bid to get a shelter wherever they are lucky to get one. The movie demonstrates us how vigorously he is eager to chase his happiness in many burdensome ways. It exhibits how Chris Gardner becomes homeless in the beginning of the movie, but later he becomes a successful dream achiever after putting all his hard work.
The Pursuit of Happyness is a factual film based on Chris Gardner's near one-year struggle with homelessness, fatherhood, divorce and a desire to achieve to fend for his son Christopher Junior. It is a story highlighting a man's ambition to achieve his goals and find a way of caring for his son. Set in San Francisco, the film starts with Gardner investing his life savings in Bone-Density scanners, a white elephant project which financially breaks the family; his wife separates from him leaving him with the custody of their son Christopher. Additional problems set in ranging from Gardner's eviction from his house, garnishment of his bank account as well as his credit cards. In line with this, he is forced to live in the streets but his meeting with Jay, the manager at Dean Witter places him on the path to success; his new-found
Based on the real life story of Chris Gardner, the Pursuit of Happyness looks at the crests and troughs in Chris' life on his way to becoming a stock broker, and eventually as everyone knows, a multi-millionaire. Will Smith played the role of Chris Gardner while Smith's son, Jaden Smith played Gardner's 7 or 8-year-old son.