
Chris Mccandless Character Analysis

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The wonders of how literature readings, emotional and emotionless music, as well as television shows can affect the way individuals ponder about their lives and the world is quite an awe-inspiring, yet uncanny fact. In other words, such influence can ultimately change the way individuals in the world think and take action upon. Chris McCandless, a daring character from Into the Wild, endeavored to run away from the comfort of home and seek for danger at the age of twenty two. Such endeavor, such courage, and such determination of McCandless is derived from authors of literature. Although, I have never been persuaded to run away from home because of a reading(s), I had once watched a show, Gray’s Anatomy, a medical show that started showing …show more content…

Meredith Grey and her best friend Dr. Christina Yang, dealt with diverse, yet strenuous medical situations. The ways in which the characters in the show dealt with such difficult situations in the medical field- especially their daring moves to do what they desire to do in order to fulfill their curiosity- is definitely awe-inspiring to me. Similar to how McCandless believes how remarkable the “writings of London, Thoreau, Muir, and Tolstoy” was enough to make him “abandon the comforts of home and purposefully seek out mortal danger,” watching each season, episode, minute, and second of Gray’s Anatomy is enough for me to seek to become like the surgeons (Miller 429). Of course, my own journey is quite different from McCandless’ journey. I did not “hop in a car and head west, embarking on a journey that...has become a cliche for the dispossessed male…[I did not tell] no one where [I] was going or what [my] plans were” (Miller 429). In fact, I stayed where I was, stationary, and I told my friends my plans, plans that I assure were not as far-fetched and unrealistic as McCandless’ plans: to perform a dissection. When I watched multiple …show more content…

(A cadaver is a dead human body donated for scientific research and study). I already knew such desires of mines could not yet be fulfilled by a young adolescent me. Instead of taking such a far-fetched approach, I chose to approach my desire by dissecting a dead animal, and it just happened to be a coincidence that I had to dissect a dead cat for my Anatomy and Physiology Class. Of course, a cat is not the same as a human being and a dead cat is even farther from an a human being. Nonetheless, I was content with a cat because according to Animal Corner, “A cat’s skeleton is very similar to that of a human being” (1). Also, I thought of it as the very first stepping stone into a world of medicine, a world of endless surgeries, a world of saving lives. In my attempt to be a surgeon, I wores gloves and a mask during the dissection. My goal was to perform similar surgical techniques and use similar, if not the same, surgical tools utilized in real surgeries as close as possible as well as actually visualizing body parts with my own naked eye. Throughout weeks of careful, meticulous dissections that my group and I performed as well as the recorded multiple videos of, I was gradually feeling content, gradually fulfilling my

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