
Chris Penguin Monologue

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Short story I can tell you a story about when I was 32 a FPS working full time on looking for any signs of terrorist penguins hoping to see one. Well “the name's chuck, chuck penguin and my 2 friends Chris penguin and Alex penguin.”were just finishing our conversation about what possible ways we could update security all around the city while driving in Alex’s police car and heading back to FPS hideout but then we heard something rumbling and t hat's when we heard it. BOOOM! A huge explosion rocked the ground and made our ears hurt so we tried to get their as fast as possible. But as we were just around the corner we started to hear gunshots and it came to me at that moment. Terrorist penguins, the most vicious gang of penguins there was in New Penguins City, and when we got there I saw someone kinda big standing on a car. So I grabbed my binoculars and I saw him, the most vicious criminal of all the bad penguins in jail already. Jonny Terrorist, a penguin who leads gains of terrorist penguins all over the United States of penguin America, he's a man who will …show more content…

We checked for any weapons and bombs, everything but nothing was on him, he told us he dropped his stuff in the skyscraper running away from me. But then we got him through security at prison and shoved him in his cell, he would eat all 3 meals a day, get 1 hour of reading per day, and 30 mins of activity time. Later though, after I went back home I was watching the news and I heard the tv say something about me and Alex saving Chris and taking down Jonny and his terrible gang. So I felt proud to myself but then I thought, we still gotta keep watch for any of Jonny’s other gains, so I went to the mayor and told him to install me and Alex’s and chris’s idea. He liked it and said we probably should do that to keep people safe from Jonny’s gangs of terrorist

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