Short story I can tell you a story about when I was 32 a FPS working full time on looking for any signs of terrorist penguins hoping to see one. Well “the name's chuck, chuck penguin and my 2 friends Chris penguin and Alex penguin.”were just finishing our conversation about what possible ways we could update security all around the city while driving in Alex’s police car and heading back to FPS hideout but then we heard something rumbling and t hat's when we heard it. BOOOM! A huge explosion rocked the ground and made our ears hurt so we tried to get their as fast as possible. But as we were just around the corner we started to hear gunshots and it came to me at that moment. Terrorist penguins, the most vicious gang of penguins there was in New Penguins City, and when we got there I saw someone kinda big standing on a car. So I grabbed my binoculars and I saw him, the most vicious criminal of all the bad penguins in jail already. Jonny Terrorist, a penguin who leads gains of terrorist penguins all over the United States of penguin America, he's a man who will …show more content…
We checked for any weapons and bombs, everything but nothing was on him, he told us he dropped his stuff in the skyscraper running away from me. But then we got him through security at prison and shoved him in his cell, he would eat all 3 meals a day, get 1 hour of reading per day, and 30 mins of activity time. Later though, after I went back home I was watching the news and I heard the tv say something about me and Alex saving Chris and taking down Jonny and his terrible gang. So I felt proud to myself but then I thought, we still gotta keep watch for any of Jonny’s other gains, so I went to the mayor and told him to install me and Alex’s and chris’s idea. He liked it and said we probably should do that to keep people safe from Jonny’s gangs of terrorist
It all started the day I died. I think I should formally introduce myself, My name was Craig Crow and I lived in Alabama on a corn farm with my wife and two beautiful twin sons. We lived in a house with 3 bedrooms and a very small crawl space in the attic. The barn was old with bright red paint and big white sliding doors, we owned 2 horses, one for me and one for my son. The only way for us to get into town was a small green beaten up pickup truck that had been passed down for generations. The house had been passed down just like the truck had been and my whole family is buried here, including my wife and I.
The scene starts off by Spongebob and Patrick screaming as they are being pulled out of the fish tank they are being held captive in. The scuba-diver, Spongebob and Patrick in hand, marches over to a table lit with a lamb, each step thumbing across the wooden floor. Spongebob and Patrick, the lamps intense heat bearing down on them, begin to sweat and dry up. The scuba-diver laughs menacingly. He then proceeds to take a book and close the door to the bathroom. As they lay in the gift shop, shriveling up from the heat of lamp, Spongebob and Patrick realise that they have made it to Shell City. Overcome with joy, they began to sniffle and a single tear forms in an eye from both. Spongebob and Patrick sing as loud as they can, “I’m a goofy goober,
Johnny’s acts of goodness demonstrate his genuinely kind-hearted
We fell out of the sky today. I don’t know where we crashed. Other boys were on the plane so they had to be around here somewhere, but there are no grownups—that’s what Ralph said. Ralph thinks we’re on an island and he’s been calling me “Piggy.” I don’t want him to call me that; that’s what the boys at school call me. He’s been making fun of my asthma too. Anyways, he said his dad is in the Navy and he’s going to come rescue us. Ralph spotted a shell in the water—I told him it was a conch—and I remember someone that had one and would blow into it and his mum would come. Ralph blew into it (it took a couple of tries), and then children started appearing. There were a bunch. There were these twins, Sam ‘n Eric and Jack Merridew and his choir.
Johnny was a good person at heart. He helped those kids risk their lives even though he did not have to. Johnny could have stayed alive if he was paying attention to his surroundings. He got caught off guard when he was by himself, so when he was by himself he got jumped by the Socs when he was alone
The story of trey, the football player. Trey thrives off the feeling of winning a football game, he trains until he can’t train anymore and even when he can’t he never stops. It all has to do with the passion and love of the game football itself, losing is never an option in his eyes but when losing a game does occur he deals with it humbly and uses it as a learning experience and comes back stronger for his next game. Lately trey has gotten an offer to participate for a well-known football team that is loved and supported by many, but to grab this opportunity he is required to travel 3 and a half hours from his hometown, away from his parents, siblings and everyone else trey values in his life.
Thanks there Mary, we’ll just see what happens! Hope today is a nifty one, I went to Rice’s this morning and it was a bit chilly, no bike riding today. Also I thought Chrissy was coming back today, it’s not till next Tuesday. What a tragedy to have to be in Hawaii for over 2 weeks lol. Off for more fun talk to you later
“Cory gangsta’s don’t eat ice cream early in the morning.” I said as I watched his smile disappear.
Daniella Owusuwaah Ashley Dunn THE 191: Section K 28, April 2015 Avenue Q: Sesame Street Meets South Park Avenue Q is a laugh-out-loud, fast moving musical that is an adult version of Sesame Street that address racism, pornography, homophobia, and the parable of finding one’s purpose in life through satirical songs. On Friday, April 17, I saw Miami’s production of Avenue Q directed by Ms. Saffron Henke at the Gates-Abegglen Theatre. This unique show uses puppets as a shield to explore issues that are often hard and sensitive to talk about; it’s easy to talk about racism when it’s through a puppet. I believe that the goal of Miami’s production of Avenue Q was to present and educated to the community and the students about issues such as
One early saturday morning my dad (Shawn), my cousin (trey), and I woke up at 2:30 a.m. to go duck hunting. When we get out there we are one of the first people there and 4:00 comes along and we sent out to our spot. When we come to a spot that boats can't go we have to walk for about 15 minutes. As we are putting out the last of are decoys we here so more people throwing out decoys and they are pretty close. Well, we start talking to them and they are pretty nice and they ask if they can hunt with us and we said yes. Then, daylight comes and a group of ducks come in and we shot but I was the only one that killed one that we could find and it´s a drake which is a male mallard. Then, my dad shoots and we could not find his ducks.
Greg Heffley goes back to when he was a baby in his moms stomach and tells how he would love to go back……...but when he comes out, its a whole new world. Greg goes through so much in his years of life, and one day, he has a school dance that everyone is going to and he wasn't going to miss it. He had Rowley Jefferson be his wingman, which I personally think that is a wrong choice. Rowley tries to get girls to like greg by saying how strong and handsome he is, but will it work? Almost every girl in gregs school is taken, and half of the girls thinks greg is a dork and doesn't want to go with him. Just then this girls abigail doesn't have a date to the dance and what do you think rowley did? well i think u guys dont need me to tell you. Greg
Epilogue The time has come. The last day of school has arrived. 4 years of uncertainty and uneasiness.
Frances made a telephone call to one of her best friends who live in Manhattan. Her name was Christina. Frances started to tell Christina the whole situation between Michael and herself. Christina never met Michael before.
Dyan deNapoli: The great penguin rescue In deNapoli speech,she is talking about the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico and the majority of African Penguins who were affected. A ship named "The Treasurer" sank off of Cape Town, South Africa spilling 1300 tons of fuel, and polluted the habitat; half of the worlds African penguins. Other spills killing majority of the penguins occured as well. We should now be focusing on our two main threats, which are overfishing and global warming, we need to make a change so our penguins dont go extinct.
I went to the store one day and then I walked into the store and it blew up and I died and as well as an everybody else died too cape. Doors or farmer no there was a farmer and some other guy and the guy took the farmers bike and rode away. after that, he Road into the desert and the SWAT team came after him. the SWAT team was shooting at him had helicopters and stuff. The police came after him and he was riding his bike they shot at him and it busted his tire and an helicopter that's What's flying he jumped on it as he was falling and the helicopter lifted him off and then an F-16 came in and shot down the helicopter right at that just happened a plane flew right under him and then he was on top of the plane the next 5 miles then blew