
Chris Watson Observation

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On October 7th, I got a chance to observe Chris Watson’s middle school ensemble. This ensemble was made up of five percussion players and a trumpet player. This was his first year with this school. The year previous that class was basically a percussion class. He was telling me that he had to change a lot in this first year. It was great opportunity to observe this school because it was an experience I will not forget. When class started, the students automatically started practicing on their parts. They specifically worked on the songs that they were assigned for the day. Looking around the room, he also had the SPIs posted on the chalk board, but he did not go over the objectives he was going to talk about for the day. Also, there were music poster that were either motivational or would help them in some type of way. These are the few …show more content…

I felt this was a great idea because the students will be able to know what to work on for the day. I, also, was happy that the standards were posted. Even if the students do not pay much attention to them, those standards can help him back track to make sure he covered the standard he wants to cover with the students that day. The posters were a nice touch to the room. Remembering back as a student, I enjoyed those posters especially the ones that would try to motivate you. This is what I did enjoy about his classroom setting.
In the beginning of class, Mr. Watson started the class by passing out a monthly newsletter which I thought was a great idea. Afterwards, He begun with class working on the concert pieces. A lot of the time, Mr.Watson would play the trumpet with his only trumpet player. He would also work on the percussion part whenever they needed some work. His class was very well mattered the whole time. This middle school class was not disruptive throughout the class, and they got through a lot of music in their forty-five minutes. This is how the class

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