Compare and Contrast Risk/Crisis Management Plans
Working in a sports management field not only requires for rules and regulation, but each athletic department should have some type of risk/ crisis management plan in place. The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast risk and crisis management plans between two university athletic department programs. The two universities I have chosen for this assignment is Christian Brothers University and The University of Cincinnati.
Christian Brothers University
Christian Brothers University is a private catholic institution and is competitive in division II program. The purpose of their crisis management plan is to ensure and to protect the lives of individuals that may be on their
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However when comparing and contrasting both plans, Christian brothers is a smaller university and risk management plan which covers three different types of levels of crisis. While the University of Cincinnati has its own plan for the athletic department. With Christian Brothers their plan focus on the whole university and responsibilities are designated by university personnel, while the university of Cincinnati roles of responsibility are designated by the athletic department staff.
What are they missing?
I believe Christian Brothers University is missing a separate plan that will cover their athletic department. It is very important for the athletic department to have their own plan to assist with the student athletes and manage crowd control to ensure safety in case of an emergency. However, I would not omit anything in the risk/crisis management plan. Even though, the Christian Brother’s university does not have specific plans for its athletic department, I do admire the fact that they have a disaster plan in place. .
Are potential risk areas are
During the crisis at Memorial, doctors and nurses had to find ways of quickly and efficiently moving ill patients when “the hurricane knocked out power and running water and sent the temperatures inside above 100 degrees” (Fink 1). If these nurses, doctors and staff were given an evacuation plan before the storm, they could have practiced it and would not have had to spontaneously make up a plan that no one was familiar with. During college students are always roaming campus and are vulnerable to terrible events happening, this real world situation at Memorial has definitely shown me that anything can happen and there should be plans arranged for each situation whether it is a snowstorm or a gunman on campus. Two main topics that popped up when I read Deadly Choices at Memorial were to always have a plan and work well in teams; if there ever were a shooter on campus, students should be aware and know of the safety plan and work together to make sure everyone was
As an active member of the committee to assist in drafting a risk management plan for the local YMCA, I would focus on a lot of different areas to ensure the safety of the athletes playing the sports, the staff and personnel, and the fans and parents who are watching the sports activities. Before opening the facility, I would make sure there was a legal team to help with any problems trying to open the YMCA and for future accidents and situations and making sure the YMCA has all of the appropriate types of insurance that might be necessary for the future. Next, I would guarantee that all employees and coaches have the necessary forms, documents and trainings, such as CPR certificates to make certain that the children and properly being taken
The plans devised by each team can be tested. It may not be possible to test all sessions at one time. Facilities can have planned drills in which they evacuate buildings. IT can test their back up servers by accessing files at random times. It’s recommended that IT does this frequently as even one lost day of data could do harm to the company. Employees should be able to go through the motions of a disaster day. Everything from calling into a line and making sure they understand instructions for new meeting locations to being able to work from a remote computer should be covered. The warehouse and create a strategy to obtain new transportation and new storage facilities should theirs be destroyed. It’s better to practice and understand the plan before any incidents occur than to try to piece it together in the middle of chaos.
The purpose of the Phinell Christian Academy Crisis Management Plan (PCACMP) is to create a plan that will provide emergency procedures that are specific to the organization’s program to ensure the physical safety of staff and children. Specifically, the PCACMP major components include (a) crisis management team/chain of command; (b) evacuation procedures; (c) emergency procedures; (d) parent reunification procedures and (e) crisis recover procedures. In general, the CMP is located in the main office and each classroom in a hard copy notebook. On the positive side, the plan is written in very simple terms for easy implementation. To simplify, the CMP includes a cover page, table of content, narrative of the major components along with floor
The presentation will cover several areas dealing with the university’s ability to prepare for an emergency or catastrophic event. The areas covered include:
As has been noted, the safety of the children and staff members at Phinell Christian Academy is the highest priority. Therefore, the purpose of the emergency procedures is to provide simple guidelines to insure the safety of children and staff members in the event of an emergency. Since emergencies can escalate to crises, it is important to practice all emergency procedures with staff so they are conditioned to respond and less likely to panic. As required, the CMT continues to plan and prepare for emergencies that are likely to occur in the organization. Accordingly, all potential emergencies should still be identified in the risk assessment section of the CMP (Penuel, Statler, and Hagen, (2013). Nevertheless, the basic idea to any emergency
An emergency operations plan for the community in which we live is a document of great importance to each of us whether we know it or not. This paper examines the emergency action plan for Knoxville, Tennessee. In the course of the examination, it will compare and analyze the plan for Knoxville with the standards set forth in the textbook for this course along with other recognized sources in the field of emergency management.
Both had a section in the handbook for emergency procedures that included fire drills, tornadoes, procedures for death, suicide, and major student disruptions/response to violent incidents, and crisis information
We have come to a time where it is imperative to reset our courses associated with the safety of the employees, the safety of the brand and the longevity of the company alongside their competitive edge. As senior manager, consideration should not be limited to solely short-run solutions. It is primary for the company’s decision makers of all tiers manage the negative and positive potential of any crisis as time can carry the possibilities of unknown limits. Accommodations must be made for the entire community (Senior Management, Ergonomists, Labor Leaders, Politicians of the city, Service Staff, Human Resources and Line Management) under the company’s payroll that has been affected by this natural disaster using our revised Crisis Management Portfolio.
In day to day operations, uncertainties do occur. Henceforth it would be important to have a contingent and well detailed disaster preparedness plan and procedures. Healthcare systems, on a day to day basis, are faced with emergencies in form of disasters. As a result, majority of medical centers have well-structured exit plans in the event of a disaster occurring("Hospital Disaster Preparedness: Your Guide to Getting Started - Emergency Preparedness", 2011). However, this essay will aim at interviewing one of the top disaster preparedness staffat the Houston Methodist Hospital. In the interview, I will seek to identify the top three disasters that the Houston Methodist Hospital is prepared for. Similarly, in the interview, I would seek to identify the top lessons learnt from disaster preparedness at the hospitals.As it concludes it would summarize the findings with regards to the interview stated below. Below is an excerpt from the interview to answer the two aforementioned questions.
The article critique assignment focused on an article written by Mark Fazzini, head of the College of DuPage Police Department in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. His article “The Importance of NIMS to Campus Emergency Response” was printed in a September 2009 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin and was given to us as a class as the assigned article to critique. In addition to finding this article in the CSU Library, the article can be found in other open source search engines. Chief Fazzini points out, in his article, the need for authorities to have effective countermeasures in place to address several threats to campus safety, which he refers to as “evil acts”. (Fazzini, M, 2009). The message of the article is the functionality of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and its importance to colleges and universities.
This paper is analyzing an article called “National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statement: Emergency Planning in Athletics.” A short summary will be provided. Key points from the article will be mentioned. Deciding on whether or not the article should have changes to become better will be described. Reasons why athletic trainers should read the article will be explained. Lastly a conclusion of the paper will be stated.
The Emergency Response Plan was revised with newly created position of Director of Emergency Management as well as department, incorporation of emergency support functions and newly added emergency notification system protocols (VT, 2010). Modifications was made to the University-wide Safety and Security Policies. Major changes was made to the umbrella safety and security policy which was renamed from the Campus Security to University Safety and Security which provides oversight and coordination for all campus policies and committees responsible for safety and physical security (VT, 2010).
Internet surfing might be at risk in this product as web commenced is in used.
An effective crisis management response plan outlines specific procedures for administrator, teachers, and students during evacuation emergencies. Administrators work with teachers, students, parents, law enforcement officers, business and community members, to develop an effective emergency and crises plan. The administrator provides leadership in developing and monitoring the school safety plan and also establishes procedures for emergency evacuation and crisis management at different stages of the plan. However, an effective leader develops a comprehensive prevention education plan, and regularly reviews the code of conduct manual for revisions and current laws.