As humans, we each have our own religion, determined by our choices, backgrounds, curiosity, or problems we face everyday. This is altogether stated in Christopher Hitchens’ quote about religion. “Religion is part of the human make-up. It’s also part of our cultural and intellectual history…” I believe that religion plays an important role in the lives of all human beings. Furthermore, each religion believes in their own God. In addition, each of the religions believe in a God but do not necessarily worship the same God. I believe in a heavenly figure whose name is called God, the Father. In my religion, we believe that He is the only God there is and no other. Now, God is said to be part of the Trinity, which means God is made up of three, which are God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. However, in the denomination of Christianity, we refer to a book called the Bible, and listen to different kinds of christian music. Now, christian music can refer to the history and stories of the Bible. In fact, there are songs that will talk about the birth of Christ, and how He came into the world from God through the …show more content…
Now, some believe that christian rap is wrong because they state that rap is of this world. I believe that christian rap is not wrong, I personally love christian rap music. Some people will say that yes it has a phenomenal message, but rapping it is unnecessary. They say that it is too quick for them to comprehend it, and so that makes it bad. That is when the role of curiosity plays part in this, to go and look up the lyrics, then you will look at the song and the music differently. Which basically all christian rap music talks about Jesus and how He came to this world to save the lost. There are many christians rap artists such as Andy Mineo, Lecrae, Trip Lee, Flame, Da' T.r.u.t.h, The Ambassador, and many more. Each of their songs have a powerful and personal relativity message about
Many of these religions follow a God, or gods. Judaism for example revolves around one God. In document 1, in an excerpt from the book of Exodus, it shows a list of ten rules or, commandments. Number 1 on this list says “I am the Lord your God.” Judaism popped up around 1000 BCE in Mesopotamia. It has very strong ties and resemblances to another major world religion, Islam. This isn’t the only religion that believes in gods. One of the earliest major religions, Zoroastrianism, originating in persia in 6th century BCE, believes that life began with twin spirits, one was the good, one was the evil. They established Life, and non-life. In document 1 and 7, it shows that both of the religions share commandments that its followers should live by. Both of these religions share many commonalities.
According to the book, World Religions Today, by John L. Esposito, Darrell J. Fasching, and Todd Lewis, under the section entitled The Sacred, it states that religion “expresses our sense of being “tied and bound” by relations of obligation to whatever powers we believe govern our destiny-whether these powers be natural or supernatural, personal or impersonal, one or many” (9). Furthermore, the book World Religions Today, by John L. Esposito, Darrell J. Fasching, and Todd Lewis, states that the religions of various people over the years or centuries have proven to be essentially as diverse as the types or forms of power that people essentially believe govern human destiny. In which these types or forms of power “ have ranged from gods as
Religion is one of the greatest creations of mankind. Human beings are different from any other animals because of their ability to think and to create. When man evolved to form societies or countries, when they need to understand better the world around them, religions were created naturally.
Music is an everyday occurrence for most people. In some way, shape and form, people listen to music. For Christians, specially those at bible college, this can be in chapel day to day. For others it may be in a car or even in the workplace, which can be the case for Christians also. Music for me is an everyday occurrence, not only in chapel but also in other places such as my dorm room and when I get ready for sports.
In the article Rap and Moral Character by Wesley Cragg and Christine Koggel, the subject of concern is the consequences of listening to rap music and the effects on moral behaviour. The author suggests that rap and moral character are linked and that due to the natural context of rap, it promotes violence, crass materialism, crime, and is misogynistic and therefore corrupts a person’s moral character. Based on their claims, the authors take the position that rap should be censured – morally. In this paper, I will examine the authors’ claims, their reasoning, and their use of concepts. By doing so, I will be able to demonstrate that their thesis (rap corrupts moral character and deserves moral censure) is unjust
American Gospel music is founded in the African American church. It has a deep culture in America. It is used as an outlet for people who have been oppressed, beaten down, and persecuted. Gospel music acts as a source of inspiration for those who had all but given up. It speaks of the various trials and struggles they’ve undergone, and how they were able to overcome. Is also used as a form of praise and worship, giving thanks to the Lord. The term “gospel” means “the good news.” Gospel music is used to tell the good news of the salvation people have received from the Lord, rescuing them from all of the trials and struggles of the world. Gospel music has been influenced by genres such as jazz and blues. It is a combination of many different forms of music, producing a new and unique type of sound.
The number and variety of religion has so many numerous beliefs and religious practices that people have a hard time to decide exactly on one religion. The main religion that people know and believe is Christianity which practices the belief that there is a god and Jesus Christ. Religion is not really about demanding and making rules on people for what they should do. It is more of different people believing in what they want and then what they want to do with it. Religion is a common thing that is known around the world and to many people. It is also a common reference that people use in books, for example in Hamlet. Religion is an important concept to know on understanding Hamlet better because of the power of their kings, how people based there beliefs on signs and symbols, and the certain symbols that they would use.
Between the 3 of the religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all known to be monotheistic which means they all believe in only one god. As for each of them they all believe that they’re “God” is the origin and source of all that exists. In the religious views of the Jews, each of them believes that there is to be one God who cannot be made up of parts. Muslims believe in an “invisible God,” a god to be intensely feared through his supremacy. This God was not able to have children in which to the Muslims he is described as an “Ultimate God.” Christians hold fast to the trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To Christians, God gave exposure of himself through the body of Jesus Christ, the man who was considered to be incarnated from God. Although each of the religions has their own founders,
Hip hop has become an important figure to mainly the African Americans turning into African American “English” relating to the culture because of the singing culture/tradition. Many agree that people do look for ways to find accustoms towards the culture or tradition. “Rap is the verbal-musical element of hip-hop which society mostly associates.” (Stewart) Many songs relate through some sort of expression, describing the way the hardships of people may have gone through, such as mother or father passing, being involved in gang related crimes; murdering people, selling drugs having friends/family being killed. Also going through parents lacking care to the child, having to see many inhumane things out in the “ghetto” has lead to many people
Music can be a reflection of our life experiences. Each genre of music invokes different emotions and reactions in its listeners. Rap has become a very popular genre of music. As its popularity has increased, some people have questioned whether it can trigger violence in teens. While some rap songs do have violent lyrics, there is no direct evidence that rap music provokes violence in teenagers.
Have you ever thought of how rappers know about certain subjects or condone them in their music? Ever since 1979 when Sugarhill Gang released their first rap song “Rapper's Delight”, rap has made a widespread impact on events, lives, etc. Lyrics such as “Fuck the police” and “I'm sneaky as fuck when it comes to crime” conveys a vulgar image and gives off the feeling that this one individual is participating in these activities. Due to this, I believe rap lyrics should be used as evidence in a court case.
Imagine an inner city kid having grown u in an environment where real life street violence is a way of life. His body, having survived personal experiences of violence, endured barely life sustained conditions, and many sleepless nights caused by the constant yet unpredictable call of death. His mind doubtful over where his next meal will come from, lost in search of some higher guidance, struggling through a world, not of innocent childish fantasies, but trapped in a forced reality. His only outlet is the loud blaring music coddling his already pent-up rage, an escape from these harsh realities, seducing him to a life of violence. In him is created a “me against the world” mentality that is manifested in
It all started when 2 Pac , Biggie , Eazy E, all were killed... The few real rappers that gave us the people real rap music . Talking about what they have gone through their struggles and how they became famous and at the top.. These rappers have also impacted the lives of many other people. Changing the views of their lives giving the people who lived in the ghetto hope that there will be a “ Brighter day after the darkest nights “. Those rappers were heros to many people but they ended up being killed … the rap “game “ was then introduced by another rapper in which who many people now look up to .His name is eminem or “ slim shady “... by rapping his emotions and what pain he has been through was a way he battled his depression .. this man became the hero of many till he just stopped making music but carried on with his touring.. But now its 2017 rap took a plunge ….The new upcoming rappers like Xxxtencion and others … make their
I changed my mind about rap music. Growing up, I never really liked it, the quick beats, the vast usage of inappropriate words not equipped for my adolescent ears disgusted me. I associated rap music as being "dirty," only discussing explicit topics and having no real meaning. While everyone else in high school was blaring Drake and Lil Wayne in the parking lots, I was perfectly okay with listening to Demi Lovato or John Legend. During my sophomore year of high school, my friend kept pestering me to listen to the Hamilton soundtrack, and even though the songs were raps, I realized I loved it. Eventually, I started to not associate all rap music as detrimental and discovered that some rappers rapped about important messages of adversity, conflict, and pain. This lead me to listen to Chance the Rapper's "Coloring Book, " Childish Gambino's "Red Bone and J Cole's "4 Your Eyez Only." I realized that rap is just poetry with accompaniment, poetry that has the rhythm and style to bring generations of people together.
Christians believe that Jesus is both God and man, incarnation of God, and man -gives man two natures, physical and divined that they are united in one person. Thus the mystery of God becoming a human being, Jesus, and suffered and died, and Mary (Jesus' mother) was the mother of God. God resolved himself to mankind in 3 ways, as God the father, God the sun and the Holy Spirit. From this we can see that Christianity is based on the