A Christian worldview is defined as a point of view that is seen in a Christian perspective. We see life in the view of Christianity and live a Christ-like life with Jesus at the center of it. In the lecture notes, we described a Christian worldview as, “a body of assumption that deals with the nature of reality, the organization of the universe, the ends and purpose of human life, values, norms, and differentiation between good and evil, right and wrong” (Casarez). It helps, Christians, understand the rights and wrongs of the world we live in, and allows us to have a path that should be walked as Jesus walked his path. Some Alternatives to a Christian Worldview From a pantheistic worldview, they believe that the all the stars, galaxies, …show more content…
There has been talks about new media and how they need to portray both sides of the stories because most media outlets portray their side of things to make it look like they are right in the sense of religious and secular people. Most people accept the theory of evolution while the Bible denies any sense of evolution. Evolutionist believe that forms of life was created through the process of natural selection, while Christians believe that life was formed through God. In the book, Keller lists different models that people believe and partake in including: conflict model, independence model, and central model. People who think the conflict model is true, believe that Genesis chapter 1 teaches that God created all forms of life within twenty-four hours thousands of years ago. Independent model says that God was the main creator in the beginning world and after that, natural causes took over which created earth. Lastly, the central model says that God created some life and then directed natural selection to develop the more complex of life. Keller says, “his miracles are not just proof that he has power but also wonderful foretastes of what he is going to do with that power. Jesus’s miracles are not just a challenge to our minds, but a promise to our hearts, that the world we want is coming” (Keller, 99). I believe in the Bible and that God created the world within His own hands. I believe in the Bible and the way that everything happened. Through this scripture, it has been said that heavens and earth were created exactly the way God intended it to be, and it was not created out of a cosmic
The secular model to describe the way the universe is created and built is called the Big Bang.
Personally I think that it could go either way, I believe in the possibilities that God may have created the world while I also believe in the possibility that science and evolution explains how humans were created. Maybe Earth can sustain life because it got lucky in its placement and just so happened to have oxygen and everything started as microorganisms and evolved into what it is today. Maybe Macro evolution can explain how things came about, or maybe it can’t. I grew up going to church and studying the scriptures, the thing that I always understood was that it was my job as a Christian to keep an open mind about everything. There are too many different possibilities that could possibly explain why and how the Earth and its inhabitants were created, but there are too many unknowns to fully make a decision about what actually happened. Sciences are just the study of things going on in the world around us, in space, etc. so why should it change someone’s beliefs. I am the type of person that to have a completely solid opinion I want to have
They are young earth creationism, old earth creationism, and theistic evolution. Young earth worldview is the belief that everything was created in six days, twenty-four hours a day, thousands of years ago. This Christian worldview says that everything was made over a twenty-four period, each day he made something different. For example, The first day God created was light so that he can separate light from darkness, since night and day. Every day after day one was something new up until day six. He separated waters above from the ones below, He made the sun and moon, He created birds in the air and fish in the sea, he made creatures, and he made mankind all within those six days. There was a total of six days of creation and a seventh day God rested. Old earth creationism is the belief that when God made everything a billion of years ago. Theistic evolution is the belief that God's “method” of creation was a natural evolution, and that everything evolved naturally. The Bible provides a clear understanding of creation in the first two chapters of the bible which is Genesis. Genesis explains the story of the creation of the earth and how things were made in the beginning. The basics of Genesis is that God created the earth in a matter of six days and that he rested on the seventh day. Genesis chapters 1-2 tell the accounts of the creation of the
A Christian Worldview is one’s view on the world in Gods sight on how it should be. This is basically a different means of how a Christian might view the world compared to a non-Christian. Some may see a sinful world but may not think
Christian Worldview is defined as the framework of ideas and beliefs through which a Christian individual, group or culture interprets the world and interacts with it. Different denominations of Christianity have varying worldviews. There are varieties of particulars within the Christian worldview, and disputes of the meaning of concepts in a Christian worldview, but certain thematic elements are common in the Christian worldview (Ennis, Patricia A., et al). The world-view is by no means all the views and notions of the surrounding
What is a worldview? Worldview is defined by Sire as : “commitment a fundamental orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or in set of presuppositions that we hold about basic constitution of reality that provides foundation on which we live, move and have meaning [Sire].” Neopagan worldview “is not based of dogma or set beliefs, nor on scriptures or sacred book revealed by great man (Fisher 478).” In my opinion a worldview is a set of beliefs one holds about the world that is around them. In this paper I will elaborate on Neopagan beliefs, worldviews, and discuss how to evangelize as a Christian in their worldview.
Worldviews vary from person to person and faith to faith, resulting in everyone seeing the world through their own assumptions and beliefs. Out of the many worldviews discussed in the text, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, and in class three stood out to me for comparison. These three worldviews consist of Naturalism, Pantheism and Polytheism. Worldviews, although not always correct, are how people see the world and reflect on our expectations about life. Differences can be seen in beliefs such as if they believe in a spiritual world, a material world, or both. Worldview’s purposes are to explain the purpose of man and the world. All three worldviews attribute the problems in the world to different aspects based on their beliefs and have diverse notions of how to resolve the world problems. Although a few similarities can be found among these world views, there are multiple differences found.
The reasons I believe what I do goes along with why I believe in the literal approach. Additionally, I hold the complete belief that the world is not billions of years old and goes in complete context with Genesis. With my belief in Young Earth Creationism, I believe that God is solely omnipotent and has the ability to create the world in seconds and days rather than billions of years. My view shows God’s power the most and this way, the world may know that the whole Bible is to be taken in the same way as Genesis 1 and 2 should be
A Christian worldview requires for us Christians to learn and know what the word of God teach us. For us Christians this worldview begins in Genesis chapter one verse one, with God creating the heavens and the earth.
A Christian worldview includes belief the Bible is the inspired word of God. The absolute truths, defined by the word
A Christian worldview leads us to believe in moral absolutes, miracles, human dignity, and the possibility of redemption.
If the question was posed as to what is the debate between creationism vs. evolution consist of, the thought that it is ‘“God did it” vs. “Natural processes did it,”’ (Scott, 2004) may arise. Science cannot absolutely prove or disprove Creation or Evolution. Yet scientist and the remainder of society use creationism and evolution to prove our existence. Creationist believe in the Christian account of the origin as recorded in Genesis. Creationism is the belief that statements such as “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (NIV) found in Genesis 1:1 and also “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (NIV) found in John 1:1. Evolution is the belief that everything just changed over
One’s worldview, as the term implies, represents the, way one views the world and all that exists therein. In the case of the Christian, his/her worldview is shaped by the divinely inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God which serves as the lens or prism through which the Christian views the world and everything therein: and it is through this lens that those profound questions regarding human origins, identity, meaning/purpose, morality, and destiny are seen with a deeply satisfying clarity.
To identify factors that drive people to believe why the world was created by natural and scientific forces instead of being made by an almighty being, a various distinctions from science and faith must be made. According to the Bible, it is written, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made” (Bible.com). Evidence suggests that a superior being over reigns humanity. That being said, it is also suggesting that any achievements or depictions that mankind
The story of creation and the fall of man are the mainly studied and more diligently and critically analyzed in the Bible. They are contained in the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. The creation story is highly criticized in light of scientists and other non believers due the controversy that exist between science and religion. While science is subjective, Religion is objective and thus based on opinion. Nevertheless, the Bible appears more correct and truthful compared the evolution theories. There are more questions than answers in the revolution theory, for instance, how can a monkey turn into human being? And if that’s the case why aren’t the modern monkey turn into human beings? In that case, the Bible stands to be the better version in regard to the beginning of human race. I am a Christian, a fully devoted one, and my analysis of the creation story is based on the Bible, and more specifically, on the first three chapters of the book of Genesis as contained in the New International Version (NIV).