
Christianity And Judaism Compare And Contrast

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I will be giving you similarities and differences between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. I picked three topics and compare and contrast them between each religion. The topics I picked were Foods, Clothing, and Holidays. In each paragraph I will be stating the similarities first than the differences. I am stating similarities in foods. First, Christianity and Judaism both aren’t allowed to eat pig because they are considered “unclean”. Secondly, Islam and Judaism both are very strict and how you handle meats. The meat must be slaughtered and the blood should be completely drained. Lastly, Christianity and Judaism, they both don’t allow some fish but Christianity doesn’t allow fish in general .I am stating differences in foods. First, Judaism does not forbid meat to be eaten with dairy and any utensil that has been used for meat cannot be used for dairy foods. Secondly, Christians don’t eat any fish or seafood. Lastly, Islam laws state that the animals that with be slaughters must be fed clean and natural foods, the food can’t have harmful …show more content…

First, Islam and Judaism are both required to wear the best to go pray and have clean clothes all day. Christianity has a tradition to wear the best for church but is not required. Secondly, all religions are required to wear the best to special occasions. Lastly, in Islam and Judaism dressing like the opposite sex is forbidden. I am stating the differences in clothing. First, Christianity aren’t strict about clothing but they do have tradition that most christians like to follow but others don’t believe in dressing up for church. Secondly, in Islam women have to cover everything except the face, the clothing protects them against cold, heat, and harm in general and they are also strict about the women’s dress code. Lastly, in Judaism married women have to wear a sheitel. Judaism is more strict and the men’s dress code than the women’s but they still care about the

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