
Christianity In The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe By C. S. Lewis

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Many modern media including movies, television shows, and music have themes that are rooted in Christianity. About a third of the world is Christian so many people are familiar with the basic themes and stories. These themes are used to help the audience both relate and connect to the piece. By presenting the same story in a modern and interesting way, the creator grabs the audience’s attention which increases sales. The public enjoys this sense of familiarity because they are not learning something new, rather they are being presented the same story in a different way. The audience may not even consciously make the connection to Christianity but yet they are somehow comforted by a theme that is deeply rooted in their history and beliefs. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis makes many allusions to Christianity, especially through the characters, in a non-conspicuous manner. Aslan is one of the main characters and he is a talking lion that possesses many of the same qualities and performs many of the same acts as Jesus. As lord of the entire woods, Aslan is considered the real king of Narnia. He represents Jesus because Christ is considered the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 19:16). Jesus is the human embodiment of God so He is the most powerful person on Earth. In addition to being the supreme …show more content…

Father Christmas, also known as Santa Clause, is there to help the children. He is aware of the battle that the children are going to encounter and wants them to be prepared. Instead of giving the children gifts, Father Christmas gives them tools for battle. This is very similar to the bible story of the Holy Spirit giving spiritual gifts to all believers, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed…” (1 Corinthians 12). Father Christmas is like the Holy Spirit in that they both care for the people and they are there to

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