In Christianity, according to Mikaela Nixon (2012), Christians believe that the universe, earth, heavenly body, and all living things were created by the almighty God. Christian’s believe God created the universe out of love, everything he created is good and divine to him. Science and Christianity have common grounds instead of disagreement, some Christians believe in the Big bang theory and evolution as well, but they believe God made that happen, he used this method to create the universe and everything in it.
Resources: - Cosmology of Christianity. Mikaela Nixon (2012). According to the Article Christian World (2004), Christianity is one of the major world religion that is monotheistic, which means it believes there is only one God that
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The concept of evil is from doing wrong things against God, this causes the person violence, greed and injustice. A good example of God and Evil is Adams and Eve lie in heaven.
Resource: - Christianity View on Good and Evil.(2015). According to Norton Herbst, human being get apart from their God when they start being selfish towards the physical world that we live in. Human beings commit sin every day so they need a saver that will return them to their god and clean their sins. It is believed that Jesus crucified himself on the cross to clear the sins of his people, Christians believe that if a person declares that Jesus is the lord he will be saved.
Resources: - The Christian View of Salvation. Norton Herbst. (n.d).
When I think of the concept of “evil,” I think of The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius. In The Consolation of Philosophy, Lady Philosophy stated:
Christian Beliefs in the Origins of the World “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” A Description of Christian Beliefs About the Origins of The World Christians believe that God created the universe.
God sent Jesus to save us for our repentance with the promise to those who choose to follow Him will be saved (Romans 5-6).
Good and evil are two sides of the same coin. The type of coin makes no difference, be it an American dollar or an Indian Warhead. The similarity lies in the fact that it is the currency of all humans alike: man or woman, white or black(or something in between). In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” Harper Lee explores the depths of human nature and conformity.
One of the oldest dilemmas in philosophy is also one of the greatest threats to Christian theology. The problem of evil simultaneously perplexes the world’s greatest minds and yet remains palpably close to the hearts of the most common people. If God is good, then why is there evil? The following essay describes the problem of evil in relation to God, examines Christian responses to the problem, and concludes the existence of God and the existence of evil are fully compatible.
Now that I have discussed where evil originated, I want to provide a brief definition of evil. Most people will agree that evil is any cruel act, serious harm to another person mentally or physically. It can also be identified in a level of evil meaning people tend to feel that the more harm done to a person the greater the level of evil. Some examples of evil are acts of murder or abuse that harms another human being or animals. While I do agree with this definition of evil, I also think there is another crucial part of the definition. It is that evil itself is an act against the law of God. The Bible uses the word evil to define anything that is in violation of God’ law. In the connection between good and bad, evil is also seen as the absence of goodness. A simple way to understand the connection is that evil is a “fundamental and troubling departure from goodness” (Alcorn, 2009, p. 25). Alcorn’s view of evil is a complete absence and rejection of God’s goodness. I completely agree with this definition of evil, but I also understand that not all people believe in my God or any God for that matter. Atheists also identify evil in the world and they would agree with me on some acts that I think are evil. However, their definition does not include God. For example, Humanists believe there is good without God. They see the evil in the world and believe they must
Evil, for the most part, is associated with wickedness, harm, and mischief. The concept of evil has changed throughout the course of history. In the Hebrew Bible, evil is either created by a flawed human will or a flawed cosmic order. Meaning, evil is either made by men’s imperfect structure or just a flaw in the universe which cannot be stopped by anyone or anything. In Greek Philosophy, Evil is non-existent.
Evil in this context is regarding to all suffering, pain and horror. Evil can be categorized as natural evil and moral evil. Natural evil is that which occurs by natural means e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis etc. Moral evil is that which is imposed on humans by humans e.g.
with some evil in it. Better? Why would God being so good and concerned about
The concept of morality plays an important role in human society. Through the discovery of what, exactly, determines that which is “good” and that which is “bad”, humans develop mechanisms that determine how they respond to or judge any given situation. What remains a mystery, however, is what, exactly, is the basis of morals. It is commonly believed that morals are learned through lived experiences, as well as, from those who act as each person’s individual caretaker(s). Even though these factors do play a significant role in determining morality, these factors alone neither create nor determine a person’s moral compass. In Paul Bloom’s work, Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil, we are introduced to the idea that morality, while partly learned, is something that is ingrained in humans from birth. Through multiple studies, performed both by Bloom as well as other psychologists, it is revealed that not only are babies able to perceive what is right and what is wrong, but also, from birth, babies are instilled with the innate knowledge of empathizing, valuing fairness and status, and valuing those who look similar versus those who look different. In spite of previous ideas, Bloom proves that babies are smarter than previously thought, while simultaneously recognizing the shortcomings of this “elementary” form of morality. Bloom’s finding prove to be revolutionary, in that they allow for the examination of different social structures, their shortcomings, and what
In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche discusses how he is not a believer in democracy. The principles of democracy were put together by levelers, or people that believe in democracy. These principles lead to equality that restrains life to one universal truth and Nietzsche did not agree with this idea at all. He believed that these principles caused people to form into one large herd. In this herd, people follow one another with no will to power, which results in the downfall of individual rights and instincts. This makes the herd the definition of morality in society, which Nietzsche disagrees with. But he brings up the idea of neighbor love. Neighbor love is the idea that we are all in one herd so we are all equal which creates us to all
How we view the presence of God and evil depends on why we believe the world was created. If man is a fully created creature then the world was created for him to live in, a comfortable, pleasant place. Our world is obviously filled with suffering, danger, hardship of all kinds, so an all-powerful God could not have created it. To Christians the world is not a paradise where one can experience the maximum of pleasure and a minimum of pain. The world is a place of “soul making” or person making. As we try and understand the challenges of our lives, and our environment we may become “Children Of God”.
Civilizations views on the religious belief of Christianity are very odd in its self. However this is not what I am here to talk about these days. I’d like to inform you about the cosmogony of the different traditions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaic beliefs however the form of cosmogony that I’m speaking of the Christians and the Islamic belief almost the same thing in these aspects. They do however have different views on how the universe was made.
To understand evil we must first understand the concept that good and evil are term or words referring to what one given individuals believes to be the right and wrong thing to do. Good, many times
The problem of evil is widely considered as the most detrimental problem to the monotheist. It is also the primary objection to the overall existence of God. The problem is very easy to comprehend: If God is an all-perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful deity then why do we live in a world with any imperfection or negativity at all? Why do bad things happen at all? Especially to the good people in the world and the millions of innocent people who suffer on a daily basis. Gottfreid Leibniz was a philosopher, who took aim at the problem and wished to point out that the existence of evil and God are compatible of evil and and the typical logic is: (1) if God was an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good being then this world would be the best