Undeniably, both Christianity and Buddhism are considered two of the biggest religions in the world. Christianity consists of a larger group with estimated 2,200 million followers, while Buddhism consists of a smaller group with estimated 535 million followers. A statement comes from Huston Smith, a famous author and professor of religious studies in the United States, says that Christianity is the most materialistic religion, while Buddhism is the most psychological religion. With all due respect, I do not agree with the first statement on Christianity as the most materialistic religion on behalf of my personal opinion and understanding, while I do agree with the second statement on Buddhism as the most psychological religion. However, it all depends on what Huston Smith means with materialistic and psychological. What kind of circumstances and point of view did he use to claim this statement? We have to dig much deeper into his supports and backgrounds on this argument. Regarding the first argument on Christianity, Huston Smith stated that it is the most materialistic religion. When I first read this argument, I …show more content…
Firstly, the reason God adores us as His ultimate creation of human beings is because merely of His unending love for us. “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” He even willing to sacrifice Jesus Christ, his own son as a liaison between man’s sin and His eternal kingdom. The Bible uses a lot of delineation to describe man’s connection to Jesus Christ, as we are the apple of His eye. Christians’ relationship with their God is often described as a relationship of a father and child. That is the ultimate reason of why Christians are so special, they seems like to be given control over the Earth and thus, making them look like they are
In present-day society, the globalization, briefly including economics, and culture, has become an unstoppable tendency. With its rapid development and cultural communication, some controversies have emerged. Religious conflicts are characteristic examples showing the detrimental influences of cultural globalization. It is generally acknowledged that Buddhism and Christianity are ancient and global religions; however, whether the belief in Buddhism is credible or not, has sparked spirited debate. The Christian believes the Buddha is a “shadow”, and he is not to be believed. Actually, there are some similarities in terms of histories, main figures, and beliefs between Buddhism and Christianity. In order to solve sources of conflict, the
Religion is one of the oldest and most sacred traditions of the human species. Religion started off as a basic belief in an afterlife, and then further developed into tribal religions, which evolved into ancestral worship, then to polytheism, and lastly into monotheism. Monotheism in the form of Christianity is the largest religion of the modern world, and it has similar beliefs to other world religions such as Buddhism. Christianity and Buddhism are similar because both religions teach about the equality of people and that making good choices reflects the positive teachings of that religion. They are also similar in how they formed, as both broke off from another religion that was exclusive, and both became popular and spread easily
Buddhism and Christianity were each founded by one person, and then eventually grew into two of the largest religions in the world. Each religion had different reasons
Joanne Ma is a HIGHLY enthusiastic and bubbly sophomore who portrays an excellent characterization of a perfect student. Although she may not be aware of it, she serves as a role model to her peers through her hardworking skills and ethical values. She is very active and loves to give back to her community by using her free time volunteering and doing service events with various clubs that are passionate about making a difference such as the World Vision Club! Her passion in helping other is very evident and she uses her skills by serving through officer positions in various clubs on campus- she is the secretary in the California scholarship federation, member recognition chair D15S in Key Club, and fundraising/ community service chair in the
Religion is a prominent aspect of many people’s lives. Not only does religion provide ethical and moral values, but also acts as a cultural system and often gives people a sense of order in existence. There are many religions across the world, and understanding the characteristics behind each one is important. Religion is intertwined with culture, economics, politics, and modern social relationships on every dimension. Buddhism is a religion that practice and spiritual development leading to insight into the true nature of reality. It's also a major global religion with a complex history and systems of beliefs. Buddhism is based on what the founder believed in, which was that the suffering from people arises from confusion and negative states of mind. Christianity is one of the strongest and perhaps most misunderstood movements in the world. Christianity is a religion based on the teachings and miracles of Jesus.
“Rivers, ponds, lakes, and streams—they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do—they all contain truths,” said by Muhammad Ali. Religion is the belief and reverence for a supernatural power and powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe (2003). The religions I’ve chose to compare and contrast would be non denomination/ Christianity and Buddhism. Each religion would be broken down by their religious belief, religious ritual, and religious experience. The definition of these religious things are: religious belief is a statement to which members of a particular religion adhere, religious ritual is a practice required or expected of members of a faith, and religious experience is the feeling or
At first glance the traditions of Christianity and Buddhism appear very different from each other. One centers around a God that was at one time physically manifest on earth in the human form of his "son" Jesus Christ, the other primarily worships a historical figure that gained divine status through enlightenment. This assessment is broad at best, especially in the case of Buddhism where the Theravada and Mahayana traditions differ significantly. Christianity also has division within itself, the most prominent being between the Roman Catholic and Protestant systems. There are however, despite obvious differences, some very interesting similarities between Buddhism and
Religion is a fundamental element of human society. It is what binds a country, society or group of individuals together. However, in some instances it destroys unity amoungst these. Religion is a belief in a superhuman entity(s) which control(s) the universe. Every religion has its differences but most strive for a just life and the right morals. The three major groups are the primal regions which consist of African, Aboriginal and Native American religions, Asian which consist of South Eastern Asian religions and Abrahamic religions which consist of Middle Eastern religions. The foci of this essay are the differences between the Abrahamic religion, Christianity, and the Asian region Buddhism as well as making reference to the Islamic
According to our text, Huston Smith believed that all religions were essentially the same, whereas Stephen Prothero believes that they are all fundamentally different. These two differing opinions can be looked at further by comparing two of the world religions: Christianity and Buddhism. I believe that all religions are a mixture of both; religions are essentially the same and are also fundamentally different. Christianity and Buddhism both have similar aspects within them, and they have different aspects as well. In order to make sense of the world, one needs to have knowledge of religion and the implications it has on society (Prothero).
We can define rituals as repeated actions that provides us with meaning and significance. Symbols are a small unit of a ritual. Both rituals and symbols play an active role in religion. According to Clifford Geertz, religion can be defined as “a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive and long lasting moods and motivations in both men and women by formulating conceptions of general order of existence”. Every religion has some assembly of rituals and/or symbols that help form and shape its practices. However, do some religions have more rituals and symbols than others? When comparing Buddhism to my own religion, Christianity, Buddhism appears to have more rituals and symbols that shape their religion.
Both major world religions, Buddhism and Christianity, though different in many aspects, including rituals, teachings and beliefs, both share a core belief: The importance of non-violence, not only in their preaching area but on a worldwide scale. However, have these religions stayed true to the founders visions? Throughout the course of history, Christianity has strayed far from these visions at times, whereas Buddhism has kept them intact, for the majority of the time. Christianity founded in 33BCE based on the life, the teachings, the death, and simultaneously the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Their visions for the future are based on the teachings of God, and the need to obey his commandments.
The task at hand is quite impossible, especially in a ten-page paper. I am about to compare two entire religions, that is two entire belief systems that certain individuals have devoted their entire lives towards; that generations have sought to follow, further, and protect with their lives. I will attempt to do this, but please bear in mind that my personal views will inevitably surface to a great degree and I will be prone to taking sides. I believe in fact that these two systems are poles apart and have very few similarities indeed. In this sense I am forced to conclude that they are hugely incompatible and that very few people will be able to accept both. In other words, a person who is
(Diffey, 2014) Humanity was created to know and worship God. Being made in His likeness means that humans have been created with both spirit and body, also possessing many of God’s attributes. Some of these attributes are creativity, love, logic, reason, and a sense of right and wrong. God also gave humanity the privilege to care for and have dominion over earth, which gave humanity value and a higher purpose. (Herring, 2008) Soon after God’s perfect creation, sin entered the world, bringing about the Fall and introduced pain, suffering, and death to the world. (Gen. 3: 6, 14-19) The Fall is the root cause of human problems and caused humanity’s departure from God’s wisdom. (Diffey, 2014) Humanity has the capability to love because we are made in the image of Christ, however, humanity’s nature is flawed and sinful by nature. (Diffey, 2014) All of humanity has sinned, and fall short of God’s glory. (Romans 3:23 NIV) It is because this that we need a Savior.
Culture is certainly universal. It’s the creation of multiple belief systems and it structures our societal perceptions, which influences our behaviors and understandings. Furthermore, we’re able to view culture in various forms. In this paper we will be discussing the beliefs, values, and norms of Catholics and Buddhism and how their perspectives relate to relationships, love, marriage, and sexuality. Buddhism and Christianity are different religions with an abundant of similarities and differences.
Compassion is basically considered to be one of the most virtues in almost all religious traditions such as Buddhism and Christianity. Buddhism and Christianity are two different religions but both of them are interrelated. Both religions have hope of life after death, hope of reincarnation of Buddhists, eternal life of Christians, but live consciously. Both Buddhism and Christianity were founded by spiritual leaders and masters who tried to prove a way of salvation. Based on religious writings, this paper explores the way Buddhism and Christianity are different and in what ways they similar from the point of salvation, life after death, and love.