The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a well written book by Mark Haddon that describes the life of a teenager named Christopher Boone. The beginning of the book sets the plot of story and the story is told from the point of view of Christopher as a detective because he decides he wants to find out who killed Mrs. Shears’ dog. Christopher is determined to find out who killed Wellington by asking his neighbors and writing notes in his journal. Throughout the first part of the story, Haddon characterizes Christopher as someone who is phenomenal at math and excels at school, but is held back from the resources his school can provide. Christopher’s father finds out that he has been roaming around the neighborhood in other people’s …show more content…
Christopher being great at math makes me enjoy the book because I love math and want to pursue math in the future. So, his comments and sporadic conclusions based on math make me want to read more and understand more. When Christopher says, “I was going to write out how I answered the question except Siobhan Said it wasn’t very interesting, but I said it was.” (Haddon 214) I laughed because I relate to how Christopher feels about wanting to explain math to everyone and want to show people the work included. I also relate to Christopher again when he says,“In two years’ time I am going to take A-level physics and get an A-grade” (Haddon 220) because I plan to continue my education in the future involving more maths and physics. Haddon’s suspenseful plot in the middle of the story are also what made it more enjoyable. When Christopher falls on the train tracks and describes what is happening, “The roaring got louder and I turned round and I saw the train coming out of the tunnel and I was going to be run over and killed so I tried to climb up onto the concrete but it was high and I was holding toby in both my hands” (Haddon 182) the plot seemed more enjoyable after Christopher managed to get out and not get killed. Christopher describing himself hearing the train as he is on the train tracks really questioned my mind that he might actually die, but knowing he did not makes the rest of the story more interesting. Christopher’s mathematic skills and his description of the train made the book more enjoyable to read and continue reading for
Eliezer Wiesel and Christopher Boone were both just 15 when they were taken on their life altering expeditions, but it was their determination to return to their families and their strength to survive that lead them successfully to their goals. First of all, Christopher Boone was the disabled protagonist who was faced with many challenges but, it was Chris’s determination to solve the murder and reach his mother and that made him successful in obtaining his many ambitions. Christopher started of his book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by investigating the murder of his neighbor’s dog, but was quickly removed from the scene when the police were called. Although deterring to most, once out of jail, Christopher dedicated most
Jacob walked out of his final exams and hopped town, climbing on the first train he could. He quickly found out that it was no ordinary train. It belonged to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon is a novel introduced by Christopher Boone, the protagonist who changes from the beginning to the end of the novel. In the beginning of novel, Christopher’s emotions are not developed which indicates how he is not matured. Christopher is dependent on other people several times which shows that Christopher is an immature character. However, later on in the novel Christopher becomes more mature as he responds more emotionally to events. In addition, Christopher develops into a more mature character as he becomes independent. Christopher Boone develops from an immature character to a mature character.
I panicked and started thinking of how I could get him out” says Jon, Kits ankle appeared to be caught under the rock and it was scary for him to think that there was a chance that a train could be coming. “I was scared but I knew my dad was smart and would help me get out before a train came” Kit says with confidence. Jon tried to pull Kit out from under the rock but Kit had been trapped in an awkward spot in which he could not escape. “I was starting to get worried that there was no time left” Jon says, as he could hear a train in the distance and started to panic. “As soon as I heard the tracks rumbling with the sound of a train I knew I had to do something fast. There was no time to run for help so my only option was to run to the train and make them stop before they reached Kit” Jon quotes. Jon ran down the tracks until he came to a fork in the road. Jon had to make a decision in which way to go to stop the train. He knew the train was coming from one of tracks and finally stopped the train in time. He could see the train coming and the distance and started jumping up and down, flailing his arms like a bird and fortunately the train saw him and stopped
Who is your superior? Who are you in charge of? How do you know? In the Curious Incident of the Dog in Night Time, by Mark Haddon, Christopher Boone is a young man who has special needs. He has strict rules about food, colors, and cars. He especially hates lies. One day he finds his neighbor's dog has been killed. He clutches the dog to his chest ultimately, leading to him hitting a police officer. He decides he wants to investigate the murder of the dog, but his father makes him promise to ‘'keep his nose out of other people's business”, but he investigates nonetheless, soon discovering dark family secrets. Authority leads to isolation. This is clear in Christopher's relationship with the police.
The curious incident of a dog in the night time is an adult novel which tells the story of a fifteen-year-old boy called Christopher Boone, who discovers that his neighbour’s dog is dead. He did some detective work to solve the mystery of who killed the dog, as he was a fan of Sherlock homes stories, as the story unfolds he finds out a lot more than he thought, regarding himself and parts of the world he did not know existed. Mark Haddon gained influence from Jane Austen who wrote about dull lives of individuals with empathy that seemed somewhat intriguing, he mentions that he was trying to do this exactly with the novel the curious incident of the dog. By taking a life which seemed unpleasantly guarded, and to write about it in a book, where the male protagonist would read a mystery murder and show that if you looked at life with enough imagination it would seem endless (Haddon,
As the first page is turned, we are confronted with Christopher Boone; a standoffish, apprehensive boy who knows little about emotions and lots about math. However, Christopher John Francis Boone is quite a remarkable boy. In Mark Haddon’s novel, “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime,” we see just how remarkable Christopher can be as his journey changes him from an aloof, unassured boy to someone who cultivates the confidence to believe that they can do anything. As we begin the book, the unsociable and apprehensive nature of Christopher is made quite apparent.
In The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Mark Haddon does not illustrate the life of an average teenage boy. He shows us Christopher Boone, a 15-year old boy who lies on the autistic spectrum. Christopher experiences many of the everyday activities most people his age do; he goes to school (where he relishes math), watches TV, and plays with his pet. However, his home life is fraught with conflict, causing readers to think Christopher may be better off without the frightening presence of his father, or the unreliability of his mother. Although Christopher may have the determination to live on his own, his unusual tendencies can be detrimental and outweigh the positives.
weightlessness. This is why the train has wheels on the bottom of the track and the passengers of the train have some sort of restraining device to hold them into their seats.3 So, as the train goes down the hill it is actually falling, causing the velocity of the train to increase due to the
“If they can’t learn the way we can, we teach the way they learn.” Said Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas when talking about children who struggle in school because of the autism disorder. In ‘The curious incident of the dog in the night-time’, Christopher Boone is a 15-year-old child who apparently has this disorder but rather than hide in its shame, he took advantage of it by finding ways to deal with it through the use of math and his logical lifestyle. Christopher tries as much as possible to live a normal life, even with his autistic disorder. To Christopher, he is just a normal everyday 15-year old but only lacks the ability to understand human behaviors.
He believes that most events in this story do not need to be as significant to the story and the characters. Personally, I enjoyed reading The Red Pony. The book had an interesting plot that was easy to follow. This book was very relatable because almost everyone has experienced death in their life.
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time, written by Mark Haddon, is a mystery novel about a young boy with Asperger’s Syndrome. Christopher Boone, the narrator of the book, compels the reader to feel the most sympathy towards him, due to his Asperger’s Syndrome. Not only is this portrayed by this affliction but also by his parents’ separation and losing the stability of a family life. Ed Boone, Christopher’s father, can be sympathised with when his wife leaves him and he struggles with being a single parent of a child with a disability. Mrs Shears has also suffered loss when her dog, Wellington, was killed and then when her husband left her for another woman. Haddon retells the life of Christopher Boone, through a variety of different techniques such as repetition, dialogue, expletive language and short sentences.
Christopher “Went up to the man in the little shop” (188) to ask for help. The policeman also helped Christopher succeed because after helping him buy that first ticket, Christopher was then able to navigate the train station and get to London; “So I got to 451c Chapter Road, London, NW2 5NG” (189). Even though The Policeman was even working against Christopher for part of the journey, Christopher was still able to succeed because The Policeman got him started and set him up for
My book was approximately 25 cm x 35 cm x 1cm so it couldn’t be hidden in a very small place, which meant that I didn’t have to look in any really small places” (Haddon 91). Christopher is very good at solving problems and figuring things out on his own. In this case Christopher is very knowledgeable and is extremely
Lastly, Haddon lets us into Christopher’s world and allows us to be able to understand Christopher. He uses Christophers language and communication to unveil the reality of the idealistic thoughts