
Christopher Boone's Personality

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The gears in Christopher Boone’s head turn quite differently than the average. He shows great qualities of being logical, observant and introverted. Christopher’s reality is much different than our own, as he is often misunderstood because of his perspective on life, making his ideas clash and socializing almost impossible. However, his unique way of thinking allows him to open doors unexplored by normal methods of thinking. All the things that make up Christopher's personality can be found in “The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime” by Mark Haddon. Christopher can be portrayed as a logical person throughout the book. He showed this quality when he debated whether to open the letters written by his mother. “ I held the letter up to the light to see if I could detect what was …show more content…

I wondered whether I should open the envelope because it was something I had taken from Father’s room. But I reasoned that it was addressed to me so it belonged to me so it was OK to open it.” (pg. 96). This demonstrates logical reasoning, because even though his Father said not to take things from his room, he reasoned that since it’s addressed to him, it makes him the rightful owner. Another example would be when Christopher’s dad admits to killing the dog and Christopher decided to run away. “ And I realize that there was nothing I could do which felt safe. And I made a picture of it in my head like this … And it was like this” (pg. 130-131). The reader won’t see the logical aspect of this situation at first, however they’ll notice that he made a mental picture and then crossed out all solutions that were impossible, just like a

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