We all hear about what a teacher did on social media that was inappropriate all over the internet. But we never really hear about the good things. I read an article in Scholastic, about a teacher named Christopher Casal who a technology teacher for an Elementary school in Brooklyn that uses social media in his classroom and the kids are learning from it. Casal works as a technology teacher for the Magnet School of Math, Science and Design Technology. He has taught for many years and decided to bring Twitter into his classroom. Twitter is a social media website where you can make posts that contain 120 characters that can tell others in a few words are doing or thinking. Casal had the brilliant idea of bringing Twitter into his second grade …show more content…
In this video uploaded by TVO Parents you can see that having social media in school actually works and helps the children learn in creative way. By using blogs in the classroom children are able to be creative about what they write. And there was a period of time when children were taught that being creative isn't the way to live. We were taught to write an essay in a certain order and if we were to get a little bit creative we would lose points. Now this idea of a blog in the schools has opened so many doors for the children. They are able to learn how to use proper grammar in a fun way. We can allow them to be extremely creative in their writing. Also using blogs can help the children keep their previous work so by the end of the year the teacher, parent and child and see how much progress they made within the year. The Huffington post about social media in schools gave a great point about blogs in schools. The author Jay Donaldson wrote about how using the blog sites gives the students to also get to know one another but being able to comment on each others post. And cyberbullying wouldn't be a problem as long as the teacher monitors the blog every so
After viewing the videos of Samantha’s preschool inclusion and Peter’s classroom inclusion, I found that there are a few benefits of inclusion for children with special needs and their families. Inclusion classrooms can be very beneficial for children with special needs because it gives them a chance to be around typical developing peers to socialize with and learn from as well. In the video of Samantha’s situation, the typical developing children really enjoyed Samantha because despite her unique challenges, they were still able to play with her and they considered her to be a good friend. Another way inclusion classrooms are beneficial for special needs children is that, teachers of inclusion classrooms work closely with the family and team to develop the appropriate adaptations for children with special needs. When children with special
For the Mini- Project of Unit 7, my group has filmed a talkshow. I probably love it, but in my opinion, the video it’s too short and we didn’t talk much about descendophobia, a really range phobia of being afraid walking the stairs. Also, I expected that other members will talk more in the video, of course me too.
Yes, I know what you mean my children do the same thing as well. They are always talking about why do I have to do it and they don’t and after that they always end up saying that’s not fair. Children are very vigilant they notice everything and how everyone is treated differently. The video that professor Mundle posted was very beneficial not only is it good for the teacher to use but as well as the parents. After watching the video, I can explain to my children and future class about fairness I do feel it will be beneficial and the home or class will run
As we all know, Modern Marvels was about the complexities and history of undergarments. The depth of information this episode pours out was exceptionally interesting to me. This educational video mainly explains the process behind sculpting undergarments people wear. Both genders can get something out of this video. As it explains the role of men’s underwear, women’s bras and panties, and socks.
“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.” As perceived by Tom Bradley, it’s our choice whether we want to dream or not. But throughout our dream unit, we have watched many videos and read books and articles. All of these had something in common, dreams. Some achieved, others not. Either way, they all got something out of it and they all put hard work and effort into it. While it might not last long, or something bad could happen after we achieve our dream, it is worth it to dream because we’ll feel accomplished once we achieve it, it allows us to live our life to the fullest, and achieving our dream can open the door to many other opportunities.
The video is a TED talk written by Dalia Mogahed. It is unquestionably obvious what it mean to be Muslim in America.For someone like who was born in Iran. By the way Iran a country with 90% muslim population and the government that criticizes you if you’re not Muslim. Moreover, I also have a lot of Muslim friends who are compassionate, and accessible to me and to the society. The speaker explains that “ One study found that 80 percent of news coverage about Islam and Muslims are negative”( Mogahed)I didn’t want to be judged by my religion, and I don’t want my Muslim friends to be judged based on their religion. Frequently, I just wish that all of us could be friends with each other.In other words, await to detect that each person in the society
Khan Academy aims to educate people by providing helpful notes in form of short videos. He purposes in this video that intelligence can be expanded and changed. He suggests that intelligence is similar to muscles, both can be enhanced by struggling and straining. Khan Academy explains the concept of building and changing our intelligence as we grow up. He strongly believes that high usage of the human brain leads on to better intelligence in general. He discusses some scenarios including models of a human and animal brain that provides valid information on how the neurons in the brain develop depending on the stimulus that is exposed to them. This video is extremely useful because it provides an explanation of how intelligence can be changed.
knowledge. The best part is, it is fun and develops interaction. This video will improve mainly decoding words and phonic awareness.
I think it's great that Bozeman’s videos is in this module. Not only do I love his videos but also he does a great job of explaining such complex systems. In this video I heard a lot of stuff that I have learned in previous years like the diaphragm relaxes and contracts to let the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide happen. Also, the anatomy of the respiratory system to show where oxygen comes in and where it lead to. I did learn something new though. I have learned that the capillaries convert carbon dioxide to bicarbonate. Also, that the surface area in humans lungs amount to that of a tennis
Learning is unique to each individual. Some students learn well in a structured group setting. There are visual, auditory, and hands on learners. Others find it easier to learn with one on one instruction some are capable of teaching themselves like Fredrick Douglas. An ideal educational experience would incorporate the various procedures highlighted in the video “Unschooling: the new class of learning”. These learning methods include those of Dale J. Stephens, a student who started a self-directed school and Arno Stern an educated researcher who “created a space for children to play and paint without restraint, without goal, and without competition”.
Throughout his presentation, Hans Rosling shows that the rich and wealthy release the most carbon emissions, but they are often the ones telling Africa or another developing country they shouldn't begin using fossil fuels and other technology because it's hurting the environment. Rosling claims that the rich end look down at the "poor" people and say, "You cannot live like us, you will destroy the planet." Technology, however, is key to progressing out of poverty and developing. As shown in his graphs, the wealthy release the most emissions, but shake their finger at developing countries that are starting to use technology and/or burn fossil fuels. An example used in the video is Africa and the coal available to them to provide warmth and light.
This was a tremendous first week of learning. I believe what “squares up” with what I already knew is that relationships truly matter and many times educators forget this fact. It appears that many teachers are still operating informationally instead of transformational. In the text on page 14 it states, “Transformational teaching goes beyond the academic into the other great goal of education: socialization. The text, page 30, states, “Teaching with hope includes believing, really believing, in the potential of each and every learner and communicating that belief to the learner.” We have to believe that ALL students can learn at high levels, although high levels may look totally different for students.
Social media is now part of our daily lives. We seem to have become attached to our devices and have made it part of our daily routine to use them. In my life, social media didn’t really affect me. I used to live in a wifi-free home, meaning that I didn’t have access to the internet. Both my mother and my father believe that internet is useless and kills your brain cells. Later they saw that I started to get lots of internet-required homework so they decided to install a wifi box at home. To be honest, I get very distracted now that I have internet at home. I don’t get things done as fast as I used to and I don’t use any of my time efficiently. Sometimes, after being on social media and watching cat videos for too long, I feel like I have no motivation to do anything. Now, I am more attached to my phone, but that will change.
Social media has become a huge part of our lives and the younger generation is becoming more involved with this new technology. However, the use of social media has been a great debate in classroom settings. School districts have been conflicted with the two options: to teach along and incorporate social media into the classroom or to restrict the use of social media during school hours.
Teachers are also trying to get students more engaged by including social networks such as Twitter into their classes. Zach Miners, an education writer for US News and World Report, writes about how “a growing number of professors are embracing [Twitter] as a way to introduce students to a different kind of communication” (Miners 534). Professors are trying to get students engaged both inside and outside of the classes, but it is causing one major weakness in students. Using sites such as Twitter in a classroom setting is encouraging interactions over technology versus personal interactions. Students are losing contact with the real world when deciding to engage in the use of their cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, etc. As time goes on, more and more students have a lack of people skills and how to verbally express themselves. David