Event 1: Christopher Columbus discovers the new world
• Cause (2 points): Columbus discovered the new world because of miscalculations of the earths circumference. According to history.com, Columbus was trying to go to Asia by sailing west from Spain but instead he landed in the Bahamas.
• Effect (2 points): Columbus discovering the new world sparked an age of exploration. According to classroom.synonym.com, after Columbus reached the new world every European power sent out explorers and colonists that led to European colonization.
• Historical Significance (1 point): Christopher Columbus discovering the new world was significant because it began the settlement and colonization of the new world. According to classroom.synonym.com, “Columbus
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According to enotes.com, “The Declaration of Independence was written in order to clarify and justify the actions of The Second Continental Congress.” The declaration is meant to protect the people.
Effect (2 points): The Declaration of Independence gave the colonies independence. According to weebly.com, “this gave the colonists something to fight for,” in the Revolution. The declaration is a symbol of freedom to this day.
Historical Significance (1 point): The Declaration of independence is significant because it led to our freedom from Brittan. According to surfnetkids.com, “The Declaration of Independence justified our right to revolt against a government that no longer guaranteed us our natural rights.” It made Americans realize they want freedom and made them fight for their rights.
Event 5: Bill of Rights ratified
Cause (2 points): The Bill of Rights was created because some Americans were afraid that the government would abuse their power. According to law2.umkc.edu, the Bill of Rights is to protect the people’s rights. Citizens did not want the country to turn to a
The Declaration of Independence was the first document to be adopted by the founding fathers in 1776. Its main purpose was to separate from the British Monarchy. The colonists knew this would be a clear step towards a new form of practicing self-government. The form in which the colonist decided to move towards was a Democracy. Which was shown in the U.S Constitution. This meant that everyone would have a part in the new government system unlike the British where one had little to no say. With this declaration, the 13 Colonies became the United States of America.
The Declaration of Independence declared independence from the British Empire. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence June of 1776. By declaring independence the United States could now accept French assistance in the war against Great Britain. The writing of the Declaration of Independence was important
The American Declaration of Independence has affected the foundation of the United States more than any other event or document in American history. The Declaration of Independence was the basis for what the country was established on. The document was a way for the colonists to emancipate themselves from the cruelty of King George. This document had such an impacting effect because it was such a new way of bringing up concerns. It was the first of its kind in the history of America in the aspect of liberation of a group of people.
The Declaration of Independence was formed resulting from the treatment of 13 colonies from the British government without representation after subsequent denials to be represented and treated equal. This historic document was revolutionary because it’s what began the transition of our government into a democracy unlike that of parliament in the 1700’s. The British government and their ruling made decisions that didn’t involve what was right for the people; only what was in the best economic interest of parliament. This caused significant hardships on the American colonies which eventually led to them coming together as a people and forming this declaration.
The Declaration of Independence is a well-known document that is major part of American history. It was created because the British government was violating the colonists’ rights and the colonists demanded their independence as their own nation. Although there have been many interpretations of the Declaration of Independence, three of the major reasons were a bid for French support, an attempt to swing uncommitted Americans to the revolutionary cause, and a statement of universal principles, which led the colonists to unite to revolt against the British.
The Declaration of Independence helped gain our natural rights, our equality, and our freedom everyone deserves in America on July 4th, 1776. For example, “A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation.” (Jefferson, 1) clearly stated that no one can question or sent to jail by our opinions that our opinions count which, is an example of freedom of speech, that an enlightenment thinker named Voltaire believed in. This line allows us Americans say what we want to say without being penalized. The Declaration of
Christopher Columbus achieved remarkable success in the New World by discovering new lands and presenting an opportunity for new development. Over the course of four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, Columbus ignited the conquest and colonization of land in the New World. He recorded his experiences in journals and letters for future navigators and sailors to read and learn from. The benefits that arose from his expeditions were known as the Columbian Exchange, which included the transfer of people, resources, and culture, all of which significantly impacted society worldwide. His world changing legacy impacted the development of the territory in the New World and increased trade, resources, and economic stability for Europe.
This was a document that was written to explain why we should break away from Great Britain and become independent from their laws. It explains that all men (and now women too) are created equal and were born with rights that cannot be taken away…life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To ensure that these rights remain, the people create a government and laws that will protect these rights. When the government starts to act in such a way that these rights are threatened…then the people have the right to change the government or remove it and replace it with a new one. It then continues to list the reasons why they want to sever ties with Great Britain and list the ways they feel they have
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most famous documents in the history of the United States of America. It helped the colonists declare independence from Great Britain and King George III. It is one of the documents that has made our country what it is today. Without the Declaration many things would be different. After reading this I hope you are able to see what these great men went through to make America’s founding document.
The Declaration of independence was a great successful document written by Thomas Jefferson a great idealist and a man from the age of enlightment, he was a great writer and was the one chosen to write the declaration of independence, he wrote it with a lot of thought about how people’s emotions would be, how they would react, and how it would work all to their advantage, and with very rhetoric language he wrote this document, stating truths and lies about what was happening in the colonies at that time.
The Declaration of Independence was an important document in American history but it does not mean that it gained us our true freedom. It was a document that was written and signed on July 4th, 1776. The men that signed such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson told the colonists that this was a sign of them splitting from Great Britain and becoming an independent nation thus being called the United States of America. The document was then sent over to Great Britain for King George to read. This possibly could have caused even more hostility between the colonists and Great Britain because of how the British completely ignored the document. It may be seen as an important aspect to the progression of the Revolutionary War but it also
The Declaration of Independence led the way for the U.S. Constitution because without the Declaration of Independence the Constitution would probably never exist. The Declaration of Independence got the thirteen United States of America thinking about how much more they could do on their own under fair leadership and how better things could be if the citizens was able to help make some decisions.
The Declaration of Independence was a letter written to King George III, stating that the 13 colonies were declaring that they were leaving the rule of Great Britain, and that they were becoming a free nation. It was important for the Declaration of Independence to be written first because it represented the creation of our free nation. It made it possible for Americans to have the rights that we have today.
The American Declaration of Independence has affected the foundation of the United States more than any other event or document in American history. The Declaration of Independence was the basis for what the country was established on. The document was a way for the colonists to emancipate themselves from the cruelty of King George. This document had such an impacting effect because it was such a new way of bringing up concerns. It was the first of its kind in the history of America in the aspect of liberation of a group of people.
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most significant documents in the history of the United States. It has completely and forever changed the structure and foundation of our country. The Declaration gave purpose to the Revolutionary war. It was a justified reason to revolt against a government that no longer assured us our rights. It shows that they didn't go to war without