
Christopher Columbus Declaration Of Independence Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Event 1: Christopher Columbus discovers the new world
• Cause (2 points): Columbus discovered the new world because of miscalculations of the earths circumference. According to, Columbus was trying to go to Asia by sailing west from Spain but instead he landed in the Bahamas.

• Effect (2 points): Columbus discovering the new world sparked an age of exploration. According to, after Columbus reached the new world every European power sent out explorers and colonists that led to European colonization.

• Historical Significance (1 point): Christopher Columbus discovering the new world was significant because it began the settlement and colonization of the new world. According to, “Columbus …show more content…

According to, “The Declaration of Independence was written in order to clarify and justify the actions of The Second Continental Congress.” The declaration is meant to protect the people.

Effect (2 points): The Declaration of Independence gave the colonies independence. According to, “this gave the colonists something to fight for,” in the Revolution. The declaration is a symbol of freedom to this day.

Historical Significance (1 point): The Declaration of independence is significant because it led to our freedom from Brittan. According to, “The Declaration of Independence justified our right to revolt against a government that no longer guaranteed us our natural rights.” It made Americans realize they want freedom and made them fight for their rights.

Event 5: Bill of Rights ratified
Cause (2 points): The Bill of Rights was created because some Americans were afraid that the government would abuse their power. According to, the Bill of Rights is to protect the people’s rights. Citizens did not want the country to turn to a

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