The year was 1492 A.D. and a man by the name of Christopher Columbus was commissioned by the Spanish rule to find a new trade route to the east Indies, and so he lead a crew of ninety men and three ships west from Spain in search of a new route. Upon embarking on this fateful voyage, out in the then uncharted Caribbean Sea he came upon land rather unexpectedly. Thinking he had arrived on the coast of Japan, he decided to keep pressing forward. He slowly began to realize that he was mistaken about his location, instead, he had arrived upon what is now known as Watling Island in the Bahamas. Pressing on, he set sail farther west and was again surprised to see land. This time, yet again thinking he had arrived on the seemingly elusive Asian continent.,
4. So, after 30 days or so at sea, when he struck land, he assumed he’d made it to the East Indies and therefore mistook the people as “Indians.”
* When he got to Cuba, he assumed it was China and went back to Spain to tell of his success - a year later, he went back with a larger expedition, discovering more islands and formed a small but short - lived colony on the island Hispaniola.
February-March Christopher thought there was a great storm coming because there were 3 lightnings. After sunset skies began to clear in the west. Right after sunrise we saw land. Nobody knew what island it was, not even Christopher. When Christopher sailed east, the sea was finally calm and we were on course.
When Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492, he thought he reached Asia. He has made himself believe that he has found the New World and that he was the first to inhabit the land. This was not the case as an Indian Tribe, the Arawaks, was swimming to their boats with excitement. As Columbus’s crew arrived on the shores, he was shocked from the Indians hospitality. Columbus was carrying iron swords as the tribes brought gifts, food and water.
People act different in certain situations some coward and run away while others stand strong and be courageous. In to kill a mockingbird almost every character shows acts of courage in dangerous situations. Atticus shows great amount of courage against the mob that was threaten to hurt him if he didn’t move out of the way and let them get Tom Robinson out of the upstairs of the jail house. He just sits there with not a worry in the world standing up and protecting Tom Robinson from the angry crowd.
Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the Far East but
Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492 on a mission to find an all water route to the western Indies, instead Columbus reached North America where he continued his search for gold and trade.
In The Tempest Gonzalo began to imagine what it would be like if he colonized the remote island they had shipwrecked on.
After his voyage to San Salvador, he then made 3 other voyages to Cuba, The Bahamas, and Hispaniola. Although he was searching for unexplored land, he was also looking for gold which he was unsuccessful in finding. Also in his travels he planned on converting the Indians to Christianity. In Columbus’s entire life he never believed that he had found a new continent. His final voyage was to Jamaica which ended because of a ship wreck. When he was rescued, he was delusional and once he arrived back in Europe, he soon passed away.
In Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson utilizes mirrors to provide the readers with insight into the mind of the protagonist, Melinda Sordino, an isolated and lonely high school freshmen with the weight of what happened to her at a party over the summer break. Prior to the party, Melinda was not extremely popular, but she had a core group of friends. Her assault changed all of that. According to a report in the late 1990’s, “the number of incidents of date rape has slowly declined. In the 1990s, the time period for Anderson's novel, 1.1 million women reported intimate violence in 1993 as compared with 900,000 female victims in 1998” (Constantakis 262). Although the incident of rape is not uncommon and fortunately declining, it is still a taboo
his counterparts stepped into the scene and claimed to have discovered the New World. In this
In an attempt to reach Indian trade routes via a different direction, Columbus found himself in the Caribbean discovering an entirely new continent. Columbus uncovered much more underdeveloped civilizations in dramatic contrast to his idols discoveries of advanced societies. Each island Columbus visited uncovered a different way of life than the previous. The island of Juana’s inhabitants were fearful of Columbus which made conquering the land and claiming it as Spain’s rather simple. The next island which he named “Hispana” was much more advanced in terms of agriculture and resources than the previous island Juana. All the islands shared the commonality of the lack of more complex governance (besides a chief for example) and also did not have an established currency such as the one Polo encountered in
Drake planned on returning through the Magellan Strait but because Drake was not very well like by the Spanish so he decided to go home through the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. He didn't want to run into any problems. This meant that he was going to sail around the world. He stopped at the Philippine islands for more supplies and made a couple other stops along the way. He finally returned to Plymouth in September. After almost three years on the water he returned home and was made a national hero.
I am going to write a film analysis essay for the film The Dark Knight. My chosen essay topic is: Analyse how visual or sound effects were used to emphasise a theme in the visual or oral text(s). I need to show how the main themes of showing morality when making decisions and the power held by the villain are presented in the film through the use of dialogue, camerawork, sound, and editing. I will refer to the scene when The Joker announces his social experiment and he and Batman have their final fight, The Ferry Scene, for my specific example. I will also comment on the director, Christopher Nolan’s intentions in order to show my personal insight into the film.
Christopher Columbus wrote this letter in the hopes of outlining his discoveries to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. They along with other backers helped him in his pursuit of finding a quicker route to the Chinese trade markets. Columbus wanted many things from his voyage, fame and fortune being the front runners. The King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella wanted the the fame and fortune like Columbus, and also the ability to bring their religion to many lands all over the globe. His crew set sail from Spain in the three well known ships listed as the Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria. Columbus sailed from new island to new island for many months on end, in what we now know as the modern day Caribbean. Christopher Columbus’s efforts were groundbreaking, and his letter served to further his efforts of another voyage by showcasing his success of discovering the Indies, routes, the people, and their natural resources. The promise of new trade routes, silver, spices, silk, and other merchandise were replaced with his belief he “conquered” new islands, set up a colony, and brought back a small supply of gold and slaves.