To start, He kidnapped children,women,and men.In 1492 Christopher Columbus went on an Expedition. In brain pop video Christopher Columbus says, “ He sailed to land and he kidnapped children,women, and men and kept them as slaves. He sold the slaves and forced them to work. Columbus claimed every land for Spain. Christopher Columbus was not a hero.” First, He captured free people. In the brain pop video Christopher Columbus says,“ If he didn’t get what he wanted he will kill the people he finds. Many of them were killed for not doing what they were told. Only christians were treated nicely,but not the others.
Second, He was blackmailing people.In Pedro's Journal it says, “ When he went to lands he took the Indians back to Spain. Columbus
Columbus sold the natives of Arawak tribe from what now called Haiti when he and his crew member found that there was no gold to bring back to the king and queen. In Chapter 1 of Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progression by Zinn it states that “In the year 1495, they went on a great slave raid, rounded up fifteen hundred Arawak men, women, and
When he arrived, Columbus established "Navidad", a military fortress on the island. The fortress was there as a storage unit for any gold the men could find. Columbus departed, taking more enslaved Arawak people with him, back to Spain but leaving thirty-nine men behind to continue the raids for gold. Columbus and his men had concealed their true purpose by claiming their mission was to spread Christianity. Columbus noted the Arawaks to be so nave and overly generous people, that he would take advantage of them as he would take any goods he could from them but what is notably more significant, he took as many "slaves" as he could as he (Columbus) realized that there wasn't nearly as much gold as he reported to Spain.
When Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas he stole land, kidnapped people and started a massacre. This all started August 3, 1492, when Columbus started his trip to India. According to Document B, “I took possession of all of them for our most fortunate one making any resistance.” This was written by Christopher Columbus in 1493. In this quote he is referring to the people of the islands he discovered, saying that he has kidnapped them for the King. It also states, “ In the island, which I have said before was called Hispana, there are very lofty and beautiful mountains, great farms...and well adapted for constructing buildings.”, which describes reasons they should take over the land. Additionally, according to Document C,
Christopher Columbus was sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel of Spain in 1492 to find an alternate trade route to Asia. The Reconquista was just wrapping up in Spain, and in hopes to continue the movement, the King and Queen encouraged Columbus to spread Christianity once he made landfall. Their goals for his voyage were similar to many at the time: find riches, spread faith, and claim any unconquered lands. Columbus was successful in all three, however, there is much controversy in the measures Columbus took to do so. Although Christopher Columbus caused the death of many indigenous people and ecological succession, his ultimate goal was to carry out the requests of the Spanish government, therefore he should not be found guilty because
Christopher Columbus, explorer for Spain, is he a hero or a villain? Columbus started a new age of exploration when he set sail in 1492. He asked many leaders if he could sail for them, but they said no and that they were happy with the way things were. He sailed west for the Indies, but found America instead. Columbus should not be judged by today’s standards, he is hero and should be treated as one.
In American history, there is a sharp divide between historians who believe Christopher Columbus is a hero, and those who believe he is a villain of American History. Christopher Columbus although he was one of the first to find the Americas, he set out on this journey for his own personal gain. Christopher Columbus is a villain in American History whose adventure cost thousands of natives their lives.
In 1492, Italian cartographer and explorer, Christopher Columbus, set off on a mission from Spain in order to find a quicker, alternative route to Asia. With him, Columbus brought eighty-seven men and three ships, the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María, to sail across the large and vast Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately for Columbus, a new route to Asia was never discovered by Spain that year because he had arrived in the Caribbean, which was found in North America. Thinking that he had just entered the Indies, he started to call the people of this land, “Indians”. These Indians were actually Native Americans who had lived on these lands for thousands of years prior. Immediately, letters from Columbus to the King and Queen of Spain were sent by boat back to Europe and soon Columbus was seen as the man who helped create a bridge of prosperous trading and riches between Europe and “Asia”.1 While this discovery proved that Columbus was a hero-like figure to Spain, it’s what he did within the new land that actually makes him one of the biggest villains to ever set foot on Earth. But what classifies this explorer as a villain? Columbus captured thousands of natives, many of which were sent back to Spain to live and work as slaves. Along with that, Columbus also forced the Christian religion onto them, spread diseases that killed thousands of lives, and used violence as a means of persuasion and control.2 Corrupted by his pursuit of riches,
Columbus enslaved the natives living on the island of Hispaniola, called the Taino. Document 9 states that he forced the natives to dig, split rocks, move stones, and carry dirt on their backs
Christopher Columbus was a villain, he was cruel and violent and should never be classified as a hero. Columbus was conceited and selfish, he had enslaved millions of Native Americans, and he had been brutal and violent to the Native Americans, in which were peaceful and nice to him and his crew. Columbus shouldn’t have the right to be excused from his crimes and celebrated for only his glories. He was inhumane and a barbaric leader, explorer, and person. Columbus was a terrible person and should be known as a villain.
Columbus's arrogance and exploitation regarding slavery began on his second voyage. Ferdinand and Isabella had ordered that the natives be treated kindly. In opposition to this order, Columbus began exporting slaves in great numbers in 1494. It was because he was not making any real profit elsewhere on the island that he decided to exploit the one source of income--people--he had in abundance (Fernandez-Armesto 107). When word reached him that the crown did not want him sending more slaves, Columbus ignored it. He was desperate to make his expeditions profitable enough for Ferdinand and Isabella's continued support. Evidently he was not reprimanded because thousands of Indians were exported. By the time they reached Spain, usually a third of them were dead. Bartolome de las Casas wrote that one Spaniard had told him they did not need a compass to find their way back to Spain; they could simply follow the bodies of floating Indians who had been tossed overboard when they died (17). It is horrible to consider that the exportation of these natives resulted
When Columbus first saw the people on the island he thought of them as servants. He wanted to bring back home with him six of them to show they could learn their language and that they would want to become Christians. In other islands he did kidnap some. On one voyage he took ten to twenty-five of American Indians. Not all of them arrived
Before we can truly label Columbus as a hero or evil, we must first define what is viewed as a hero. Many dictionary definitions exist having the meaning of a hero as one with courageous or noble qualities but seeing as these definitions are extremely objective, the definition of a hero I will be using for the purpose of defining Columbus will be, quoting Joseph Campbell, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” Christopher Columbus clearly demonstrated giving and self sacrifice in his investments of time and risking his life for his voyages with “commercial expeditions resembling warlike cruises” and at some points in his travels being away from home for 29 months. The rewards that Columbus, along with the rest of Europe, reaped from his efforts include the new access to vast expanses of resourceful land, as well as the eventually successful, even flourishing, colonization of America, not to mention, that Columbus, “[the] founding figure of a new world” laid the framework to modern day globalization as well as played a key role in the creation of one of the most significant, powerful, and impactful nations existing today. The fact that Columbus grew up in poor conditions and being completely self taught in the art of navigation and seafaring only adds to the magnitude of his immense accomplishments.
Christopher Columbus is an internationally celebrated explorer, due to his voyages to Central America during the Age of Discovery, a period between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries when explorers were sponsored by eastern countries to claim land. Columbus was an Italian explorer, on a conquest for gold and riches, who was sponsored by the monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, to travel to Southern Asia. Columbus proposed the idea of traveling from East to West, rather than traveling along the borders of countries and continents, such as Africa and Asia, to eastern countries for gold, spices, and other riches for the monarchs. When Columbus succeeded in landing in the New World, he believed he landed in Southern Asia, but rather he landed in Hispaniola, modern day Haiti and Dominican Republic. The “New World” was a term used for the area Columbus landed in, on October 12, 1492. When Columbus landed in the New World, it was inhabited by native people, who were used by the Spaniards to help navigate and understand the landscape of the islands and as workers to find gold. Columbus has a mixed legacy because he had positive and negative attributes; he made the Columbian Exchange, which increased biodiversity in the New World, and is an important explorer in American history, but also began the African slave trade and caused population devastation due to slavery and diseases in the native populations. The legacy of Christopher Columbus should be remembered as a villain because he was greedy for wealth and power, he introduced diseases to the New World, and enslaved and used violence against the natives.
School taught us about the infamous Christopher Columbus who was known as the hero who found the Americas in 1492, but is that the truth? Is Columbus really the hero that grade school portrayed him to be? Columbus was not. Columbus was a greedy man who destroyed an entire race of people with genocide just so only he could benefit and become a man of money and power.
Christopher Columbus is not guilty for any of the crimes people accused him of. He went to America because he had to. If he did not King Ferdinand, Queen Isabella and the Pope would have killed him. Back in his time, everyone saw refusing the king and Queen and The Pope the same as refusing God. Columbus was very loyal to Spain and did what he thought was