Chromosomes vs DNA of an Apple and Banana
The genetic blueprint of all living thing is Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA. The chromosomes are thread like structures located inside the nucleus of plant cells and are up of protein and a single molecule of DNA. An apple contains 34 chromosomes and a banana contains 22 chromosomes. The purpose of this experiment was to see if the number of chromosomes effect the amount of DNA in an apple and a banana. DNA is extracted from the apple and banana. The type of fruit was the only thing not changed in the experiment making it the independent variable. The amount of DNA is what is being measured, making it the dependent variable. Any living thing contains DNA, however, the skin of the fruit must be removed as it does not contain DNA because it is mostly dead.
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The apple and banana were cut into equal portions, weighed and put in separate bags. Next, we crushed the apple and banana in each bag using our hands to mush the fruit into a pudding like mixture. Then we added equal amounts of salt water to each bag and again mixed the mixture by kneading each bag with our hands for one minute. Now, we added equal amounts of soap to each bag and again kneaded each bag for one minute. We let the mixture stand for five minute. Next, we placed a coffee filter on each of the two beakers. Carefully, we poured the mixture into the coffee filters being sure not to drop any of the mixture directly into the beaker. After, we poured equal amounts of rubbing alcohol into the mixture and let stand for five minutes. The DNA will form in each beaker as it is filtered down through the coffee
After the incubation, we removed the tubes from the heating blocks. We then got the package of 1.2% agarose FlashGel. The gel contained a chemical which allows us to see the DNA fragments under the ultra violet light. We marked where each DNA fragment would go on the gel and began to put them in the gel wells. We carefully put 5 micrometers of the crime scene samples into the wells.
In the lab we filled the first beaker up with water. Then we took a pipet (filled with the liquid) and dropped water droplets onto the
Each human being has something called DNA. DNA is described as genetics and an extremely long macromolecule that is the main component of chromosomes and is the material that transfers genetic characteristics in all life forms. DNA constructs of two nucleotide strands coiled around each other in a ladder like arrangement with the sidepieces composed of alternating phosphate and deoxyribose units and the rungs composed of the purine and pyrimidine bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. Each chromosome consist of one continuous thread-like molecule of DNA coiled tightly around proteins and contains a portion of the 6,400,000,000 basepairs that make up your DNA.
Firstly acquire three test tubes. All test tubes will contain gelatin. One of them will contain both pineapple and compound X. Compound X is our independent variable in this experiment. Another will contain just pineapple and gelatin. The last one will contain only gelatin, this test tube will be our control group. The next step is to put all the test tubes in the icebox and wait for the gelatin
We did not modify the experiment because it worked perfectly. As soon as we poured the alcohol into the pea mixture test tubes the DNA began forming and becoming visible. Due to this, we did not find it necessary to modify the
The discussion group
The control of the experiment is water. The positive results are the juices that turned into jelly and the negative results were pineapple and kiwi.
In this procedure, chromosomal DNA is extracted from strawberries. First, the strawberry is placed in a sealable plastic bag and pressed in order to crack open the plant 's cell wall. Next, a detergent is added to dissolve the cell membrane, this process is called cell lysis. The cell contents will flow out after cell lysis. This cell lysis solution is then placed in a water bath to allow for a further breakdown. Lastly, to make the DNA evident an alcohol-based precipitation is added to the cell lysis solution, then using a splint to
Let the agarose powder sit in the buffer for a few minutes. The beaker is covered with plastic wrap an placed in the microwave. Microwave the solution slowly with boiling it. As soon as the solution starts to boil, take it out and carefully mix it with the hot gloves on and continue to heat the solution until it is completely clear. Once the solution is cooled, add 3µL of ethidium bromide stock to the solution and mix it by swirling it. The gel is poured into the prepared mould that is taped on the ends and eliminate any bubbles. Place the comb on the negatively (-) charged side. After the gel solidifies, remove the comb and tape and place the gel into the chamber. Gently pour TAE buffer over the gel as the gel should be completely covered by 2-3 mm of buffer. If air bubbles form, gently displace them with a disposable micropipette tip. Droplets of prepared loading buffer are placed on a piece of parafilm paper. The ladder will consists of only the buffer because it will work as a measuring device to compare the DNA samples. 10 µL from each of the DNA samples will be mixed with the loading buffer using the micropipette tip. The positive control will be consist of 10 µL of water and the droplet of loading buffer. The samples including the ladder and positive control are added to a separate well in the gel. Once all of the samples are loaded into their own
Deoxyribonucleic (DNA) is the molecule that hold the genetic information of living things. In our body every cell contains about 2 meters of DNA. DNA is copied every time a cell divides. Deoxyribonucleic (DNA) is made up of two polynucleotide strands. Polynucleotide strands twist around each other, forming a shape that looks like a ladder called a double helix. The two polynucleotide strands run antiaparallel to each other with nitrogenous bases this means that the stands run in opposite directions, parallel to one another. The DNA molecule consists of two backbones chains of sugars and phosphate groups. The organic bases held together by hydrogen bonds. Although bases bonded together are termed paired
Chromosome- Chromosomes are the microscopic structure within cells that carries the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is the hereditary material that influences the development and characteristics of each organism. In bacteria and bacteria-like organisms called archaebacteria, chromosomes are simple circles of DNA that float around in the cell. In more complex cells, or Eukaryotes, chromosomes are stored within a well developed and defined nucleus. In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are highly complex structures in which the shape of the DNA molecules is linear, rather than circular. Chromosomes consist chiefly of proteins and DNA. Tiny chemical subunits called nucleotide bases form the structure of DNA. A sequence of these bases that are along a DNA strand will create a code for the production of a special protein also known as a gene. Genes occupy precise locations on the chromosome. Each cell contains enough DNA to form a thread extending about 2 m (about 7 ft). Proteins called histones play a key role in packaging DNA within chromosomes. Sections of
The bags were put in their corresponding beakers, all of which contained tap water, except beaker #5 (tap water bag #5 was placed in beaker #5 which instead of holding water, was filled with 40% sucrose) concurrently, recording the time. In the same manner in which the bags were placed in the beakers simultaneously, remove the bags every 10 minutes, and record the weight of each bag. This process should be repeated for at least 90 minutes total.
1. 5 sucrose solutions were made of increasing molarity: 0.2 M, 0.4 M, 0.6 M, 0.8 M, 1.0M. 2. 50 mL of each unknown solution were poured into 5 separate cups. A slice of potato was placed into 5 equal cylinders. 3. The mass of the 5 potato cylinders were then recorded. 4. The cylinders were placed into the foam cups with solution and covered with plastic wrap. It is to be left overnight. 5. The room temperature was recorded in Celsius. 6. The cylinders are then to be removed from the cups and carefully blotted of any excess solution. 7. The mass of the potato cylinders were recorded afterwards.
At first a collection of blood and sperm samples from anonymous donors which are then combined into a mixture. The mixture is subjected for DNA extraction using chloroform, phenol and water. Pure DNA is dissolved in water. It is subjected to an enzyme, restriction that cuts the DNA fragments. The short DNA fragments are treated with alkali to make sticky ends.