There are many different kinds of depression, with varying symptoms and treatments. Chronic depression is only one type. As with every depression it is different for everyone because everyone experiences it different. Even the diagnosis process is different for each type of depression. Depression is a state of mind caused by a chemical balance in the brain that causes daily tasks to be chanengling and a dark cloud of bad emotions. This can lead to suicide, self harm, and dangerous behavior. Depression is experienced differently for every person. The survey that I conducted was very interesting for that reason. When I asked people to define depression I got a very wide variety of answers which showed how different it has been experienced. The
APA Annotated Bibliography Deagan Bryson ENG 122-English Composition II Rocky Ford Jr. Sr. High School Mrs. Bea Jae Viescas March 27, 2024 Topic: Things that lead to depression in the modern era. Thesis Statement: While depression has been around forever, there has been an increase, which is because of the big factors in the modern era that are leading to depression. Hidaka, B. H. (2012).
Psychotic depression occurs when a depressive illness also includes hallucinations, delusions or the patient feeling removed from reality. Psychotic depression affects approximately one in four people admitted to the hospital for depression.
Field, Tiffany, et al. "Depression and related problems in university students." College Student Journal, vol. 46, no. 1, 2012, p. 193+. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 17 Apr. 2018.
Clinical depression is an illness that significantly affects the way someone feels; causing a persistent pessimistic mood. There are two main types of depression; post trauma and clinical deposition. This medical condition is often accompanied by a range of other physical and psychological symptoms that can interfere with a person’s everyday life; affecting 6% of Australian adults every year. Symptoms for depression include sleeping pattern disturbances, loss of motivation and interest, feeling worthless or guilty, anxiety and impaired concentration. There are a few ways that this depressive illness can be caused: reaction to a distressing situation like loss or stress; part of an illness such
Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by constant depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. It is the most common mental illness amongst adults but, it can affect people of every age. There are more than three million case per year for depression. Hippocrates was a Greek physician and is considered one of the most considered figures in the history of medicine. He discovered depression and found that it was caused by an imbalance in four body fluids called yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood. Depression greatly impacts people lives by causing problems at work, affecting relationships, and having suicidal thoughts.
This learner just started seeing this client. He has been coming to therapy because of anxiety problems that he has been dealing with on a normal basis. He has been talking about cutting himself. Since his thoughts are worrying him, the counselor asked me what assessment that could be considered to give this client.
Clinical depression affects up to 40% to 50 % of HIV/AIDS patients and is the very frequently seen as a mental health disorder among infected individuals. Women with HIV are twice as likely as men to be depressed. Depressive symptoms have been linked to risky behavior, non-compliance to medications, and to diminished survival rates. Although, sorrow and grief are customary reactions to the outcomes of HIV/AIDS infection, clinical depression is not. Failure to identify depression may jeopardize others in the community, as well as, the patient. Depression can also negatively affect the immune system and a general fulfilment of life. Health care providers and nurses should assess for depression as part of the annual mental health assessment and
Major depression is a medical illness that is characterized by feeling of sadness, disappointment, and despair. It is a “whole body illness” that involves emotional, physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual problems. Also called major depressive disorder and clinical depression, it affects how a person feels, thinks and behaves. They may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression may make them feel as if life isn't worth living.
Considering that every time we discuss issues it’s much too late, I decided to currently muster all that I could think of into this document so read it OR ELSE! Whether or not you decide to gaze upon it is up to you but I felt I needed to do this so read it OR ELSE! Though the length of this is daunting and you will probably ignore it and say what the heck is this xD But you better read it OR ELSE! Now you’re getting it ;)
Depression is on the rise in today's society, especially in teens millennials, therefore steps must be taken to combat this issue. How people get depression depends on their bodies chemistry, but usually causes are by genetics, living environment, sudden changes in a person's life, hormones, and cognitive habits. However sometimes depression can occur for no reason. Depression can affect anyone and everyone but studies have shown an increase in millennials and teens being diagnosed. Those who have a depressive disorder feel sad and uninterest all the time. If people don't treat depression the symptoms continue to get worse. Fortunately, there are many way to treat depression so long as the person struggling is willing to accept treatment.
I had an average life up until the point I fell into depression. It was something that took over my life and I couldn't control it. It showed me a different side of myself that I couldn't even recognize. It was an awful experience especially if you couldn't help yourself. I've grown from that situation and it helped me become the person I am today.
Have you ever wondered what really causes depression? Or how people are even depressed and not just sad? The reason I chose this topic is because I have depression. Not only that but I only know a limited amount of this disorder, and also considering the fact that depression runs along side both of my mom’s and dad’s side of the family. My curiosity grows as I wonder, what does this really mean? Why was i diagnosed with depression? Is depression permanent or can it be cured? How? Where does depression come from? On this journey as i take you into the world of mental health knowledge, you will also get to know a little bit about depression, and maybe answer some of your questions.
Sadness is a very normal feeling for everyone to feel now and then, but for about 14.8 million adults per year in the US, sadness lasts for very long periods, sleeping habits have gone wayside, appetite drastically increases or decreases, and have a slump in their energy. Experiencing depression at least once a life is a perfectly normal situation, yet this ever rising disorder can be treated in different ways like therapy or medication, people need to be open up to differents ways of treatments. Some people don’t trust therapy to treat them because they put thought in their mind that a therapy treatment is for mental and psychological disorders only. Seeking out a doctor for diagnosing and treatment could result in a long trial and error period,
Depression is a common disease that has plagued people for as long as there have been people. So many people suffer from it today although not nearly enough of them seek help for dealing with it. Depression is a serious disease that affects the mind yet so many people make it out to be less than it is. In this paper i am going to go over with you the signs of Depression, the way it affects those inflicted and if there is a cure or how it can be treated.
Depression have become a major problem in our society today. People who haven’t experience depression will not understand how it feel and what it can do to a person. Many people also doesn’t understand what depression is, or how it can related to suicidal ideation. In fact, studies have documented that the majority of young suicide victims had depression at the time of death and most suicide survivors were diagnosed with symptoms of clinical depression at the time of their attempt (Mojs, Biederman, Głowacka, Strzelecki, Ziemska, Samborski 2015). It can affect anyone, from young adolescents to college students to the elderly people. There are many reasons that can make someone have major depression. Such as financial problems, family problems, social problems, school, work, etc. These stressors in our daily life can cause anxiety which can increase our stress level significantly, which then can lead to depression. A research said that anxiety disorder have a high comorbidity with depression and that anxiety occur prior to the onset of depressive disorders in many individuals (Batterham, Christensen, Calear 2013). People who experience depression must find way to cope with depression and know how to get help in order to prevent suicidal ideation. The people surroundings, friends and family, must also find ways to recognize the symptoms of depression, and show understandings in order to help those suffering. This research project will help people understand more about