• Client has 4 sessions allocated under the Chronic Disease Management Plan.
Initial session
• Provide education on what exercises she can do for OA, hypertension and what works best for weight loss. The need to consider the diet aspect a bit more seriously (referral to dietitian covered through the CDMP), as the exercise alone is not going to have a great impact on her weight and this will help with OA pain. Also, the positive aspects of exercise on depression and anxiety (referral to Psychologist covered through the CDMP).
• Create a schedule or plan based on what is realistic considering current schedule and investigate local programs i.e. aqua aerobics, thai chai, yoga.
• Any level of activity will have a positive impacted on her aerobic condition and BMI. Aim to start with 3 x week of 20-30 minutes of light- moderate intensity (9-13/20 RPE).
• While in this early stage of change getting client to do activity will be challenging, can review additional barriers at second visit to develop some solutions.
• Provide the client with a basic home exercise programme
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• Asses the clients level of improvement from the initial session
• Revise the client’s programme, asses if any movements caused aggravation of the client’s pain.
• Revise the clients exercise diary; ask the client his preferred mode of aerobic exercise. Did the walking cause any hip or knee joint pain?
• Assess what local aerobic activity programs can be implement into the program.
• Enquire what exercises the client did/didn’t like or caused the client pain and make modifications to suite the clients preference.
3rd & 4th sessions (4 weeks after 2nd session dependant on progress at 2nd session).
• Assessing client’s progress.
• Teaching client self-management strategies (including program progress and regression based on pain
The practice that assist a therapist in determining a client diagnosis and the proper treatment plan that would resolve the issue surrounding the clinet’s diagnosis is Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning. The clinet’s treatment plan must be appropriate and relational and this will alow any type of medication and adaptions to be adjusted if needed so that modifications and adaptations can be adjusted as needed (Altman, Briggs, Frankel, Gensler, and Pantone, 2002). The ultimate goal of case conceptualization and treatment planning is to discover complete findings in relation to the client. One approach is Existential Therapy. The human
Stay physically active. It is recommended that you get at least 30 minutes of activity every day.
This is a health behavioral change plan where I will prioritize the Seven Dimensions of Wellness as they rank in my current life and includes a rationale and details on why each category fell in particular spot when I rate it. The first dimension of health on my list is physical but it has an emotional component. I rated this on the top of my list because I have gained 26 pounds in about 3 years and 6-8 pounds have been in the past 6 months. I bought new jeans before Christmas and they no longer fit me. To give context to how I arrived here I had lost lots of weigh a few years ago but my brother died who is only 9 months older than me and more people followed along with other severe stressors. I have always have been interested in health and
I designed my client’s exercises around their goals. For instance, Olivia wanted to have stronger abs, so I focused a majority of her training days on core strength. Another factor in designing my workouts was communicating with my client’s other trainer, so I did not repeat the same types of exercises. Furthermore, the progression was increasing the difficulty for my clients in terms of their respective exercises, as well as increasing the weights on the second or third repetition of the workout. For example, I had Dana jog on the treadmill at 6.0 mph for 2 minutes on May 17, but she was jogging at 6.5 mph for 3 minutes by May 23.
Health information management involves the practice of maintaining and taking care of health records in hospitals, health insurance companies and other health institutions, by the use of electronic means (McWay 176). Storage of medical information is carried out by health information management and HIT professionals using information systems that suit the needs of these institutions. This paper answers four major questions concerning health information systems.
Often in practice, we as nurses deal with a variety of diseases and treatments and often have to react to the illness that the patient presents with upon our interaction. While this is an essential piece of our practice, we also have a duty to our patients to be proactive in preventing specific health-related consequences based on their risk factors and to promote their health and well being. Health promotion as it relates to nursing is about us empowering our patients to increase their control over their lives and well beings and includes: focusing on their health not just illness, empowering our patients, recognizing that health involves many dimensions and is also effected by factors outside of their control (Whitehead et al. 2008)..
The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) is a community based self-management program created to help individuals gain their own confidence and skills to help manage their chronic illnesses. This self-management program is to collect data from the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program in English speaking countries, and determine the program’s effects on health behaviors, physical and psychological health status, and health care utilization at 4 to 6 months and 9 to 12 months after baseline. Small to moderate improvements in psychological health and selected health behaviors that remain after 12 months suggest that Chronic Disease Self- Management Program delivered in small English-speaking groups produces
family was able to participate in. The husband stated that he loved to work out and also had a membership at a gym. He works out at least four times a week and ensures that some type of cardiovascular exercise is a part of his regime. The wife stated that she had a membership to a gym also but was unable to attend no more than three days a week. The wife currently suffers from a disease called fibromyalgia which causes pain to radiate throughout her body. This causes her much discomfort and most of the time, rules out any attempt of physical activity that would cause an increase in heart rate.
From January 2001 to December 2014, a single surgeon (TPG) performed 3777 consecutive metal-on-metal HRA procedures, of which, 27% were women. Choosing December 2014 as our date range cut-off point ensured a minimum of 2 years of follow-up results for both study groups. Group 1 consisted of 357 cases in 309 females performed before 2008, prior to the establishment of the newly developed surgical interventions. Group 2 comprises 654 resurfacings in 556 females. Group 2 females were significantly older, at a mean of 54 years compared to 50 years (p30% uncovered, and in all patients who have had an acetabular complication on the opposite hip, or who have a DEXA scan T-score 30. We have also demonstrated that a slowed weight bearing protocol and alendronate can prevent EFF [26]. Over time we evolved to develop a comprehensive protocol which establishes three groups based on proven risk factors: Group A, femoral neck T-score >0 and BMI 30; and Group C, Femoral neck T-score< -1.5.
According to Healthy People 2012 there are more then 800,000 new cases of diabetes each year, with the numbers on the rise. With this in mind, Healthy People 2012 has identified diabetes as their number five focus area. In order to reach their goal of improving the quality of life for people with diabetes they have identified diabetes teaching as their number one objective. Furthermore, in order to reduce the number of complications of diabetes, Healthy People 2012 has identified foot ulcers as their ninth objective. Through patient education Healthy People 2012 hopes to reduce the number of foot ulcers in people with diabetes, as diabetes is the number one cause of nontraumatic amputations in the United States. In order to
I was very pleased with the way the first session went. I was nervous to start but the client was on her best behavior and worked through my little bumps. This particular client also worked hardest for rewarded breaks so I was able to lay out a timeline of working for 10 minutes for the reward of a 1 minute break. The client loved pigs so I brought a pig puzzle as well as coloring pages and stickers for the rewarding activity. The half session ran so smoothly that Lyndsey let me conduct for 35 minutes instead of the agreed upon time of 25 minutes. Lyndsey once again gave me a great critique and I did my best to apply her suggestions to my next interactions to show that I was learning and progressing.
The National Health Council estimates that approximately 133 million Americans, or about 41% of our population, live with chronic health diseases, making treatment of this defined group of illnesses the primary focus of our healthcare system.
Most children in society with chronic illnesses struggle with learning abilities. My senior project is “ Basic Learning for Kids with Chronic Illnesses”. This senior project will help children who fall behind in the basics of math and reading. Math and reading are what most children struggle with in school, so without an effective teacher, students struggle.. My thesis statement is ‘many chronic illnesses have a big impact on children and their learning abilities, which causes them to fall behind in their schooling’. Based off geno , “ children and adolescent with chronic illness are at the intersection of the health and education system. final product is to create an application for kids, which will test both subjects both subjects: math
The client studied for two years in college back in Malaysia before transferring to Purdue. According to her, they had mandatory exercise course that she had to take at that time. They have various selections for the course. The classes were twice a week and about 50 minutes per class period. She choose dancing for her first year in college and badminton for her second year. During two years, she also went swimming or other exercise with friends during weekends. After coming to Purdue, she perform exercise about three times a week. Though there is no longer course requirement for exercising here at Purdue, she still want to keep a habit of exercising to shape her body. The usual physical activities she has are running, badminton or playing with hula hoop. For the running and badminton, she exercises for about 30 minutes every time. She does hula hoop for at least 5 minutes every time.
One important aspect to maintain and uphold from behalf the team is to empathize and conveying similar sentiments when dealing with the current client. It is imperative that we use phrases that convey the clients’ opinions and beliefs, although do no admit liability, these may include phrases such as “I’m sorry to hear that” or “How may I help?”. Due to the client feeling dissatisfied and resentful about the omission in the design the team must portray understanding and show to the client that we care, and that our empathy is evident in order to understand what it is that the client is requesting, this can include understanding the clients’ irritations or fears before opposing. Listening is crucial in effectively dealing with the present inconvenience, being able to comprehend and understand the root of what is causing irritation from the clients’ perspective will ensure that the client and the team are on the same page