Chronic fatigue syndrome is usually associated with repercussions and pain attacks when the patient has to experience even a slight physical activity or a mental workload. They are unable to perform a minimum of 30 minutes exercise per day since it adds up to their exhaustion level. Dr. Pocinki mentioned that most of his CFS patients lose their muscle strength and tone which makes them de-conditioned, a term referring to person’s inability to perform daily exercises. A slight increase in activity leads to heavy pain and stiffness. However, exercise must be done by CFS patients in order to keep their muscles functional. They should make up fitness centers and follow the following guidelines:
1) Patient should always move his limbs and body
Post-traumatic stress disorder. Battle fatigue. Shell shock. All of these are names of mental disorders that soldiers come home with. The damage is caused by war. “What they [the soldiers] have seen and been forced to do is frequently so horrific and devastating that it simply cannot be tolerated by the human psyche” (xiii). The consciences of soldiers that participate in war can’t handle what they have seen and done, causing disorders such as the ones above. Soldier’s heart is similar to the aforementioned ailments. During the civil war, “Some men came through combat unscathed. Most did not. These men were somehow different from other men. They were said to have soldier’s heart.” A soldier has soldier’s heart when they come back from war harmed
Target population is the general public, anyone suffering from this condition, or for someone that know of a relative or a friend who is suffering from CF.
The Report dated 06/19/2017, indicated that the claimant had severe fatigue and chronic pain secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus and hemochromatosis. He was deemed incapacitated from 05/01/2017 through 07/31/2017. Monthly appointment for blood letting was advised. A referral to Hematology and Oncology was made.
Nearly 1 in every 30 Americans are a carrier of the recessive gene that leads to CF (About Cystic Fibrosis, n.d.). Although CF is a life-threatening condition, through the advancement of treatments and care, there has been a steady increase in life expectancy and improvement in the quality of life. The current mean age of survival is now 40. Although that does not seem very high, sixty years ago, a child diagnosed with CF did not survive childhood (About Cystic Fibrosis, n.d.). CF is a complex disease, where the types and severity of symptoms can differ widely from person to person. Symptoms may include fatigue, salty-tasting skin, persistent cough with phlegm, wheezing and shortness of breath, lung infections, and poor growth and weight loss (Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors, 2018). Many different factors, such as the age of diagnosis, can affect an individual's health and the course of the
The Main treatment for someone with lung problems with CF is chest physical therapy, which is also called chest clapping or percussion. CPT is done by pounding your chest and back repeatedly with your hands or device to loosen the mucus from your lungs so that you can cough it up. Exercise is also a choice of a treatment plan, exercised that make you breathe harder can help loosen the mucus in your airways so you can cough it up. Medication can also be used to treat Cystic Fibrosis, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medicines, bronchodilators, or other medication that can help clear the mucus buildup in the lungs(“Cystic
I had the opportunity to interview a friend, Omar, who went to Shanghai with me for a study abroad program. Omar shared with me his experience at a university clinic that practiced western-style biomedicine. Since we were close friends, the unstructured interview allowed me to fully investigate Omar’s feelings about happened to him. In his story, it became clear that he was hesitant with how medicine was conducted in China despite the fact he went to a biomedical facility, but I gathered more from scrutinizing his reasoning behind why he waited so long to see a doctor. Omar ultimately does not agree with some of the customs in traditional Chinese medicine, but his almost stubborn devotion to biomedicine and understanding of illness led me to consider how social bodies and local biology influenced the medical choices that he ended up choosing.
Today, there is no cure for Cystic Fibrosis, but if the disease is found in an individual early enough, the patient can be recovered. About 85 to 90% of patients will have problems absorbing nutrients from their intestines. And because enzymes are lost when diagnosed, enzyme supplements are required to prevent bad nutrition and malnutrition. There are two main body parts that can be cared for the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis: The lungs and the chest. Lung problems can also be treated, but not cured. Antibiotics and other drugs may loosen the thick mucus in the lungs, but if it fails, a transplant lung may help to extend life. But about four hundred people die each year while waiting for a lung transplant. Also Chest physical therapy is a technique done by vigorous claps on the back and chest to loosen the thick mucus from the lungs. The average lifespan of an individual with CF is about thirty years.
For over one hundred years General Motors has been a vital function in the automobile industry, beginning with the horseless Buick carriage in 1903. Heavy competition arose when Ford released the Mustang in 1964 as a door for average drivers to experience luxury sports cars at an affordable price. On September 29, 1966 General Motors struck back with its own pony car, the Chevrolet Camaro. This first model offered the two body style options of hardtop coupe and convertible. In 1968, the vent windows were replaced with a new Air Ventilation system and pointer grills were added. The 1969 Chevrolet Camaro catered to the wants of the more “fiercer” look. The “V” style grille and deep set headlights created a desirable look. In 1970, the company
Here are some other changes affecting CF patients: Crackles, non-productive or productive cough, physical changes to the chest cavity, cyanosis, and clubbing of the fingernails. Genetic testing should be done since cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder. Those affected with cystic fibrosis have parents “who do not have cystic fibrosis but are heterozygotes or carriers of the disease. A heterozygote has 1 dominant allele and 1 recessive allele.” (Grossman & Grossman, 2005, p. 46) My co-worker and her spouse are heterozygotes, and they have a 50/50 chance of having a cystic fibrosis child, they were not lucky with the odds and both their sons are affected with cystic fibrosis. These
The impacts of CF on a human can be very serious and life-shortening. A person with CF usually has their airways blocked by the mucus produced, therefore having trouble breathing. This can also result in the person running out of breath easily, and not being able to exercise for long periods of time. The person affected by CF needs to be checked regularly at Cystic Fibrosis Care Centers to maintain their CF. They should always take the medicine prescribed by their CF manager/doctor. A person affected by CF can’t do all the regular activities that people who aren’t affected by CF can do, like running, going to the gym and general strenuous activities. People affected with CF usually have a life expectancy of around 40 years assuming that the
This article provided a definition of the Trans Theoretical model of behavior change and provided ways to support change based on the client’s stage of change. The Trans theoretical model (TTM) is a tool that can be used to promote behavior change. The TTM focuses on the decision making of the individual and intentional behavior change. Although the TTM was originally designed to describe changes in addictive behavior, it has recently expanded to include preventive health behavior change. The TTM says that people do not change all at once, rather they move through a series of five stages toward behavior change. These five stages include pre contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Table 2 from the article provided
CFS, otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome, is this illness characterized by debilitating fatigue. At times, this disease is also referred to as chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), or chronic Epstein-Barr virus (CEBV). However, no matter what it is called, it remains a nightmare for those who
There is sufficient evidence supporting the use of physical exercise as a central element of rehabilitation for many chronic diseases.1 The effectiveness of implementing an exercise program with cancer patients is widely researched. Many studies note that any form of exercise performed has a proven effect to improve both physical and psychological effects associated with patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy for their cancer diagnosis. However, treatment modalities for cancer produce a number of negative side effects in patients, preventing them from participating in an exercise routine. Some of these side effects include: increased fatigue, tiredness, pain, not enough time due to treatment schedule, decreased strength and energy, shortness of breath on exertion, decreased motivation, and decreased concentration.2 Due to these common side effects, most patients are unable to continue a previous exercise program or begin a new program, even though the benefits have been shown to reduce the severity of most side effects experienced.
Physical rest, nutrition and exercise are some of these needs and if denied, the body will eventually become too exhausted to function properly. The most common symptoms of this are fatigue not relieved with sleep, insomnia and irritability. If left untreated, physical exhaustion can lead to physical ailments such as dizziness, colds, headaches, chronic pain, and digestive problems and even impaired functioning of other body systems. (Espeland, 2006, p. 180)
The answer to this question is no. Socrates’ definition of justice is a two-part definition. Justice of the city requires that all people do their part or job that they were born to do and individual justice, which is concerned with the wellbeing and development of the soul. Justice of the city holds true for 99% of the city, however the philosopher king is asked to be a philosopher and a ruler at the same time violating Socrates’ own definition of what justice is. Although this is the most significant contradiction, it is not the only one when analyzing the philosopher king position, however not everyone is suited for the philosopher king position.