
Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Research Paper

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Tragedy and Comedy in Chronicle of a Death Foretold Through Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Marquez utilizes comedy and tragedy to reveal the inevitability of fate. Marquez conveys the tragedy of Santiago Nasar's murder by building suspense and developing the characters. Throughout the play the audience encounters several examples of the tragic factors leading to Santiago’s death that build a strong sense of apprehension. One was the idea of Santiago being an innocent man who is wrongly accused and not informed about his planned murder until it was committed.. The Vicario brothers later explain that Santiago’s death was inevitable and that “There was no way out of this”; they were forced to defend their family name and “It was if [Santiago’s death] had already happened”. The tragedy is not only Santiago’s death, but also the fact that these …show more content…

The instances where Santiago is unknowingly in danger “while the Vicario twins had been waiting for [Santiago] for more than an hour” he is saved by random coincidence “if [Santiago] had later left by the door in the square”. These seemingly random coincidences that save Santiago, imply his innocence to the audience. The murder seemed unavoidable, however somehow Santiago dodges the attack multiple times, which leads the audience gripping their chairs throughout the story, wondering when Santiago’s eventual murder will happen. The “fake customers buying milk they didn’t need” mocks human nature by having many people in the situation “all with the purpose of seeing whether [if the twins waiting for Santiago to kill him] was true” but how it falls short of any action to save Santiago. Marquez emphasizes tragic human nature by describing the lack of action by the citizens; like a train wreck, you are horrified but unable to look

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