
Chronicles Of Narnia

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On July 4, 1776, The United States of America was declared free from Great Britain’s reign of tyranny, and born a new. As the nation began to to lay its foundation it seeked for population from all corners of the world, offering land and abundant resources in exchange for labor, thus the influx of immigrants in the mid 19th century fabricating the image of America as a melting pot, where any culture, religion, and race can seek haven. Since “What makes someone american isn’t just blood or birth but allegiance to our founding principles and faith in the idea that anyone- from anywhere- can write the next chapter of our story”- Barack Obama. However, time has passed and citizens begin to question whether America has transformed from safe haven …show more content…

For instance, as Senator Smith addresses America’s astrayment from the “form of the government laid down by our fathers” he fails to recall that seven of the thirty-nine founding fathers were not Anglo- Saxon but immigrants. So as he degrades races other than his own he is essentially calling his own quintessential americans, the breed of a dog, or metaphorically speaking a filthy mutt. In addition, Senator Smith fails to mention one crucial detail to the congress, which is our nation's past and foundation. For America is built on determined immigrants traveling around the world overcoming brutal and time consuming obstacles, for a taste of freedom. Why deny them the opportunity due to their race being different, thus turning back the clock to a generations. For even our past elected president Abraham Lincoln believed “anyone who deserve freedom can get it and no one could take it away from him.” America is known as the land of opportunity and hope, who never cower when times get tough, no we stand strong together and fight in our beliefs. The day we allow a man to change us is the day we lose the title as “the land of the free and the home of the

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