As a Christian the best leadership structure for the body of believers we have was given to use by Jesus Christ. He taught us how to love (God with all our heart) and who to love (thy neighbor), which results in us being better leaders. Naturally, each church reads the same scripture but interprets it differently and has a different leadership style as a result of that. Three church’s constitutions in particular will be the subject of discussion. I will compare and contrast the leadership structures of the three, list positives and negatives, interpret what I see the preferred church leadership structure and interpret what the constitution reveals about each church.
FBC Bossier City
This the only church constitution out of the three with a leadership team that is designed specifically for handling church matters that aren’t related to the spiritual oversight. This leadership structure is led by the key figure the pastor; he has the power to ordain those. The pastor is the chief and al things go through him if they happen in the church he is preceding over. Reading this constitution, I quickly noticed how it had a feel as if the pastor was the C.E.O of a fortune 500 company. Some of the things like the leadership team and the requirements of the pastor really gave the impression that this church was being ran more than an organization, a very tight
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Then the Pastor is the human head of the church, the other office is the deacon and they work with one another. The pastor preaches and teaches and the deacon is to serve the pastor and the church in various capacities. In this preferred structure the congregation has a great deal of authority but in certain situations the pastor has the final say so. In my mind congregational is the most efficient structure with a humble leadership who has high character and very
Financial Secretary: The most glaring issue, which opens up easy access for, would be embezzlers in the congregations check policy. All checks being written to cash basically enables anyone to cash out the check, the church, a rouge employee or volunteer, or otherwise. All checks need to be made out to the church, not to cash. It would be even better if the church went the route of many churches by allowing donors to have donations processed monthly (or weekly depending on donor preference) through
pastor. A Sr. pastor is over the whole church and untimely is where most people look when they see problems going on in the church. The Sr. pastor tends to be the face of the church, just as the president is the face for the United States. To be a second chair leader to the pastor you are either an associate minister, or a small specific type of minister, for example youth, children’s, young adults, and so on and so forth. So if you are an associate minister, at least in the United Methodist Church, you may want your Sr. pastors job but you do not really have any say who will get it or not, so most of the time you just do not fight with them. If you are a small specific type of minister you more than likely do not want the Sr. pastor’s job because that is not where your calling is or you would not be doing this job. While that is the basis of the structure it is also important to remember that while the Sr. pastor is over those in the second chair more likely than not the Sr. pastor wants your input on things and wants you to succeed. If your Sr. pastor does not want you to succeed then you need to find a different job. With that in mind the first chair is not some one that you should fight with over things but someone you should listen to and bounce ideas off of. I currently use this information while at my internship. Every week I meet with my Sr. pastor to go over the things that I am doing in
Youth leadership and development is a huge part of agriculture education. It is one of the many things that FFA is known for. Leadership is important in all career areas and should be a part of every student’s education. As a teacher, I will strive to integrate leadership development in all of my classes.
The process of leadership requires self-identification of behaviors and reflection on one’s attitude (Bell, 2010). Among the thousands of leadership books in print today, this book is one that takes a different approach to examining leadership from a Christian perspective as well as relating to the process of leadership along with many
These examples lead me to conclude that Church Administration has not changed. In fact it cannot change because it is based biblically on the foundation of the bible. Dr. Robertson noted that we need to not only “read” our history but we should “talk” about our history. Doing this allows us to address issues that may have happened before and not address them for the first time. If we begin to change the way we administer God’s church we no longer become God’s church we are then just an
After reading the lecture notes church structure chart, I would say that my church falls between the attractional and organic view of small groups. We have an amazing new building that has a “come and see” feel; but, we also believe in relational missional groups that go out in the community. We believe that all gifts are needed in the body of Christ. We believe in forward movement, so we do count people and dollars. But our real success is measured in life change. We have a large budget that supports the staff and property, but a large portion of that budget
My leadership experience will lead me to a successful career. I have experience with being a leader not only in 4-H, but FFA as well. I may not have a leadership position in FFA, but I show leadership in other ways. I show leadership by leading class discussions, and volunteering to help with our chapters’ group of cattle. I was the first to start doing cow chores, and I taught the following person what they needed to do regarding chores. This goes to show, that even though I am not an officer for our FFA chapter, I still show leadership in and out of the classroom. In 4-H, I have multiple leadership positions. I am on the Polk County Council, which involves running the Polk County Fair, and being an active volunteer in the 4-H Building during
) F-1.0201 presents the authority of Christ in PC(USA). “God has put all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and has made Christ Head of the Church, which is his body. The Church’s life and mission are a joyful participation in Christ’s ongoing life and work” (F-1.0201). Furthermore, “Christ gives to the Church its faith and life, its unity and mission, its order and discipline” (F-1.0203). Therefore, church should be guidance by the Word and the Holy Spirit. Since God is the only one who has the authority of the church, constitution in PC(USA) does not “wish to see any religious constitution aided by the civil power” because of “protection, security, equality and common to all others” (F-3.0101-b). PC(USA) is only governed with justice
They do however want the people they support in a church plant to have some sort of outside accountability in place. First overseers to step in for a moral or leadership problem, then financially trustees to monitor budgets and spending.
Leaders are appointed to serve here on earth on behalf of Christ since Christ is the good and chief shepherd. Leaders should lead the believers based on how Christ related with the church when he was on earth[5]. Shepherds had to feed the people of God and to protect them from predators[6]. Churches today ought to do things how the New Testament churches did[7].
This in short summarizes what the role of a pastor is to be which was illustrated by the head of the Christian church. Today, the role of pastor “in a modern-day “pastor” system is as much a departure from the New Testament pattern of church as is an ecclesiastical hierarchy. No one man can assume the
Being organized can help all of us make it through our day more efficiently. If we have to constantly search for things we need, our time is wasted. Time that we know could be better spent on other things. Organizing is helpful. Today we see organized religion everywhere. It can be seen in a small Bible study of two or more, or in a congregation of thousands. Meeting together helps us, we build relationships and starts the process where we begin to fit into God’s will and plan for our lives. God is able to allow us to grow and mature spiritually, I see it as His own spiritual greenhouse. God also desires for us to make a commitment to a local church where we can be accountable to others and increase the Kingdom. It only begins to become a hindrance when we start to stray from God’s agenda and start to follow our own plan. Today I wish to explore how necessary organization is to the health of a church, if it is considered evil, and if too much organization will hinder the church’s growth.
Take one leader in the Bible, other than Jesus, and evaluate his or her leadership style from using the framework of modern thinking on leadership and your own theological reflection.
Effective leadership approaches from a biblical perspective consist of God’s nature in his manifested character. Christian leaders are willing to pay the price to lead in Christ’s affliction. Paul said there is a price to pay in order to lead and Jesus reminded us, “Remember what I told you: 'A servant is not greater than his master. ' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also” (John 15:20, New International Version). Christian leaders need core attributes of God’s styles and approaches, support and linkage from scriptures, and knowledge of his leadership models of truth for effective leadership. However, these perspectives will gave me a better appreciation and insight of who God is and who I can be with his guidance.
Christ is the leader of the Church, Paul in Ephesians 1:22 said “God placed everything under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the Church” however, God entrusted the authority to lead to his servant whom he set them aside to lead the community. Pastor as a public Leadership is to lead community. A person who is called by God to lead public has a responsibility to be in the community, with the community and for the community. One of best questions raised in the class during public leadership discussion was “How we can be a community pastor rather than just a church pastor?” This really a kind of question we are to consider as pastor especially as rural congregation pastor. In most cases when pastor are called to