
Churchill In George Orwell's Essay

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This was a calvary regiment which is what he studied in school, yet he went against his fathers wishes both times to join the infantry. In 1895, two deaths largely affected Churchill’s life. His father tragically died when Winston was 21, and four months later, Mrs. Everest became ill. After coming down with peritonitis, she was fired by the family after 19 years of service. Winston tried to support her with any money he could give. After hearing of her illness, he left his military duties and hired her a nurse and doctor. He was with her in her final hours, arranged her funeral. Mrs. Everest death affected him for the rest of his life. “Like so many nannies to the Victorian aristocracy’s children, she had been his real mother, and no one …show more content…

In 1900, he became a member of Parliament for the Conservative Party. A huge advocate for social justice, he changed to the Liberal Party in 1904. By 1908, he had been appointed to the prime minister's cabinet as president of the Board of Trade. Churchill met Clementine Hozier, in 1904 at a ball in Crewe House. In 1908, they met again at a dinner party and Churchill found himself seated beside Clementine. He proposed to Clementine during a house party at Blenheim Palace on August 10, 1908. On September 12, 1908, he and Clementine were married in St. Margaret's, Westminster. While Churchill was the present of the Board of Trade, he heavily expanded the military. By the early 1910’s, he was expecting war from Germany. “On August 2, 1914, on his own responsibility, he ordered the naval mobilization that guaranteed complete readiness when war was declared.” (Nicholas) By 1917 in the final year of the war, he was appointed minister of munitions. He oversaw the production of tanks, airplanes and munitions. After the war, he served as minster of war from 1919 to 1922. He was also the colonial secretary under David Lloyd George. Because of fractures in the Liberal Party, Churchill was not reelected as member of parliament in 1922, so he rejoined the Conservative Party. This was short lasted however, by 1929 the British conservative government had been defeated and Churchill was cast

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