Irreducible Complexity is an idea sparked debates with scientists for generations. This is the notion that a complex part of an organism could not have evolved over a long period of time since it would not have contained all the key components to keep it functioning. Darwin himself knew that his theory of evolution was hanging by a thread when he said, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organism existed that could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” One of these irreducible complex organisms is Cilia. Cilia are hair like structures that are usually used to move structures around inside of an organism within liquids. The cilia are consequently able …show more content…
We could not just have the microtubules for they cannot not bend, it would not make any sense to have “bridges” because the microtubules would still not bend, and if we only had the arms that move the microtubules they would just break apart from each other because there were no bonding “bridges”. As we can see, the cilia are an irreducibly complex system.
Another irreducibly complex system is the eye. The eye is a complex system made up of multiple different functions. The eye consists of Cornea, the Iris, the lens, the Retina, and Optic Nerve. The Cornea is a tough outer shell around the outside of the eye. This refracts light as it enters the eye. The Iris controls how much light enters the pupil. The Lens focuses light into the retina. The Retina is where the light receptors are. The Optic Nerve sends the images back to the brain where they form an image.
So, as you can see, every one of these functions is needed to complete a functioning eye. It would be hard to see how the eye could have done its job effectively if it evolved slowly over time. Each one of these parts is very fragile and even the smallest altercation could destroy all
“Moving on to the Caitlin and the Cytoskeletons. They control our shape and movements. They gave us direct movement and keep us in one place when
Explain the visual process, including the stimulus input, the structure of the eye, and the transduction of light energy.
Journalist, and professor of higher education emeritus at the University of Maryland, College Park, Robert Birnbaum wrote the article “Ready, Fire, Aim, The College Campus Gun Fight” in which he writes about two sides which he defines as “MoreGuns” and “BanGuns” and if one sides argument holds more truth as to whether guns on campus is a positive or negative reality. The article comes from a magazine called Change Magazine. Change Magazine focuses on the modern issues that arise in higher learning. The purpose of the magazine is to inform the readers and stimulate thinking. He reaches audiences on both sides of the argument by adopting a mostly non-emotional, and logical tone that will connect with his readers using facts. Birnbaum builds trust with the reader by being respectful to both sides of the arguments and presenting facts for both sides, at first he appears to be in the middle of the issue, but then as the article continues he shows his favored stance on the legal side by referencing the constitution which increases the strength of his argument.
Within the nerve net of cnidarians you will find sensory neurons, motor neurons, and intermediate neurons. The intermediate neurons carry messages from the sensory neurons to the motor neurons, and some of these could possibly be organized into ganglia. In the body there are two layers of cells: nerve cells and body cells. The nerve cells help to coordinate the actions of some body cells that are within the net. For instance, if the body is touched, the whole body will react (Cnidarians).
The cytoskeleton is the most important organelle. Without it in place, all the other organelles inside the cell would be randomly floating around with no sense of order. This would make the cell's job much harder and could create multiple different outcomes, since the cells would not have the same organelles in the same areas. The cytoskeleton keeps all the other organelles in the cell and in the proper areas. The cytoskeleton also anchors the cell to its neighboring cell and to the protein network in which that cell is sitting. This organelle provides the cells shape, which also provides the function of that particular cell. The cytoskeleton additionally allows the cells to shrink and grow very quickly.
The eyeball holds many parts to allow eyesight. The retina holds the key to allowing the human eye to see color. The pupil appears as the black part of the eye that people see, the pupil however does not have much to do with comprehending color. As Clarence Rainwater said in his book “The pupil is simply the hole in the iris through which light enters the eye.” (84) The light then has to pass through many parts of the eye before reaching the retina such as the transparent cornea, the aqueous humor, the lens, and the vitreous humor. Clarence Rainwater described the retina as “... the eye’s sensitive inner surface.” (86) The exciting part of the eye starts here. The retina holds the key as stated by Clarence Rainwater, “... a complex system
In the center of the iris is the pupil. Iris function is to control the size of the pupil. This pupil dilation allows a certain amount of light to enter the eye. A bright environment stimulates limiting diaphragm to contract the sphincter muscle and reducing the amount of light entering the eye. A dark room stimulates the dilator to relax and dilate in the effort to increase the amount of light entering the eye. The pupil constriction also occurs when the lens changes focus so that the eye can see something on a fence. This is known as the, Äúnear reflection., AU Sometimes the student does not respond properly due to problems in nerve or cranial
Before you buy cilia and flagella it is important to understand their functions and structures. Both cilia and flagella are whip-like columns of microtubules, covered in a membrane. They serve to move liquids across or over the surface of a cell, and can also be used to transport the cell from point A. To point B. There are 3 different types of flagellum, and 2 different types of cilia.
The film titled City of God (2002) by directors Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund highlights several issues concerning urban planning. In particular, the movie focuses on the social problems that develop with the emergence of highly-populated cosmopolitan cities like Rio de Janeiro. The entire film is shot in a favela, where gang-related activities are frequent. A critical analysis of the movie would reveal several other themes related to the planning of urban centers. Therefore, by using contents of the film, it would be possible to assess the trivial issues of solving planning problems in modern cities. Rio de Janeiro represents the many cities of developing and emerging economies that face serious planning and social problems as revealed in the film the City of God.
Samantha, that is a key in the districts of schools at all levels, we tell kid they have a voice, but where I their voice. The school will tell the students if they have concerns, something is happening, and we don’t allow bullying at our campus. But how much truth is there to that sentence? Unfortunately, students must look at angles to stay safe, in some cases where and how they need to share good a negative situation. Dean Diamond explained, “exposing kids to different characters, different ways of thinking, something so foreign it the way they live, I do think that it broadens them as people (Seider, p. 185). During school meetings, I think we need to be prepared to respond to the student’s questions, whether they be positive, their hurtful emotions, and how they feel they aren’t heard. Students can be lead if they have role models that promote positive civic development. If the faulty is not approachable, them the student body will deal with things in their way, rather than thinking that the faculty supports them.
This includes the sclera, pupil, and iris to name a few. The sclera protects the eyeball, the pupil is the hole where light enters the eye, and the iris controls the amount of light the comes into the eye by changing the size of the pupil (“Health and
The cytoskeleton is a structure that contains a complex microscopic network of protein, which comprises the cytoskeleton with 3 primary types of fibers, actin filaments which are commonly known as microfilaments, intermediate filaments and tubules (also called microtubules).
In order for cells and organisms to “live” they need to perform certain tasks such as produce energy through respiration, send messages, maintenance and reproduction. To enable the cell to do so, it contains within small structures called organelles, each organelle is different and carries out a specific function.
Cilia are hair like structures that stick out from the surface of a cell. Cilia are found in the lungs, respiratory tract and ear. They help to keep human and animal airways clear of mucus and dust, which permits us to breathe effortlessly and they also help propel semen. They also act as a sensory antenna for the cell. Some of the symptoms PCD can cause are chronic respiratory tract infections, unusually positioned interior organs, and
One of your five senses is sight. Your eyes are very important in your life, they work to help you see. Your eye is in your skull, in something called an eye socket. The sclera is the white part of the eye. Your eyes have many little red threads, if you rub your eyes, it may break some of the threads then your eye may turn a pink-ish color. The cornea a clear part of your eye, it helps to focus light. Your iris is the colored part of the eye. Next is the pupil, it is the big black dot in the middle of your eye. Lastly, in between the cornea and the iris is the the anterior chamber. That is the eye and it's