After reading the Novel Cinder, and watching the Disney movie Cinderella, I now understand how these characters are very different and very alike. I see how they have more differences than similarities.They are both 16 & Princesses they also both attended the ball. They both get the same type of actions towards just expressed in different ways. I will explain to you all the differences they have than similarities that i have discovered in this novel. Cinder’s real name is Princess selene & this is taken place in the future. Cinder’s step sister’s names are Pearl & Peony . Cinder had less & she was already a Princess her stepmother’s name is Adri. Cinder is a mechanic who loves to fix stuff she was hated by a lot of people. She went to
Have you ever wondered if there were other versions of Cinderella? Well there are, there isn’t just one version of Cinderella. Each version is a little bit different from each story because of the culture behind it. For example the “Cinderella” we know and love and the Ireland version the “Cinderlad”.The two cinderella stories, “Cinderlad” the Irish version and “Cinderella” the French version have both differences and similarities. Using the Motif “Damsel in distress” I can show that they are different & similar because of the culture they originated from and their social necessities.
After watching cinderella and reading cinder there was many similar things to the movie and book but there was also many different things that went on.Even though there were more difference between the to they still have the similarities.
Cinder is the story of Cinderella, told from an imagined future of New Beijing. Cinder is an endearing, beautiful young woman with a disturbed past, and a few robotic adjustments, making her a cyborg. Through the novel, she learns more about her true life , discovering she is the true Lunar queen who has been hidden for years, but she must learn to conquer her fears, and abandon those she loves, in order to save her Monarch, and the planet, from evil Queen Levana.
After reading the Novel Cinder, and watching the Disney movie Cinderella, I now understand how these characters are very different and very alike. When it comes to these two characters some of the differences are very clear, and some of the similarities are very clear because of the way the author and the director are explaining it. Although, Cinder and Cinderella have many similarities like, both being 16, both went to the ball, and both were treated badly by their step moms. They also have many differences like, cinder being hated by a lot of people and cinderella being liked by a lot of people. Just because they have many differences doesn’t mean they make them very different people, it just means they have different interests or problems.
There are certain similarities in two variants of the story. Main characters are the same and basic plot is repeated in two versions with slight differences. Cinderella is a classical story, which exists, in many different cultures and countries. It reflects the story of poor girls who suffers different privations but finds the way out from different situations and becomes happy. The story about Cinderella is a story of hope and many people are fond of this story. It does not lose its popularity with the flow of time and light changes in the plot and depiction of the characters only reflect cultural and historical differences. The story of Cinderella passes
Using details from all three versions of the Cinderella stories, what details do Cinderella, Cendrillon, and Bigfoot Cinderrrrrella have that are similar?
The two fairy tales with a twist, Cinder by Marissa Meyer and Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale, are based on stories written by the Grimm Brothers. They share many similarities, such as the two main characters who are the lowest class in their societies and the overall theme of hard work pays off in the end. However, while Cinder is unwanted in her story, Dashti, the main character in Book of a Thousand Days, plays an important role in her village. Additionally, Cinder is set in a futuristic world while Book of a Thousand Days is set in the past.
Well Although cinder and cinderella are different like one is cinder gets along with one of her sisters and ella doesn't get along with any sisters . But overall i think they have more difference than similarity in my opinion. Well i'll be telling u reason there different and the similar . First i'll start with differents .Because they have way more differences than similarities. So ill be telling u first there difference than similarities
In the novel Cinder by Marissa Meyer reveals some similar and distinguishing features between the characters Cinder and Cinderella. Cinder is the main character of the novel and Cinderella is the protagonist of the film Cinderella. As the story progresses the reader can discover the differences and similarities between the robot-like Cinder and the beautiful human Cinderella.
The first difference between the Perrault’s and the Lee’s version of Cinderella is that the mother was dead when the story begins but in the Lee version, the mother was alive at the beginning of the story. The story starts at once upon a time in the Perrault’s version, but the Lee’s version started the story off as 200 hundred years ago. Another difference is that the stepmother was friendly and nice in the lee version of Cinderella but in the Perrault version, the stepmother was cruel and wicked. In the Perrault version, the step sisters had a strong temper like their mother’s and wasn’t as beautiful as Cinderella but in the Lee’s Cinderella story, the stepsisters were extremely nice and sweet. The Protagonist Disposition in the Perrault version was very kind and sweet, and even to her stepsisters but in the lee’s version, the Protagonist Disposition is evil and rude. While getting ready for the ball in the Perrault version, the Cinderella is helped by a fairy godmother that was sent to her and in the Lee’s version, Cinderella was helped by the Satanas. Cinderella forgives her stepsisters and marries them off to wealthy noblemen in the Perrault version but in the Lee’s version, Cinderella sent them to get attacked by the villains who eventually took over the city. The last difference between Perrault’s and Lee’s version of Cinderella, is that the Cinderella shoes were glass in Perrault’s story but in Lee’s story, Cinderella shoes were glass slippers, but they could change shape and size, but the shoes could only fit on her.
The stepsister in Cinderella is alike to Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet. They both try to stop the main characters from doing what they want. Romeo and Juliet came from different families and their families hated each other. In Cinderella the Prince came from a family who loved him so much. Cinderella came from a family who treated her really bad and made her do everything.
The characters in the story Cinderella differ greatly depending on what version you are reading. To start with, in the Norway version the main character is not named Cinderella, but Katie Woodencloak. In this version Katie’s father was a king who had to go to war with another kingdom. Also, in the Norway version the stepmother was only harsh and mean to Katie when the king was not around, and when he was not around she would be very brutal to her and even beat Katie. As far as the other sister goes, in this version Katie has one stepsister who is very mean and ugly. The final character comparison in the Norway version is the “fairy godmother”. In this version there is no “fairy godmother” like what is typically thought of with the story Cinderella. Instead this role is played by a bull, that is the source of her beautiful dresses.
In the movie as well as the research have differences and similarities. The similarity in the movie and the research is that Adhemer tells William that he talked to Jocelyn’s father for her hand this is an example of how medieval women were married, if they liked the girl they would go ask their father for permission to marry her and the father would chose a wealthy guy to marry them instead of the girls choosing the guy she love. Another similarity is feudalism in the movie as well as the research they had the upper class (king and queen ), the upper middle class ( nobles), the middle class ( knights) and the lower class ( peasants), they both did well on representing feudalism and while being a woman in the Medieval era. The difference
Disney’s Cinderella and Grimm’s Cinderella are alike in many ways. One of the things that the
What people see is not necessarily all they get; there are more significant aspects that encompass what people use, hear, or see, besides the obvious messages employed throughout popular culture. It is not uncommon to find hidden messages within our culture today, especially in the context of movies. One movie in particular, the newest Cinderella, is full of these hidden messages. Besides the common message that is employed throughout Cinderella over and over again, the message to “have courage and be kind”, there are several hidden meanings that are often not discovered by viewers. These messages include “being a light” when surrounded on all sides by darkness, believing in the unbelievable, recognizing the fact that parent’s greatly influence their children, and seeing that it is okay to want a happily ever after kind of love.