I would definitely recommend the book Cinder to anyone willing to read it. This book is about the struggle of being different. As the main character said, ““I’m not Lunar.” She wrenched her glove off and waved her hand at him. “I’m cyborg. You don’t think that’s bad enough?”” This quote shows that being different is hard for some people. It’s difficult knowing that you aren’t like everyone else in our society today. This novel also addresses that you can learn to accept your differences. As Cinder says, “”A strange new electricity was thrumming beneath her skin, telling her she wasn't just a cyborg anymore. She was Lunar now.” This quote proves that anyone can accept themselves for who they are. Cinder is the epitome of different. She is a
This book report is about a book that I’ve read called Cinder by Marissa Meyer. It is the first book of a four book series known as the Lunar Chronicles. MacMillan Publishing published this book on January 3 2012. The book’s genres are science fiction and romance. There are 400 pages in Cinder. It is about a cyborg named Lihn Cinder who is struggling with an unwelcoming family and accepting the prince's love. The classic fairytale slightly influence this book. I enjoyed the unexpected plot and backstory of the protagonist.
The Glass Castle Erma and Grandma Smith Essay The Glass Castle has a main character named Jeanette Walls. Jeanette is very proud of her parents despite them being dysfunctional and irresponsible. At first glance her mother and father may seem like very bad parents and in some way they are but as far as Jeanette saw them then and now they were the best parents in the world. She loves her mother and father and always defended them with her other siblings when someone talked bad about or made fun of them.
In John Steinbeck’s novel The Moon is Down, Lieutenant Tonder comes to the realization that the soldiers will ultimately never return home; his thoughts are displayed when he, exasperated, cries, “The flies conquer the flypaper”(Steinbeck 68). Flypaper is used to capture and hold flies. The flies represent the invaders, whereas the flypaper symbolizes the town occupied by the invaders. This quote represents the soldiers’ situation; by conquering the town, they have become stuck and are now unable to leave. The soldiers’ burden is carried throughout their whole army.
During the story two of the main characters, Cinder and Prince Kai, find sudden attraction after he had been fixing her personal androids with her body because she is actually
Minerva was the sister who went to law school. At her graduation she did not get her license to practice. She was also arrested along with Maria Teresa. And Maria Teresa was the youngest sister who had an nickname of “Mate. ”And you might know this,Little Book, but i always cry when people laugh at me.
Author wants to tell the readers do not judge a person by their outside. In this book, Cinder the main character who is a cyborg and at the same time an orphan. Her life is just like the famous fairytale, Cinderella, but instead is written in the futuristic world. In citizen’s opinion, cyborg means dangerous, mindless, terrible creature, but Cinder is kind and lovable. This can be shown on page 260, when her younger stepsister Peony died because of the deadly plague, after the death the android wants to harvest Peony’s ID chip for dark reasons.
Nella Larsen’s Passing challenges the traditional ideology of ethnic, racial, and gender integrity, transforming the concept of an “acceptable”- definition of identity, which both individuals and society can appreciate. By developing exceptionally round characters whom are unstable and volatile, Larsen builds monologues to display how easy it is to lose one’s identity. Clare Kendry, challenges the stereotypes, society has ascribed to her. Leaving her in a limbo for identity white-or-black, however, she never has the chance to align to a particular identity because of her mysterious death, while Irene Redfield, becomes obsessed and envious of Clare, destroying her own sense of self by committing psychological suicide, in terms of assimilation
Throughout the book, the author made it obvious that people often overlook what’s really important and focus on what’s on the outside. To illustrate, on page 333, it says, “The horrible moment when Kai realized he’d been flirting with a cyborg. He would want nothing more to do with her.” Cinder,
In the novel Cinder, the futuristic sci-fi setting shows technological innovations being incorporated into every aspect of their daily lives, one of them being cyborgs, who have had their lives saved by technology. Current technology is far from being as advanced as in the book, but many people aided with prosthetics and other medical technology can still receive benefits from the technology that we have now. The sci-fi setting of Cinder shows the different impacts that being a cyborg has on the main character, called Cinder. For one, the chip implanted in her brain and spine was designed to shield her from the Lunar "gift": she cannot mind control or be mind controlled. Later in the book, the chip's purpose is discarded, but for the time period
Throughout history, different people have many struggles with their identity and trying to figure out who they are. When I was younger, I struggled with my identity and who I was to my family and my friends. I did not know how to be myself without being called names or being looked at funny. At the house I would act one way towards my parents and my siblings, and at school I would act differently towards my friends to fit in. This time period of my life is well conveyed throughout different characters in many books. Harper Lee demonstrates the struggle of identity greatly in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. Throughout the novel, the author develops two characters, Calpurnia and Dolphus Raymond, that struggle with their identity to
~ Sometimes he was seen carousing and amusing himself among the lowest people in the lowest slums of London. {Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone} -The country’s morals have hit bedrock. (The lowest point The least-good of the lot; lowest quality; lowest grade / rock bottom /the lowest/ the bottom/ the depths/ all-time low/ nadir/ the pits/ lowest quality/ lowest grade/ bottom drawer) ~ Your drawings and sketches are really bottom drawer (very bad/ very poor/ the pits/ most horrible/ most awful/ most evil/ most terrible/ most unpleasant) ~ Your narratives are really bottom drawer.
As she shows this difference between the white person and the black person, she also says that there are times when she has no race. During these times, she seems to revert to her childhood view that people are just people. She realizes the differences but chooses to ignore them. She ends by speaking of times when she sees her self as being a brown bag along a wall in company with many other bags or different colors. These bags can be emptied into a pile and refilled and nothing would change. "A bit of colored glass more or less would not matter."
A quote by the author that highlights this idea of not being able to be who you are is, “I wanted to be a princess and a prince; but I would never have said so, then”. This emphasizes the underlying fear many have of being judged by the outside world. It is very unfortunate that so many are still unable to say the things they wish to say and dress the way they want to dress because society perceives it to be unacceptable or wrong.
In contrast to this, the discovery by Rachael of her true identity, a replicant, destroys the illusion of happiness her place in society had given her;
In the book, I Am Malala written by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb, there are several pivotal quotes that help one understand the struggles Malala faced during her lifetime. The struggles Malala faced were to go against the Taliban and fight for the education of all people. A first claim shows how Malala felt about education. “Is education not the right of these children?” (Yousafzai and Lamb 84). At this time, the Taliban felt that girls should not attend school and that they should not receive an education. As a way to retaliate, Malala and her father printed that quote onto thousands of leaflets to be distributed to the people of Swat. Malala and her father wanted the people to stop and think about how everyone deserves the right to