
Cinderella Complex Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Cinderella Complex
Throughout the years, Disney movies have always been known to teach children beneficial lessons to use in society. Walt Disney once said, “Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.” Walt Disney was correct because young minds often try to mimic what they see on television. Disney movies seem harmless as a whole. However, when broken down and analyzed, the inspirational lessons prove to be contradicted by the actions and characteristics of the well known characters in the movie. Subconsciously, there are many disturbing lessons. People love Disney and because of this they do not see the wrong in the movies.The big picture in the classic rags to riches Disney movie, Cinderella (1950), teaches little girls the lesson that they to can be a princess and …show more content…

Little girls look up to Disney characters so they learn subliminal lessons about being subordinate which is the by product of Disney’s ethos. People are going to blindly go along with these movies because of their popularity and credibility. For that reason, parents and children do not question the lessons in Disney films. As a result, questionably arguable scenes go unnoticed. For example, Cinderella’s fairy godmother only comes around to make her look beautiful. Cinderella has had a terrible life because of her father passing away, and being a slave to her step family. Cinderella needed someone to help her through the hard times, which is the role of a godmother. Of all the things her fairy godmother could have done for her over the years, she only changes Cinderella’s appearance so a man will love her. In times of crisis, her godmother is absent which is not a good way to portray someone who is supposed to take care of a child who has lost their

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