
Cinderella Man Analysis

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Cinderella Man the movie

This movie took place September 25. 1933 which was four years into the Great Depression. The first impression I got was he was a happy man, was rich and made enough money from wrestling, I was wrong. His family included a wife, a daughter, and two sons. They lived in a run down apartment and didn't have enough money to pay for bills and there milk payment was past due. The daughter, Ariel woke up one morning and wanted breakfast she ate and was still hungry the father convinced her he was full and gave her his breakfast. I could tell by the time this movie is based on because of the music, there clothing, and the style of the town. The father, Jim was trying to get a job and there was many men at the fence trying to …show more content…

There son stole meat from the factory to feed his family, he thought he was gonna get shipped away. Later that night there father had another boxing tournament and his manager found out he had a broken hand and Jim still wanted to fight, he needs the money. That night Jim was fighting a punched the guy's head and finally broke his wrist completely but still continued to fight. The second time they were hiring he finally got the job and worked with stacking bags and got $6.74 for working one day. There apartment is past due and now one of their sons is very sick and his fever is getting worse and one of their daughter has a sneeze. They sent their kids away with there grandparents and her sister. The father left his wife for a while because of the decision she made to have the kids shipped away without him. Jim went to Madison SO. Garden to try and get money to get his kids back. Finally brought his kids and his wife home, one year later he is now boxing with his manager and won his last fight and came home with a bunch of money. Jim was hired again with the same job and was offered another job to fight permanently. As you can already tell he has been switching his jobs back and forth like a normal man or women did

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