The Cinematic Techniques of Edward Scissorhands On a high isolated mountain, an unhuman creature resides. His inventor died before he could give him hands. One day, an Avon cosmetics salesperson stops at his mansion. Besides his inventor, nobody knew who he was or has seen him. When Peg, the salesperson, stumbles into his home; she was bewildered. Once she collects herself, she steps toward the dark creature, Black haired sprawled everywhere and a dark suit. What catches her eye the most is his shiny hands. Scissors. Peg is taken back, but she suddenly asks his name. He replies slowly, “Edward.” Tim Burton uses a gothic and childlike feel in all of his movies. His work usually has eerie storylines with dark lighting and shots and framing. In the movie Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton’s mysterious styles is conveyed through his use of shots and …show more content…
The purpose of this element is to show suspense, danger, evil, innocence, or goodness. With lowkey lighting, it is suspenseful. With bottom or side lighting, it makes the subject appear evil or dangerous. Lastly, with front/ back lighting it makes the subject look innocent or good. At the beginning of this film, Edward’s mansion is on a dark and creepy hill. Once Peg comes back to the neighborhood with Edward, it is flooded with highkey lighting and very vibrant colors. Also, when he saw Kim’s picture, Kim has a front/back lighting on her face. At night, it is very dark making it look suspenseful. During the day, it is very bright. This example implies that Edward appears to be evil or dangerous, but really he shows innocence. He puts his family before anyone else. Also, that he is just trying to fit in and be like everyone else. This is similar to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All throughout the time they are in the factory, it is lowkey lighting. This shows that the kids and adults don’t know what will happen next. This implies suspicion or
Tim Burton Cinematic Techniques Tim Burton uses low key lighting to set a creepy setting for the story. For example in Edward Scissorhands, they give the mansion edward is from a dark feel with low key lighting to make Edward seem more scary. It also focuses on Edward’s hands which makes him seem dangerous. Or The Nightmare Before Christmas. In the introduction the camera soars over halloween land and shows that everything is dark along with the creepy looking characters.
As a director,Tim Burton is best known for his creative, dramatic characters and unique films. In his movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a boy named Charlie and four other children win the chance of a lifetime to meet Willy Wonka, the owner of the Wonka Bar Factory. When the four children enter the factory, their lives change into an enormous blueberry or becoming 10ft. tall from a tv. In Burton’s film, Edward Scissorhands, an Avon sales rep, named Peggy, is going door by door selling products until she encounters Edward in a huge mansion, she takes him into her care because he is unable to take care of himself due to his scissorhands. Tim Burton uses low angles, high key lighting, and diegetic sounds to create unusual and mysterious characters.
Indisputably, Tim Burton has one of the world’s most distinct styles when regarding film directing. His tone, mood, diction, imagery, organization, syntax, and point of view within his films sets him apart from other renowned directors. Burton’s style can be easily depicted in two of his most highly esteemed and critically acclaimed films, Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Burton ingeniously incorporates effective cinematic techniques to convey a poignant underlying message to the audience. Such cinematic techniques are in the lighting and editing technique categories. High key and low key relationships plus editing variations evinces the director’s elaborate style. He utilizes these cinematic techniques to
The rainbow-colored neighborhood, which was featured in the 1990 film "Edward Scissorhands," has changed in the 25 years since the movie premiered. Longtime fan, Andrew Cremeans, decided to recently visit the neighborhood where the movie was shot. What he found was a surprisingly ordinary neighborhood that greatly differs from the movie, which featured the houses painted in bright colors, open skies unblocked by trees and a tall mountain with a castle in the background.
Edward scissorhands Introduction Edward scissorhands directed by Tim Burton who is known for such movies as Betel juices , 1993s nightmare before christmas and charlie and the chocolate factory is a story about edward a robotic man who has had no interaction with the world around him has to try and fit in the best way hi can in this fast moving world there's just one problem as you may have guessed he has scissors for hands. The story takes edward through beinging used, feeling lost , abused and losing love and in the end finds were he feels like he truly belongs. For all the film tenses i will be using the angel sean near the end of the movie for all my examples. Camera angles
In Tim Burton's movie Edward Scissorhands, visual symbolism is one technique Burton incorporates. For example, Edward's Scissorhands symbolize his loneliness and inability to interact with people without hurting them. Burton also reinforces this concept in the movie with recurring motifs. For instance, the scissors motif often represents Edward's creativity and destruction. This theme comes to a point in the movie's finale when Edward uses his Scissorhands to hurt Kim accidentally, the person he is in love with.
In the film “Edward Scissorhands” directed by Tim Burton an important scene is the opening scene. This essay will describe the scene where Peg meets Edward (played by Johnny Depp) and explain how film techniques were used in the scene to help understand us why it was important. This scene uses film techniques to show Peg’s character, show how alone and isolated Edward was and to show the theme of not judgong people by appearances. In the scene where Peg meets Edward we see Peg in her perfect pastel neighbourhood inside her lemon beetle car.
The film Edward Scissorhands is a contemporary archetype of the gothic genre exploring themes such as unrequited love, social rejection and human creation as defined by Tim Burton. Feature films explore different ideals that can be categorized into different genres that create expectations among audiences about characters, settings, plots and themes. Edward Scisscorhands directed by Tim Burton in the year 1990 is described as both a dark romantic fantasy and a gothic horror film. The film tells a story about Edward Scissorhands, the creation of an elderly inventor who dies before he can give Edward his normal hands in place of his scissor hands. Edward is taken from the mansion he lives in by a suburban family in an attempt to live a
Edward scissorhand, tells a dark fairy-tale which include both romance and alternative aspect. In the film, fantasy and reality are two important ideas. The main character Edward is a young man who is too sensitive for this world and gentle, but created with scissors for hands. He is taken from his isolated home to live with a suburban family which makes him want to fit the society, but he is rejected by the neighborhood because of his differences eventually.
Edward Scissorhands, written by Tim Burton, tells the tale of a young man who is lovable, childlike and sensitive, bewildered by the humanity around him, yet is terrifying- someone who has scissors, the deadly weaponry, for hands. Many viewers may read this film as a “Tim Burton” type of fairytale which includes both an alternative aspect and romance. However, through the presentation of mise-en-scene in this film, Burton drives in a much more serious subject of social criticism by establishing two different understandings of life in the movie.
The film ‘Edward Scissorhands’ by Tim Burton, is a modern day fairy tale which follows the story of Edward, a young man that is taken out of isolation and introduced into a new way of life. Although the film is for entertainment, that is not its sole purpose. The film has deep and rich themes, which convey many important messages to the audience. Some themes of the film include; conformity, appearances versus reality and individuality.
Tim Burton is one of the most unusual and unique directors of our time. He brings characters to life by putting them in a habitat they don’t belong. His movies “Alice in Wonderland”, “The Corpse Bride”, “Charlie and the chocolate factory”, and “Edward Scissorhands” all demonstrate how one of a kind his movies are. Using cinematic techniques, Tim Burton points out the misfit character and shows how different they are then everyone else. His use of camera angles, lighting, and sound give the viewers a different perspective on the movies, and help pick out the individual character.
Tim Burtons gothically themes fairytale like story of an uncommonly gentle man in the film Edward Scissorhands, allows, through the eyes of Edward himself, the audience’s unconscious to live his emotions vicariously, allowing the exploration of our own society and anxieties. To analyse the heart of this film it must be looked at Edward’s own childhood misfortunes and consequences, the system of the society that deems him an unholy monster, and typical American relationships of the 1950’s.
The film ‘Edward Scissorhands’ by Tim Burton can be seen as a modern day fairytale. However, there are many important themes that make the film richer and deeper in meaning. The film is not simply entertaining, because the director examines the importance of individuality, love and appearance and reality.
The most appealing films are those that keep audiences guessing, surprise them at the most unexpected times and break conventional film boundaries. Edward Scissorhands (1990) directed by Tim Burton, is a feature film that does exactly that. It blends a fairy tale story with a gothic horror film, to engage the viewer right from beginning until the resolution. It tells the tale of Edward, who was the creation of an inventor who died before he could give Edward proper hands, and was left with scissors as hands. When he was taken from his gothic mansion, into a “normal” suburban community, he was at first welcomed, but then heartbreakingly rejected when things went wrong. The character of the “monster” is an