
Cinematic Techniques Used In The Film The Lives Of Others

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The Lives of Others was a film that chose to display the notion of lies through the other side. The filmmaker chose to use a committed worker instead of using a citizen trying to get away from the East German regime. Wiesler the focal character is a very serious and committed officer of the East Berlin government. He fought with himself the entire film about what type of person he would be. The filmmaker chose to compare and contrast the feelings of Wielser. He showed he did not have control of his own life, but had to live the lives of others by force. This was an example of how the communist regime controlled the lives of its people. Wiesler was not able to become his true self until the end of the film. The East German Communist mantra had a tight grip on the people in East Germany. The wiring of …show more content…

The most tumultuous act of the Communist party in the film was the hiding of the suicide statistics. Jerska a blacklisted director committed suicide and it was not going to be documented. They did not want to overshadow their “great” regime with the true number of suicides that were being committed. The Lives of Others portrayed the subtle change of a man who had been controlled most of his adult life. He was controlled by a regime who truly only saw him as an asset for despair in other’s lives.
Good bye Lenin brought more of a subtle and comedic approach to the life of the average citizen under Communism in East Germany. Many lies were told in this film, but they were told to save the life of a mother who committed her life to East Berlin. The catch was Christiane, who

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