
Circle Justice System

Decent Essays

Circle justice, does it actually work? Michaela B 9D

Is the Canadian justice system failing those that need it the most? The Canadian justice system has been called into question for many years and left everyone wondering if there was is another way to help our youth. Ask almost anyone in Canada what they think about our punishment based justice system chances are they will say that the system can be improved. But how would Canada improve the system? They could adopt one of the most effective types of aboriginal justice; circle justice. However to truly understand how effective circle justice is we fully understand how the system works. Circle justice is a form of restorative justice, which everyone is treated as equals and the offenders and victims get a chance to talk uninterrupted. Circle justice is a type of Canadian …show more content…

This type of justice system, however, has many advantages. One of the most important and prominent things about circle justice is how low the reoffending rate is. The system also strives to rebuild the community and sense of unity in community ruined crime. Circle justice also reduces the amount of people that receive post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental illnesses after going through the normal justice system and jail. But, circle justice is not always the best option for everyone; It does have some flaws. It’s easy to fake your way through circle justice as there is no way for anyone to tell if you actually care about what you did as you serve no time and have practically no huge consacauses. Really, you never have to face the public and apologize for what you did. Sence in circle justice not all victims are registered to participate, the victims that do participate will not have all the opinions that are needed in circle. As well, circle justice is not appropriate for all

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