
Cistercian Monk Research Paper

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The Cistercian Monks and Their Role Developing the Côte d'Or The Côte d'Or in Burgundy is known far and wide for its first class wines. The Côte d'Or is made up of the Côte de Beaune in the North and the Côte de Nuit in the south. Cistercian Monks were “quality fanatics” (Estreicher, 2006 pg. 52) about their viticulture and they “realized that quantity is the enemy of quality” (Cogan) that they determined through a system of trial and error. They established the first monastery in Burgundy, which lead to their expensive research and the development of the idea of terroir. Without the Cistercians, the Côte d'Or would have never achieved the greatness that it is today. Cîteaux was the first monastery set up in Burgundy by the Cistercian Monks

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