Citizenship of Organization, Nation and Planet-Rights and Responsibilities
It has been rightly said by someone-“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Eternal vigilance for the citizen must take many forms. There are many varied definitions for Citizen, but in this context it can be said that Citizen is the person who represents the country-legally and Citizenship describes the status of belonging somewhere and it implies both rights and responsibilities (Graham, 1991). When a Citizen get the power to enforce his rights and responsibilities, then it can be said that “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”. A Citizen needs to take full responsibility towards Organization, Nation as well as Planet-main three forms towards
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They show a positive relationship between proactive Corporate Citizenship and Employee’s Commitment.
Organizational citizenship is a concept that all companies wish to have but very few can actually achieve. It is rooted in individual employees' view of the company and how they associate themselves with it.
Some of the examples of Organizational Citizenship are as follows:
Assisting coworkers: An employee can take time from their work to help another to get their job done, as they know it's important to the company and to the other employee. We have all potentially had situations where others pitched in to get a job done that had nothing to do with their specific job, outside of wanting to help the company and a fellow worker.
Working for the future: So many employees look at what they are going to get right now and do not look far into the future. Those who practice organizational citizenship believe there will be rewards down the road and do not focus on the short-term; rather, they focus on the long-term. This viewpoint also makes them long-term employees, which are desirable to any company.
Being a company representative: When some employees leave for the day, the company they represent stays behind them in the office. An organizational citizen represents their company 24/7 and has no problem talking to others about how their company might help them.
Thus, it can be said that organizational citizenship is the
This method will help them find and appreciate possibilities together for pursuing enduring resolutions that will positively impact communities, future generations and the company. It will also ensure that both the company and the communities will always understand each other 's interests, issues, needs and concerns. Also, they support programs and institutions that contribute to building an educated and engaged workforce7. This enriches the individual’s skills and also provides skilled workforce for the company as they will be operating in a knowledge and skill rich environment.
In order to be entitled to citizenship one must face the responsibilities ‘exercised in accordance with a constitution the essentials of which all citizens as free and
Global Citizenship & Equity at Centennial College: Global citizenship refers to the social well- being of various communities and its main focus is to minimize inequity which means try to protect our surroundings and don’t harm others. Global citizens support equity at all levels local as well as globally. In equity we have to change different strategy not only changes the version of current strategy to ensure equity.
“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America.” Without the right that the Constitution brings us, we wouldn’t have rights therefore the United States wouldn’t be a good place to live in. The Constitution brings us the right of freedom of speech (first amendment) , the right to bear arms (second amendment), and the right to protect against unreasonable government actions such as search and seizure of person property (fourth amendment). Being an American citizen means that you have rights that they would like you to fulfil. As an American citizen is it voluntary to vote, but others are required such as obeying the law and paying taxes. The Magna Carta, John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government, and the Petition of Rights explains the rights and the responsibilities of an American citizen.
As a follower of Christ, we face many challenges daily. We know that God has given us privileges as being members of his church. We also know that because of that, we have responsibilities that trail along. Some may say, that what strengthens our relationship with Jesus may be the blessings that he gives us. Others may say that is it the duties that we need to obey because we have more respect and meekness in accomplishing these things. In American government, it is the same. Some may say that what strengthens our society is the rights that have been given to us by the constitution. Others say that it is the responsibilities, we have as American citizens. Truly, we all have the right to speak, but some chose to misuse this privilege. For this reason, it is to believe that, the responsibilities of citizenship strengthen American society more for they are the way one, as a citizen should compose themselves, versus the rights of a citizen.
citizens are able to have a role in making decisions for their country and are free from government
Not only can the application of organizational behavior principles improve an organization's effectiveness, organizational behavior provides a manager the information and knowledge needed to manage an effective workforce (Argenti, 2002). With the advent of organizational perspectives, the analysis of why people instill their presence in an organization is not only because of self-aimed goals of growth and enhancements, but also to locate themselves in a social place in accordance to the area of their perceived belonging (Stroh, Northcraft and Neale, 2002).
* Fostering innovative behaviour: the importance of employee commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour Matthew J. Xerri, et al.
The United States currently is discussing the issue of immigration and the fact that there is a border between America and Mexico is one of the problems involved with the idea of global citizenship. But the concept of global citizenship not only involves the freedom to travel across artificially created borders, but also includes the idea of being part of a world community and contributing toward that community. In the 21st century, being a global citizen must entail being part of a global network, as well as being aware of the interconnected way that the world operates while promoting local policies that reflect an outlook that places the world at the center. Elements of this outlook include the promotion of human rights, democratic forms of government, economic policies that benefit the all the people of the world, religious toleration, protection of the world's environment, and the elimination of war.
The activities enable employees to develop personal and professional skills that stimulate personal growth and reinforce the concept of citizenship and its contribution to society by strengthening the team spirit and stimulating the community. The progress in business must be immediate and constant but without any corrupt behavior or involving any bribery, because we all know that it is very unethical to work this way. To prevent unethical behavior most companies have to work hard and have employees team up to develop good work and maintain a good reputation. When companies do that; it is clear that they want to be seen as good corporate citizens, creating activities that are beneficial not only to their stakeholders, employees, and shareholders and so on, but for the public and society as a whole. Companies should always come up with new ideas; to stimulate ethical procedures and reinforce the ethics in the work
In viewing the video Globalization: What Is Happening to us (2010). It is obvious why global citizenship should be a must for all people. Modern technology has allowed us to communicate and stay in touch with people all over the world including those dear to us like friends and family. Advanced technology is a norm in today society whether you like it or not. All information now of days is passed through advanced technology. It allows us to keep up with people and their culture and norms. In social service field, it is crucial that I understand and able to communicate with my clients. On the internet, I can research cultures and their norms. It is vital to learn differently about other culture to better serve and communicate with them. “It can be persuasively argued that effective care is impossible without a working knowledge and understanding of a person’s or groups’ cultures ns background” (NASW, n.d.).
At times employees go to work each day knowing they have to complete the daily task of doing so. Some individuals may not like their current job or what occupation they currently hold for one reason or another. At times, it may not be the fact they may not like their job, but the working conditions, policies or even the people they make work with. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are two of the most important roles people live with each and every day.
Also, supossed interest of future generations (not even born), as well as past generations (passed away) are taken into account, in order to avoid the presentism in democracy. Along with the separate care for natural environment and nature in itself, this makes obvious what is protected is the Life. From the standpoint of global justice and international ethics, it is useful to consider establishing just institutions as an obligation, apart from the obligation to personally do no harm to others. So, given the fact that people participate in the creation and maintenance of institutions that allow drastic negative effects on human beings (millions of people are dying of hunger, preventable diseases, the violence that can be stopped etc.), one must question their responsibility, and think of duty to
I am going to explain the importance of developing global citizenship The importance of global citizenship is to promote fairness and equality in an injustice world. It helps people to tolerate and deal with a cruel society. Global citizenship helps us to realize each of us has a responsibility to make the world a better place. The world we live in is always changing and global citizenship gives people flexibility and helps them to adapt. I am going to also address being a global citizen in an advanced technology world be beneficial. Explain the different definition of global citizenship given by the theorists and give my own definition. Provide two of the six global outcomes.
Earth bears 195 diverse countries each embracing its own laws, regulations, and rules to govern itself, granting various amounts of freedom not merely to restrict but also to empower its leaders, people, and officials. Furthermore, every individual receives different amounts of freedom or the opportunity to speak, act, and think as one pleases. Those holding larger freedom have a greater chances to utilize their power and those with less freedom have less of a chance to display their power. However, where there is freedom, there is the obligation to apply the power that comes with not only to defend and fight for the the rights that come with freedom, but also to assist others to retain their privileges and alert them of their rights.