The city council member that represents my district (District 2) in McKinney, Texas is Rainey Rogers, who was recently selected as Mayor Pro Tem in June of 2017. With an academic background in financial planning earned from the College of Financial Planning in Denver, Colorado, he owns the McKinney-based wealth management and planning firm Rogers-Tate Financial. He has a long-history of community involvement such as serving as a missionary in England for a year, volunteering in city and county government, and was a scoutmaster for 12 years with the boy scouts.
On Monday, April 13th, 2009, I visited the Culver City city council meeting, and found that they operate using a council-manager form of government. For a city with a population of about 38,000, this type of governmental structure is fairly common, and I was not surprised to see it in action in a community where the median household income is around $56,000 a year. Culver City is also a culturally rich community with a 60 percent Caucasian population, and a quarter of the residents are either of African American or Asian decent. The mayor, D. Scott Malsin, is one of five members on the council, and his term as mayor is on a rotating basis. Having been to a Hermosa Beach city council meeting with a similar council-manager structure, I knew
Congressman Bucephelus Roscoe represents Texas’ 21st Congressional District. He is a Republican from Austin where he has lived his entire life. Roscoe has been a Representative for almost fifteen years, and has established himself as a sound politician and representative for his district and state, and has run unopposed the last two elections. He is a member of the House Joint Economic Committee and the House Committee for Science, Space, and Technology. While describing himself as a Texas boy through and through, Roscoe is somewhat of an enigma in Texas politics. He is a conservative on the majority of issues, but he does believe in a greater need for government oversight for the business, technology
Texas House Representative Dwayne Bohac represents the Houston district of 138 which I currently have the pleasure of living in. Bohac was born on September 04, 1966 in the Northwest area of Houston, Texas. He has been a resident of the district he has been elected to represent for most of his life and is also member of the Republican Party. He attended Scarborough High School and later furthered his education at Texas A&M University. Bohac decided to pursue two majors earning bachelor degrees in Political Science and Marketing. He was an active member of the local community as he founded “Save Our Neighborhoods/ Northwest Coalition”, was a member of the Spring Branch Revitalization Association, and also served on the White Oaks Bayou
I live in district 28, which is located in Queens, the council member is democrat and his name is Ruben Wills. He was elected to the New York City Council in November 2010. Wills became a capitalist and started a home contract business for young adults. This opportunity was for the resident could not acquire the job skills necessary to escape the cycle of poverty and prison. He later started a nonprofit organization to help single mothers with an issue like public learning and financial empowerment. He was born in Southeast Queens and raised in South Jamaica. He graduated from Public school 40 and Thomas Edison High school. He and his wife, Marcia are members of St. Alban’s Church.
The longbow has changed England’s history forever. Dating back to the 1300s the English used the longbow. In 1340 at the Battle of Sluys the English attacked packed French ships using the longbow and the French suffered tremendously. In 1346 after the Battle of Crecy the French had lost 11 princes, 1,200 knights, and 30,000 common soldiers, when the English only had lost 100 men. In the Battle of Poitiers in 1356, the longbow was used and killed about 2,000 mounted French knights of the elite French army.
The city council of Atlanta, Georgia servers as a local legislative government branch. The council is made of the president, Ceasar Mitchell and fifteen members elected from district within the city. The city of Atlanta is broken up into twelve different districts and three post, each councilmen is responsible for representing the needs and wants for their district. The members of the council are elected by the citizens, and they work together to pass laws, make general policies, supervise city government, and appropriate funds for various needs. Usually, council meetings are open to the public, and public input is welcomed. The majority the councils work is done in committees. In the committees proposed legislation is debated and the members of other government branches and the public are given a chance to comment. Each council member serves on at least three of the council's standing committees, and select committees and panels. This week the author had the chance to attend a City of Atlanta council committee meeting and view how the meeting was conducted and went.
The experience going to the council meeting was great and I would imagine that the items on the agenda had a great deal to do with that. The topics I found the most interesting revolved around public nudity, serving alcohol in public, spending grant money, a gun ordinance, and polling the public about being taxed. The agenda item revolving around public nudity took up most of the time. Currently, Eureka doesn't have a ordinance in place to give police authority to arrest citizens who are nude in public when it isn't a sexual act. The chief of police gave example of a person doing Tai Chi in a public park nude. The police were called and couldn't do anything short of asking him to put his clothes on. There was concern among a few council members
On September 9, 2014 I attended the Glendale City Council meeting which was held at the Council Chamber which is located on the 2nd floor of the Glendale City Hall, Room 200, 613 East Broadway, Glendale, California. The meeting commenced at 6 p.m. and lasted for approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. Several policy proposals were made and discussed in this particular meeting. This paper is aimed at discussing the various policy proposals made and debated at this meeting with a view to establishing whether they are acceptable or unacceptable to the Glendale electorate. It is, however, essential to provide a brief background of the City of Glendale before embarking on a discussion of policy proposals.
The Dahlonega City Hall was crowded on the evening of March 1st 2010. The seats were full, except for at the very front, and the standing room was filled almost out the door. The crowd, mostly made up of students, leaned in to hear as the voices of the City Council members faded in and out of the faltering sound system. The six City Council members and the mayor sat along a bench as if they were the judges at a hearing. Because of the ongoing discussions and the crowd, I thought I had arrived a few minutes late; but I was able to find a seat in the front two rows. Despite how packed the small room was there were plenty of empty seats in the front. I had thought the meeting was well on its way by the way conversation was going and
Each month, the HIPster Council make’s a presentation to the Board of Directors for My Possibilities Board of Directors. They express their ideas and plans to improve the quality of programming for their peers, any concerns they may have about issues happening in our building or even feel good stories about daily experiences that promote about themselves, their friends or our
I chose to attend a city council meeting for this assignment and was very surprised at what I witnessed. The city council served an important purpose and the meeting actually accomplished many important goals. Among the interesting things that I saw at the council meeting were the people who attended, the people who presented, the people who sat on the council, and the subjects that were being voted upon in the meeting.
One way to see public administration in action is by attending a city council meeting, whether it be in an urban or rural area, public administration still has a part in each event. As Kettl (2018; p. 244) referenced in his book, there is not a civil system that would be sustainable without strong leadership. This paper will discuss the author’s description, observation, and reflection during a city council meeting.
Starry Night is a famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh. Starry Night was constructed in 1889. At the time of his existence, Van Gogh was not well known. Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime, and only became popular after his death like many other artists at the time. To fully understand this painting, one must know the personal life/struggles of the artist himself.
As a part of the Hartt Community Division, I am currently participating in a variety of different ensembles. These include Harmony Winds, a chamber group, and Concert Choir. Due to this, my family has to pay for three different groups, while simultaneously paying for the other extra-curricular activities that my sister and I take part in. If I were to receive this scholarship, It would greatly help my family stay within our budget.
I was visiting the local church for a community event when I met potential participant I wanted to include in a focus group. The Del City Church of Christ host a weekly initiative called the Community Cup, which takes place every Tuesday morning from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The church provides free donuts, coffee, juice, and milk for the community as we harvest free fresh fruits and vegetable. I arrived at 7:30 a.m. on June 13th to have donuts with my grandchildren, after sitting for a while and observing the different individuals and families that came in and out I started walking around and greeting everyone. I introduced myself as a student at UCO, enrolled in a summer class called Linking Families and the Community. Of course, they commended me for sticking with it and I explained my assignment to them and asked if anyone would be interested in being a part of a focus group. Six of the guest agreed to meet with me the following week at 8:00 a.m. at Del City Church of Christ in a designated area; 2 of the 6 canceled when I called to confirm our appointment. On June 20th, I met Mandy White; age 18, Maribeth Snap; age 63, Mike Brown; age 43, and Juanita (no last name) approximately age 56.