
City Draft Riots

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Throughout the United States there have been quite a number of riots in just about everywhere. Riots are typically known as noisy violent public discordance to protest against a new government policy or law or against another group. In a society such as America it is quite the norm for populations to take matters into their own hand and riot to stop what they believe is an injustice being done to them. Among the many riots that have occurred in the United States, the New York City Draft riots remains the largest riot to have occurred. It also remains the worst riot to ever occur in the city New York. (Cook 24) The Detroit race riots are significant because it is one of the largest riots experience by Detroit. The largest experienced by the United states in a three decade period following the East St. Louis riots in 1917. The significance of the stonewall riots is largely more obvious than the previous two. The stonewall riots were the first major uprising by the gays and lesbians in the United States. The word stonewall has become synonymous with the start of the lesbian and gay civil rights movement in the United States. (Carter 1) There is an abundance of research done on the New York City draft riots, the Detroit race riots and the stonewall riots, yet to my knowledge there has been no attempt to link those three major and effective civil rights events together.

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