Have you ever wonded what you would do if you were mayor? A mayor decides where a building is built, fill out paperwork, and go to public things.Council bluffs needs a good mayor to run the city. As mayor, I would let more animals into the city limits, I would make the farmers grow organic food only, I would keep the city the same size. As soon as I become your mayor I would, let more animals in the city limits. If we let more animals in the city, some people might come to live here because they can have farm animals in the city limits. If we let more animals in the city limits, some of the kids what to live on a farm, then some people can live in the city and have a small yard and there will be more room in the city for people. This would benefit Council Bluffs by, there will be people that like the idea and move to Council Bluffs. Some of the kids that are lonely will have someone to play with if they are allergic to cats and dogs. They might be lonely because there parents are always at work. The farm animals will like the kids only friend that will be there. The kid will not be board. Now you know why I …show more content…
By keeping the city the same size, there would be more farmland, than if you keep on expanding the city. If you keep on expanding the city, sooner or later there will be no farmland. If everyone keeps on expanding the city's, then there will be no food. If there was no farmland, then the farmers will lose their jobs. Not all of the land is farmland. Some of the land that is out in the country is timbers. If we keep on expanding the city, there will be less trees. We need trees to live. We need the oxygen that trees breathe out, because they do not need a lot of oxygen. Trees also clean the air. This would benefit Council Bluffs by, there would be plenty of farmland, there would be clean air and good air. That is why I think that it is important to keep the city the same
Getting citizens of a local community of more involved in local government has consistently been a challenge. A few suggestions to increase participation in the city of Shawnee include posting the dates of the city council meetings in The Shawnee Dispatch, both on paper and on-line, as well as on the City of Shawnee website. Also, posting the agenda for each meeting can drive attendance of Shawnee citizens with interest in a specific issue being discussed during the stated meeting. The increased attendance at the meeting will improve the frequency that a citizen will reach out to their area council representative to further discuss the issues facing the city. Another recommendation is to add a suggestion forum to solicit input from local citizens
Hello, I am Jeremy Wilczek, the new mayor of Little Egg Harbor New Jersey. I love our little town, and I believe it is almost perfect. There is something I would do to make our town better. To start, I think we should find out who the mayor is and how he affects our town. Usually a mayor will oversee police, firemen, education, housing, and transportation departments. There are four options for a city's government structure, and some cities use several. One power structure is the council-weak mayor. This type of structure gives the majority of the city power to the council, with the mayor acting as a leader of the council. The mayor is also responsible for signing proclamations and making ceremonial appearances.
PARITY – The state broadcast of the debate was on TV: “As mayor, I will create parity among all social classes – as my slogan proudly states, I want equality for all!”
elected separately from the council, and is often a full-time and paid position with a significant administrative and budgetary authority. This form of government, the elected City Council sets policies for the operation of the City. The City Council enacts Ordinances, the laws of the City, adopts Resolutions authorizing actions on behalf of the City, reviews plan for development, and establishes the policies by which the City is governed. The City Council consists of seven members a Mayor and two Councilmember 's elected citywide and four additional Councilmember 's elected by individual districts. The administrative responsibility of the City rests with the City Manager, who is appointed by the City Council upon recommendation of the Mayor. Each Councilmember is
What does our city do for it citizens? Our city provide for the people. We have public schools all around our city for all ages. In our city we also have public hospital or clinics that people can go to stay healthy. We will provide health care for the citizens to make it easier for them to want to be healthy. Fire and police stations will help out with crime rates and lower them, making it safe for younger and older kids to travel to public spaces to have fun.
The city of Mason City operates under a Mayor-Council form of government, comprised of seven elected officials – Mayor, four wards and two members-at-large – with a City Administrator and a contracted City Attorney. Most of the existing members have been re-elected, with membership expiring in 2016 or later. The Council’s goals are to: increase population by the state of Iowa average; develop a Sustainability Plan that links to the Comprehensive Plan; provide a safe and healthy community; and continue a commitment to excellence in government services. There are three primary government public services – Police Department, Fire & Ambulance Service, and Sanitation Department. The city owns the Public Library, Municipal Airport, and a public golf course.
This, in effect, creates a miniature city of itself, with businesses, homes, schools, libraries, police stations, and hospitals all building there (Morris 39). This may seem like a good thing, but the consequences of this are that huge amounts of previously free land are now being taken over, and many habitats are being destroyed. Forests, swamps, and fields all make way for big businesses.
The mayor is weak, the city council is composed of numerous individuals, and the city manager is supposed to stay out of politics." Thus, council manager cities have a tendency to respond more to tip top and white collar class concerns than to those of the regular workers and ethnic minorities. The business first class and the white collar class have more organizations and leaders who have entry to city government and know how to function the system Just a minority of council-manager cities have mayors who routinely give strong political and strategy leadership. One of these exceptions is San Antonio, where mayors for the most part are strong leaders The council-manager form seems to function admirably in cities where most individuals are of the same ethnic gathering and social class and share regular goals. Obviously, couple of focal cities fit this description, yet numerous suburbs
As the newly appointed Chief of police, it is my job to ensure that the community feels that their concerns are addressed. I feel that the first thing to do is hold a city hall meeting for a question and answer. This would not only give me a better idea of what the community is wanting from the police in the community and it would also allow the community to know how the police force operates and how we should be operating.
Conveniently situated on a beautiful 300 acre park-like setting in Mandeville, Louisiana, just north of New Orleans, Northlake Behavioral Health System is a state-of-the-art treatment center where adults and adolescents can receive life-changing care for mental health and substance use disorders. At Northlake Behavioral Health System, patients have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with experienced professionals whose skills are equaled only by their compassion and dedication. Each person who heals at Northlake Behavioral Health System will follow a personalized treatment plan that incorporates the therapeutic and educational activities that are best suited to their unique strengths, needs, and goals.
As the Mayoral Candidate for the City of Fresno, and if elected, I hope that you will continue to conserve and ration regardless of the lift by Governor Brown. Here are some of the priorities that I would like to share with you and I hope that you will find it useful in your campaign.
Throughout time, the authors of the world have experienced different forms of stresses. The type of stress experienced by the author helps shape their moral perspective. In the essays "Shooting an Elephant" and “The Next War,” the authors’ moral perspectives are shaped by the economic stress of the great depression. In Graves in Gallipoli and The Little Entente the moral perspective of the authors’ is shaped by the stress created by the Great War. The stress created by the Great Depression and the Great War shaped authors’ moral perspectives in different ways.
I am Kayla Logsdon, a graduating senior from Mill Valley High School. I am currently a resident of Shawnee, Kansas and will be a voting in the next elections. As a student I have seen first hand how the state funding has affected schools and would be excited to see the changes you could make if in office after the elections. Another issue, I believe a women like you has the power to change in the future is the abortion regulations in Kansas. As you may know Kansas has some of the strictest abortion regulations in the nation. While these regulations have positive intentions ultimately they have a negative impact on the economy and safety of the women.
During the years before the implementation of the One Child Policy, the leaders of China were involved in wars, a great leap forward, and an industrial revolution. In the last twenty five years China’s One Child Policy has affected the country in every way one can imagine. This paper will attempt to explore the major ways the policy has affected the people of China socially, and how the economy has reacted with the change. A brief history on the traditional views of Chinese families, before the policy’s implementation, is outlined ahead of the policy’s background. This is to illustrate
I chose to attend a city council meeting for this assignment and was very surprised at what I witnessed. The city council served an important purpose and the meeting actually accomplished many important goals. Among the interesting things that I saw at the council meeting were the people who attended, the people who presented, the people who sat on the council, and the subjects that were being voted upon in the meeting.