The city of Ceres is located in Stanislaus County and is a rich and diverse agricultural area. The small town’s first home was built in 1870, which was fully restored and can still be viewed thanks to the Ceres Historical society. The agricultural city attained its name from the Roman goddess of agriculture. Several community events are hosted in Ceres throughout the year and range from street festivals, holiday festivals, and park concerts. During this time many locals, businesses, and nonprofit organizations come together to plan and carry out these events.
According to the city's website the population of Ceres started in 1920 with 637 people. Today the U.S. Census Bureau documents that the Ceres population was 13,281 in 1980 and in 2014
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When compared to the median income for the State of California, the people living in the city of Ceres earns $14,000 less per year. The level of income for the city of Ceres is influenced by the agricultural labor and low wages workers received based on the labor market, which often, for many families, is their only source of income. reports that the population for the city of Ceres I under educated with only ten percent of its citizens having a bachelor’s degree. Hence, this is why the lower income per household compared to surrounding neighborhoods and the state of …show more content…
Shirley Ann Martin, Human Resource Assistant Risk Management, Betina McCoy, Human Resource Director, and Laliah Randle, Human Resource Analyst. Lailah was the point of contact for gathering information related to this group project. She was contacted via phone and email and most of the information she provided was via email. These three Human Resource personnel are responsible for maintaining all staff members working for the City of Ceres and there are currently 180 full time employees. The Human Resource department can be found in a centralized location. Responsibilities of this department include hiring, fair and equal opportunities, training, administration, salary, employee assistance programs, classification, recruitment, and employee benefits. By having a centralized Human Resources department, the three HR staff members can streamline all department functions within a complex system. According to Wendell French, author of "Human Resource Management", the physical proximity of centralized HR staff not only improves communication but also helps to ensure that everyone is working toward the same focused goals of the organization. The disadvantages of having a centralized Human Resource department is that is each sector of the city, police, fire, etc., cannot control its own individual situations with staff, such as payroll. It does not give autonomy to each to the police department, or the
Gomez-Mejia, L., Balkin, D., & Cardy, R. (2012). Managing Human Resources (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Looking into the employment rates within City Heights East there are a lot of barriers and issues with gender and unemployment rates, as well as wage earnings. First looking at income per capita City Heights East is average $12,924, San Diego average is $33,789, and California average is $29,906. This is
When looking at the data I see that the structure of the area is leaving some groups below others and having opportunities that others don’t. Especially when looking at the area of education people of the White race are attaining degrees and a much higher rate than individuals of Hispanic or African American races. This lack of educational attainment is giving the two races that are achieving degrees’ higher chances of advancing further in the social structure. This could be because people of those races not are bringing in the income that the others are. The very reason of education could be the cause of these people not bringing in the income they need to attain the degrees or jobs they wish to hold. Another area of inequality is the issue with housing in the area. Individuals are renting at a greater percent meaning with lack of income they are not able to purchase a house, in turn renting
Upon examining the population characteristics of California’s 2nd Congressional district, in terms of wealth, the district is somewhat wealthier than the average for the U.S. with a median income of $65,414. The population of the district according to data from 2015 is 720,346, which is close to the target population California set forth when redrawing the districts in 2011, which is 701,000 people, the difference probably reflects
1. Martin, M., Whiting, F. & Jackson, T. (2010) Human Resource Practice. 5th Edition. London: CIPD.
Change is inevitable under any circumstance and the different regions in the Bay Area have all undergone changes in the past four decades. San Francisco county has seen some major changes especially in the department of income. Since the boom of the semiconductor industry in the 1950s and 1960s, San Francisco has been considered a high income region based on the numbers acquired from the censuses over the years. These censuses have calculated the per capita income, median household income, and median family income and these numbers have only increased indicating an increase in wealth in San Francisco. But with this increase in income comes income inequality. Since 1989, income inequality in the Bay Area, especially San Francisco, has increased
The median family income was $20,911 in 1979 and then reached a height of $85,778 in 2009. The per capita income, which is the average income per person, went from $9,265 in 1979 to $45,478 in 2009. But in the most recent years, this increase in average income can be attributed to the great increase in income for the top earners in SF. Based on reports from the California Budget and Policy Center, since 1989, the county’s wealthiest residents have seen a staggering 220% increase in average income while the rest have only seen a 35% increase. In 1989, the top 1% of income earners accounted for about 16% of the region’s total income and in 2013, that percentage was nearly doubled, reaching 31% of the region’s total
Poverty in San Fernando Poverty has affected the US in the past by various things, such as child poverty, crime and poverty, and etc. Statistics say that 1 in 5 Black Americans live in poverty and 1 in 4 Hispanics live in poverty. The city of San Fernando is one of the many cities of Los Angeles that suffers from poverty. San Fernando which is a city in the San Fernando valley, is diverse in race but mostly it’s hispanics that live there. Sadly many hispanics illegally cross the border to seek a better life but fail to do so.
The city of Irvine has been named the safest city in America for two years in a row. This kind of environment is perfect for families whom want to raise their children in a safe environment. Irvine had a total urban population of 236,716 people in 2013, where 113,412 (47.9%) are males and 123,304 (52.1%) are females. The population has immensely increased by about 65.5% since 2013. The median age of Irvine residents is 34.8 years, which is quite similar to the California median age of 35.7 years. The estimated median household income for the residents in 2013 was $87,830, the estimated per capita income was $40,216, and the estimated median house/condo value was of $662,000. All of these values have been increasing since 2000, thus the overall living quality of Irvine’s residents has been increasing over time. The ethnicities of the city are: 44.3% white, 38.6% Asian, 11.8% Hispanic, 3.4% two or more races, 1.4% black, 0.4% others, 0.06% Indian and 0.01% Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander. There are about a total of 135,907 households, of which 111,858 are family households. The largest section for the highest education attained for both males and females 25 and older was the bachelor’s degree with about 30,000 people, with the second largest group having attained a college education for a year but not graduated. The vast majority of people have at least graduated high school and there is a hefty amount of people pursuing professional or doctorate degrees. Most of the workers
According to the US Census Bureau, California’s 21st District has 246,607 people over the age of 16 that are employed. The economy’s industry is mostly made up of agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting – 74,874. In second place are careers in healthcare and educational services – 39, 435. And in third place are careers in retail trade – 23,007. The unemployment rate in the 21st Congressional District is a lot higher compared to the nation as a whole which
Compared to California’s education demographics, San Leandro has a higher percentage of high school graduate, but a lower percentage of higher educational attainment compared to the entire nation (bachelor’s degree or higher). Using Thompson and Hickey’s model for social class in the United States (2005), my family would be considered working class. This is defined as “clerical, pink and blue collar workers with often low job security; common household incomes range from $16,000 to $30,000 [and] high school education” (Thompson et al., 2005). My mother currently works as a part-time waitress and is going to community college to receive an associate’s degree in accounting. My father has been working as a full-time cook at a Chinese restaurant in Oakland Chinatown for about 25 years. His highest level of educational attainment is high school. These racial and social class demographics are important in understanding my social location.
Sociology is the study of humans and their social behavior since everyone is different in characteristics, the way they think, express themselves to others and the things we do. Sociologist are able to study a certain group of society and analyze their behavior because they want to see how our environment influences our way of thinking and inspiration. New York City is a place which is heavily populated by diverse cultures, religions, nationalities, race, and different morals. New York City is a place which is always busy and has 24 hours shops open for tourist, students and workers. Is a diverse city but is still relatively small. Everyone in New York are busy with their life such as work, school, raising a family, going to church, or shopping.
The workplace is a delicate environment filled with different personalities types. These differing needs of feeling safe and comfortable create many challenges in the workplace. The creation of the Human Resource Department has helped create a safety net for all employees to fall under and create a stable environment for employees to feel safe and secure. Regulations such as Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Labor have in some ways removed the common sense and compassion in the workplace and replaced it with litigation. The effect of these regulations have balanced the workplace and created a more
The role of the human resources (HR) department can play a significant role in the success and achievements of an organization. The department, which has evolved from the
The objective of the Human Resource Department is to design management systems to ensure human talent is maximized to effectively and efficiently achieve organizational goals. HR has seven functions that are intertwined. These functions are global, environmental, cultural geographic, political, social, legal, economic, and technological. Human resource management has the potential to drastically impact the success and effectiveness of an organization. Human Resources has heavily focused on recordkeeping and paperwork. It has often been considered a clerical and low-level administrative department. In most organizations, Human Resources is looked upon as the employee mediator in the organization. They tend to be the voice of the employee, building company morale and putting out fires involving crisis management. The problems they deal with are both employee work-related and not work-related. HR strives to ensure fair treatment for all employees. They work with varying departments throughout the organization in order to create and implement necessary programs and policies. HR works with equal employment opportunity and other laws, to ensure compliance. They work to fill current job openings by processing applications, interviewing, and training. They answer questions regarding benefits and wages and address safety issues. The expansion of technology and outsourcing have drastically transformed the