
City Of Ceres Sociology

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The city of Ceres is located in Stanislaus County and is a rich and diverse agricultural area. The small town’s first home was built in 1870, which was fully restored and can still be viewed thanks to the Ceres Historical society. The agricultural city attained its name from the Roman goddess of agriculture. Several community events are hosted in Ceres throughout the year and range from street festivals, holiday festivals, and park concerts. During this time many locals, businesses, and nonprofit organizations come together to plan and carry out these events.
According to the city's website the population of Ceres started in 1920 with 637 people. Today the U.S. Census Bureau documents that the Ceres population was 13,281 in 1980 and in 2014 …show more content…

When compared to the median income for the State of California, the people living in the city of Ceres earns $14,000 less per year. The level of income for the city of Ceres is influenced by the agricultural labor and low wages workers received based on the labor market, which often, for many families, is their only source of income. reports that the population for the city of Ceres I under educated with only ten percent of its citizens having a bachelor’s degree. Hence, this is why the lower income per household compared to surrounding neighborhoods and the state of …show more content…

Shirley Ann Martin, Human Resource Assistant Risk Management, Betina McCoy, Human Resource Director, and Laliah Randle, Human Resource Analyst. Lailah was the point of contact for gathering information related to this group project. She was contacted via phone and email and most of the information she provided was via email. These three Human Resource personnel are responsible for maintaining all staff members working for the City of Ceres and there are currently 180 full time employees. The Human Resource department can be found in a centralized location. Responsibilities of this department include hiring, fair and equal opportunities, training, administration, salary, employee assistance programs, classification, recruitment, and employee benefits. By having a centralized Human Resources department, the three HR staff members can streamline all department functions within a complex system. According to Wendell French, author of "Human Resource Management", the physical proximity of centralized HR staff not only improves communication but also helps to ensure that everyone is working toward the same focused goals of the organization. The disadvantages of having a centralized Human Resource department is that is each sector of the city, police, fire, etc., cannot control its own individual situations with staff, such as payroll. It does not give autonomy to each to the police department, or the

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