
Civil Rights Interview Essay

Decent Essays

I interviewed my grandparents, Janet and Earl Patterson, for this exploration. The questions that I asked where, ‘Why do you think the Civil Rights Act had to happen, and Can you tell a bit about any experiences you have had with this?’ Mrs. Patterson had a lot to say about her beliefs of why the Civil Rights Act had to happen, which made me really think about how lucky I am to live in the time that I live in. They both had a heartbreaking story about something that was done wrong to someone they knew before the Civil Rights Act, or something that happened to them even after it was put in effect. Their statements are proof enough of reasons why in our schools, we should teach more about the Civil Rights Act to make sure something like that does not repeat itself.

The first question I asked was ‘Why do you think the Civil Rights Act had to Happen?’ Mrs. Patterson stated, “ What would make them think they are better than I am?” The question that she started off with is what many people think and still think of why did white people believe they were …show more content…

The proof for why is in the event when those four men drowned another man just because he gave someone a letter. Even in school they do not teach about before the Civil Rights Act, they teach about during instead of giving a reason for why we need the Civil Rights Act. Another proof that they should teach about after the Civil Rights Act is when people stood in front of school with guns like it was okay to shoot a child. The history books that we have in middle school just skipped the after event of the Civil Right Act and tries to make people believe that after all the hard work and protest everyone was best friends. When interviewing my grandparents, it gave me a real insight of how Norwood was during the Civil Rights act before and

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