
Civil Rights Movement Research Paper

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For my project, I’m choosing to write an academic research paper specifically focusing on the role that activist art played during the civil right movements. Coming into this class, I was skeptical about the possibility of art actually playing an active role in political and social issues, but evidently activist art has contributed to numerous activist movements. Thus, this paper will aim to dispute such skepticism and analyze the impact of activist art during the civil rights movements to prove how this kind of art has and can contribute to political movements. As discussed in class, a revision and reformation on the image of African Americans was a vital component for the civil rights movements of the 1950’s and 1960’s. Consequently, African American artists during the time aimed to …show more content…

I think an effective way of fulfilling the purpose of this paper would be to pick out different examples of activist art produced during the civil rights movement, and explain how each of those examples inherited the potential to disrupt the established stereotypical and racist image that contributed to the unjust perception and treatment of the African American culture. I then plan to search for literature, whether on the internet or in in the library, that will also support my ideas on how those examples of activist art actively contributed to the cultural shift necessary for the civil rights movement. For example, I plan on doing more research on the activist group Black Panthers and describing how they utilized performance art in order to achieve their goal of shifting cultural awareness. Of course, I also plan on placing an emphasis on the deliberation that was invested to each of the art works to show the level of complexity and intellect that activist art requires in order to fulfill its political or social goal. In essence, I plan to show how all these deliberations worked together to achieve

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