Causes of the Civil War John Brown’s Raid vs. Industrial Revolution John Brown’s Raid was a more influential cause to the civil war than the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution caused incompability between the North and the South. The North relied on wage laborers with the new machine age economy while the South relied heavily on slaves. So, the North did not need slaves for their economy and fought to free the slaves. The South fought to in order to keep their cotton production going (Causing the Civil War). However, John Brown’s Raid created a more emotional response in the country. Brown gathered followers to seize arsenal …show more content…
The divisions were finally creating a breaking point (Causes of Civil War). Abraham Lincoln is elected and the southerner plantation owners are outraged because he promised to abolish slavery. They are passionate and defensive on the issue and will not back down without a fight. This promise by Lincoln is the final breaking point that pushes for war to begin. Second Great Awakening vs Fugitive Slave Act The Second Great Awakening increased the concern of slavery, which added onto the issue and made it more prominent, ultimately leading to war. The Fugitive Slave Act put the Northerners in a tight situation though. They were opposed to slavery, but this act forced them to return runaway slaves to their owners. On top of that, African Americans that were not slaves were being wrongfully accused and given absolutely no rights. The Second Great Awakening increased the concern, but the Fugitive Slave Act actually put Northerners in a position of accepting slavery and they were not going to take it. Therefore, the Fugitive Slave Act is a more moving cause to the Civil War. It made the Northerners have to decided if they were going to sit back and let the South take over their territory and let slavery spread in a sense, or would they stand up for what they believe in and fight for it? Fighting is certainly what they did (Appleby). Cotton Gin vs Missouri Compromise Although the Missouri Compromise clearly divided the country between
I believe that the Raid on Harpers Ferry led to the Civil War the most. I believe that because of the way the north and south reacted to it. Because some of the northerners called John brown a martyr, the southerners were outraged. They were outraged that someone would call Brown a hero for threatening their lives to take their property. Most of the southerners were outraged and feared slave revolts. Some of the southerners even began talking about seceding. On the other hand Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry caused tension and made any further accommodations between the North and the South nearly impossible.
In the mid 1800’s there was multiple reasons to explain the cause of the Civil War of 1861 in the United States of America. From the compromise of 1850 which passed five bills to try and solve a four year political debate between slave and free states. Most importantly the Fugitive slave act which by itself created significant turmoil. To the Election of 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was appointed to office. With the Compromise and it’s fugitive slave act plus the election of Lincoln, the tension surpassed it’s breaking point and the Southern states started to succeed resulting in the impending war.
With discontent spreading across the country, a brewing war was on the horizon. The American people were facing many different issues, centered around slavery, throughout the century which would eventually lead up to the Civil War.
Slavery makes people that are confident and people that think they can do anything, make them feel like they can't do anything and make them not confident.
Slavery was the main cause of the Civil War. The economies of the North and the South were very different. The South relied heavily on the plantations, factories and slaves for their incomes while the north relied more on its ports and trading for their economy. When the north wanted to end slavery, the south saw it as the north destroying their
Slavery has been the cause of many things: heartache, brutality, hatred, separation, and a war. The Civil War was a gruesome war, filled with destruction of a country and the separation of a nation. It is remembered as the war with the most American casualties because it was a battle between Americans and their ideals. The Civil War was brought on by a few key points, including but not limited to during the years of 1845-1861, the Wilmot Proviso, the California Gold Rush, the Compromise of 1850, crises of the 1850s, the election of Abraham Lincoln, and the secession of states from the Union.
Slavery was the main cause of the Civil War because it caused conflict. Abolitionists were people, usually Northerners, fighting against slavery. The disagreement in opinion on slavery caused an immense separation between the North and South. The Civil War was caused by slavery, mostly The Underground Railroad, The Fugitive Slave Act and the Dred Scott Decision.
Some may argue that slavery itself did not start the war, the problems it created did. And in a way they are right. Slavery made each side believe they are different from one another. How could they see it any other way? They were divided by a Compromise line, ideals, different economies, and different political officials. The disunion of the nation was inevitable because of these differences and sparked many battles and rebellions pre-civil war; and under lincoln they become united.
The Civil War was caused by the economics of slavery and the political control of that system, specifically being states’ rights on the federal powers of the government, the territorial expansion of the united states that led to the division of the two sides, and the election of President Abraham Lincoln which was the final event that sent the nation to war.
From the above, the most important cause of the Civil War is the economic conflict between the north and the south with the abolition of slavery. The union won the final victory in the Civil War. The victory of the union strengthened the unification of the country and also laid the status of the capitalism. The subsequent Reconstruction cleared the way to the development of economy.
In 1860, the world 's greatest nation was locked in Civil War. The war divided the country between the North and South. There were many factors that caused this war, but the main ones were the different interpretations of the Constitution by the North and South, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the arrival of
Slavery was the most important cause of the Civil War, because this single issue divided the North and South to begin with. The ideological differences between the North and South led to economic differences, conflicts over newly acquired territories, disputes over the constitution, and political extremism. The Election of 1860 was the culmination of these disputes and caused the South to secede in 1861 and guided the way towards the Civil War.
The North’s actions of abolishing slavery and enacting tariffs caused the South to fight in hopes of preserving their way of life and economy. Plantations in the South were only successful because of slavery. Without the slaves helping them create the abundance of cotton, the South would have no economy. The country’s economy would be greatly altered if slavery was eliminated both from a consumer and producer perspective. When the North did announce that they wanted to completely eradicate slavery, the South was taken aback due to the fact that the whole country would not function without slavery and the cotton produced. The North wanted the South to industrialize but the South replied “… we must ever continue to be, wholly dependent upon agriculture and commerce (South Caroline Protest Against the Tariff of 1828).” The climate in the South did not allow for the same industrialization to occur as it did in the North. Plantations and their productions of cash crops were booming in the South and the northern frontier was too small of a market, therefore leading them to sell to foreign countries. This caused the North to enact tariffs and in order to prevent the South from being too successful and lose them as a market. The North ended up petrifying the Southerners into fighting a war in order to preserve their way of life and thriving economy.
The causes of the Civil War were complex and have been controversial since the country began. Some causes include; states’ rights, economics, and slavery. The most recognizable and popular cause is slavery. The freeing of the slaves was an important moral issue at the time and one of the greatest causes of the civil war. "It was only by carefully avoiding the moral issue involved in slavery that Northerners and Southerners could meet on any common ground." (Goldston, 79). The time came in which our great country would finally address the moral issue of slavery. Although there are many different causes to the American Civil War, the main cause was slavery because other causes are rooted in the issue of slavery.
Slavery, as Abraham Lincoln often noted, was the root cause of the Civil War. Tensions over slavery dated back to the contradictory nature of the American Revolution of 1776 that resulted in a republic simultaneously committed to freedom for whites and bondage for blacks (Barney W., p. 61). Within years North and South reached the point at which compromise was not possible. At that time Civil War had been started.