
Civil War Dbq

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It’s April 12th, 1861 and the Civil war has begun. The Union States (north) and the States of the Confederacy (south) are going against each other. The south is for not banning slavery and the north is for banning slavery. The civil war begun April 12th, 1861 and ended on May 13th, 1865. The civil war ended slavery, was the birth of feminism. It was also a new birth of freedom to the US. To be begin with, the civil war brought slavery to an end by Abraham Lincoln. In his speech, “Gettysburg Address”, says, “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.” (Lincoln, 2). With this in mind, he (Abraham Lincoln) wants to show that this nation is dedicated and willing to do anything to get it. In other words, Lincoln tells the crowd that the war has meaning behind it and that it’s worth fighting for to end slavery along with other things. Additionally, “it is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us...” (Lincoln, 4). The words “ a great task remaining before us” means the banishment of slavery. Also, the main purpose for the civil war was banning slavery. To summarize, slavery was brought to an end by the civil …show more content…

In the speech “Ain’t I a Woman” it says, women need to be helped into carriages and helped over mud puddles but no man has ever done that for her. (Truth, 2). Truth is an African American female and when she says that no man has ever helped her, she means that because she was a form a different race and not white. Another example of the civil war being the birth of feminism,” If my cup won’t hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn’t you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full?” (Truth, 3). Truth is comparing and contrasting the rights of women and African Americans. The cup represents the rights of the women. Overall, the birth of feminism was during the civil

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