
Civil War Dbq Analysis

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Countries fight other countries all the time, but would a country really fight against it’s own people? Yes, in 1861 Americans fought other Americans in The Civil War. America was divided into two parts, the Union and the Confederacy. They fought over their opinions about slavery, which the Union was heavily against and the Confederacy loved. One of the major states that was part of the Confederacy was Texas, but that made others wonder, why did Texans fight in the Civil War? Texans fought in the Civil War to protect states rights, for their love of Texas, and to keep slavery around. Texans fought in the Civil War to protect states rights. Document B states, “ That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African mutually beneficial to both bond (slave) and free.” This shows that the Texas was trying to protect their rights of having slaves but America was trying to tell them that they couldn’t. Texas was trying to protect the rights of having slaves. Document C states, “ The true theory of our (national) government as an association of sovereignties (independent states), and not a blended mass of people in one social compact.” This is showing that people …show more content…

Document D states, “Tell him not to inlist till just before they go to draft him and only enlist for Texas service.” This document shows that when soldiers were drafted, they wanted to serve for Texas and help Texas as much as they could. People as young as 13 years old were drafted to fight in the Civil War but it’s hard to imagine why someone so young would risk their life. They just loved Texas. “Tell Lissy not to talk to me about marring up here, for if I ever marry it will be in Texas, I think” (Document D). Citizens of Texas saw a future there and loved the state, and that is why they risked their life for

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