Title: The American Civil War Review Scavenger Hunt
Use the underlined sites to find the answers to the questions. (Place your cursor before the
Question mark and type your question. Highlight a word or words and link to the web site
Where the answer is located.)
1. Who was the president of the Confederate States of America? Jefferson Davis
2. Clara Barton became the first president of the American Red Cross.
3. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865 in Washington D.C. by
John Wilkes Booth.
4. Union General William T. Sherman was responsible for burning Atlanta and then marching his troops to the sea in Savannah. His fighting technique which destroyed civilian resources and homes as well as
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27. The ___________________________ was a ruling by the Supreme Court that black slaves were property and did not have the same rights as white citizens. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h2933.html 28. List 2 strengths for both the North and the South. http://www.socialstudieshelp.com/Lesson_35_Notes.htm 29. The ___________________________ called for Union _________________ of southern ports in an effort to cut off food and resources and cripple the South 's economy. http://www.civilwarhome.com/anacondaplan.htm 30. __________________ actually killed more men than fighting during the Civil War. http://civilwarhome.com/civilwarmedicine.htm 31. NC got their nickname as the "Tar Heels" because http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_Heel 32. Explain the phrase "rich man 's war & poor man 's fight." http://www.wtv-zone.com/civilwar/usdraft.html 35. What were the first two ironclad ships to battle in the Civil War? http://www.americancivilwar.org.uk/news_12-august-2006-the-first-ironclad-battle- %E2%80%93-the-uss-monitor-and-the-css-virginia-9th-march-1862_63.htm
36. Define the word Conscription. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/cwphtml/tl1863.html 37. When was the first draft instituted in the United States (month, day, and year)? http://www.civilwarhome.com/conscription.htm 38. Find three ethnic groups that fought in the
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The election of Abraham Lincoln accompanied with the economic and social difference between Souths and north created a rift with in the states. The dissent grew between union opponents and confederates resulting in to deadly civil war. “It began with fanfare of bugles and patriotic oratory, with both sides promising that it would be over in ninety days” (Oates, 364). It miss estimated by both sides whereby plunged into in exorable war. Young folks streamed to recruiting centers from both sides influenced by fellow friends and fascinating military pride. Both sides were not prepared militarily to participate nor had the experienced professional soldiers. The attack of
In August of 1861, William F. Ketchum patented the Ketchum Hand Grenade. Shortly after, in the years of 1863 and 1864, the grenade was implemented in the American Civil War.
Before the Civil War, African Americans living in America were seen and treated as lesser persons, primarily by not having voting rights and not being given equal treatment in relation to the law. When the war ended in 1865, many changes were made, some good and some bad. The bad that came from the war was that so much destruction was caused, specifically in the south; many means of transportation was ruined. Although the destruction caused a major setback, much good came about from the war, like the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. The Thirteenth Amendment, the amendment that ended slavery, states, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,
The civil war was an ugly fight between the North, which was called the Union, they were against slavery, and the South who were called the Confederacy, they were for slavery.
The Civil war is known to be the bloodiest American War, one that has tainted our history forever and is so significant that is taught to young children. The war had started with the whole conflict on how slavery should be handled with, leading to a bunch of arguments up in the North and the South. Until the south had said “Enough!” and decided to make its separate government for they had no longer agreed to the constitution and government, this is how the war had started. This war was about whether the south should be able to separate from the Union, it was only until the Emancipation Proclamation that everything had changed. That is when finally, when President Abraham Lincoln had decided to make the war about slavery. He made it all about
If the American Civil War had ended other than it did—or if the federal government and the northern states decided to pursue a negotiated separation from the south—residents of the Confederate States of America (CSA) might still be celebrating their Independence today.
The American Civil War was a war over the secession of the Confederacy. The Confederate States of America were formed after 11 slave states declared their secession due to the election of an Anti-Slavery republican as president. The remaining 25 states formed the Union. Weapons such as the Gatling Gun, repeating rifle, which gave soldier the ability to fire multiple rounds without reloading, railroads and telegraphs, which played large factors in means of transportation of information as well as supplies, and the “minie ball”, a new type of ammunition, which caused immense and mortal wounds on the battlefield, were being developed, all aided the Union in
Memorials have been the displays that represent the past. Many people from when the memorial was built, can go and learn a lot just from where it was placed. Lasting from the years of 1861 to 1865, the great American Civil War was a war that changed United States history. With American’s fighting against themselves, it was a battle in which over six hundred twenty-two thousand lives were lost. With memorials set almost everywhere in the United States, Gettysburg National Military Park has over one thousand four hundred monuments alone!
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President Abraham Lincoln, General William T. Sherman and Colonel Trowbridge's differing perspectives of the Civil War created very unique views of the war. President Lincoln saw the war as a painful and necessary burden for him to bear. General Sherman saw the war as a tool to rid the United States of the rebels that were attempting to dissolve the Union. Finally Colonel Trowbridge viewed the war on a much more personal level. He witnessed first hand men fighting the government of their former masters for their freedom. While all three of the men's views differed, all three held a singular belief that the union must be preserved. That need to preserve the union was the justification for the war that the three men used.
The American Civil War raged on between 1861 and 1864, pitting the Northern States against the Southern States. There was great tension that had been building up for several reasons, and the biggest issue was slavery in the South. Southerners fought to keep their slaves, while Northerners wanted to eliminate the spread of slavery. These letters show the shift in gender roles, feelings toward the enemy, and the experiences the soldiers had during the war.
Over the course of time between the American Revolution and American Civil War, there was a momentous change in the technology and tactics used to fight the wars. Most notably was the inclusion of new technologies during the Civil War, invented only slightly beforehand. Of the changes in technology, the weaponry exhibited the most impactful change, evolving from a simple flintlock musket to the advance minié ball repeater rifle. The tactics evolved as well from the guerrilla tactics used by the Americans in the Revolutionary War, to the more classical and gentlemanesque style of formal lines marching towards each other in an open area. This later tactic is the same as that used by the British soldiers in this time period. These men lined up
The Civil War was an era that made people reconsider most norms of life. Many civil right movements erected after the Civil War in response to the reconstruction of social and political classes. These new ideas will lead society into conflict and a rise to groups that will threaten that transition. Slavery to northerners was mostly and estranged topic that very few knew or wanted to know about. It wasn't till literature like “Uncle Tom's Cabin” and “Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation” that people in free states took meaning to the horrors of slavery and how it affected the captured. Political ideologies quickly interconnected with social standards and made the Civil War distinctly between two groups of people with different objectives on where
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