
Civilization And Perception

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George Orwell, 20th century award winning novelist of 1984 wrote, “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” This idea is the fundamental basis under which lies various identity surrounded disputes within modern communities. The influence of the Spanish conquest on Native Americans and their struggle to reconstruct their identity today, and the Ayodhya dispute between the Hindu and Muslim people depicts the consequences of the Western idea of White Man’s burden and the importance of a nation-state’s interpretation of the past to assert a political agenda. The past’s concept of civilization greatly affects modern perception of identities today, thus leading to contention in the identity struggles …show more content…

Native Americans were indigenous to the land for at least 11,000 years prior to European interference, and consisted of hundreds of different tribes and settlements. However, upon the European’s arrival, they were all labeled a homogenous “ Indian”, and classified as barbarians and savages due to their lack of clothing, and dark coloring. Today, Native Americans still struggle to assert land ownership and even basic human rights. “ Some of the most impressive artwork of the Aztecs of Mexico, Polynesians of the Pacific, Inca of South America, and ancient Egyptians are not to be found in Mexico, Polynesia, Peru, or Egypt but in Museums located in Western Europe and North America.” (Feder, 62) Native Americans have long felt like foreigners in their own land, especially in the years following the Manifest Destiny Doctrine. How many years must pass before someone is considered archaeological evidence? Regarding the excavation of other civilizations, it’s several centuries. However American museums such as the Smithsonian have been known to have housed Native American remains not even thirty years old. Many laws have been passed since …show more content…

The past is used to form and reinforce group identities, and physical things are used as evidence of national identity, and powerful symbols of a civilization’s impact on an area . The Babri mosque stood as a religious symbol of Muslim national identity, and for the Hindu community, a denial of their religious heritage. Since 1947, Hindus have tried to prove that the first Mughal emperor, Babur, destroyed a temple for their deity: Rama, and in its place built the mosque. In 1942, Hindu nationalists destroyed the Mosque, and the riots that broke out in India and Bangladesh contributed to over three thousand deaths. The destruction of the symbolic site was the Hindu nationalist’s attempt to erase Muslim national identity from India, to assert control over the civilization they considered to be their subordinates. Excavatory efforts in 1990 unearthed sculptures that the Hindus believed to be of Rama. In 2003, upon court ordered excavation, evidence of a prior Hindu structure was unearthed, and in 2010 the court of India divided the site into three parts, the Hindus receiving two-thirds of the site, and Muslims the rest. Materially, by promoting their interpretations of the past, Hindu people gained an official ruling that stated that the site was the birthplace of Rama. Ideologically, they received public acknowledgement that the site

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